

单词 低温
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COOK〕Place on a baking sheet and bake in a very low oven until crisp. 放在烤板上低温烘烤至脆。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Professional film is stored at a low temperature to prevent it from deteriorating. 专业胶卷以低温储存,以免变质。朗文写作活用〔absolute scale〕A scale of temperature with absolute zero as the minimum.绝对温标体系:以绝对零度为最低温度的温度测量体系美国传统〔active〕The virus is active even at low temperatures.这种病毒即使在低温下也有活性。朗文当代〔carbon star〕Any of a class of stars with high carbon-to-hydrogen ratios and primarily low temperatures.碳星:具有高碳氢比的恒星中的任一颗,它们基本上是低温恒星美国传统〔cold fusion〕A hypothetical form of nuclear fusion occurring without the use of extreme temperature or pressure.低温核融合:在没有使用极端温度或压力的情况下产生的原子核聚变假设形式美国传统〔cold rubber〕A durable, strong synthetic rubber polymerized at low temperatures.冷橡胶:低温下聚合,形成的一种强度高的人工合成橡胶美国传统〔condense〕The cooler temperatures cause the gas to condense into a liquid.低温使气体凝结成液体。韦氏高阶〔condition〕Hypothermia is an extremely complex condition.低温症是一种极其复杂的疾病。外研社新世纪〔cooling tower〕A large tower or similar structure typically attached to a power plant through which water is circulated to lower its temperature by partial evaporation.冷却塔:大的塔或相似的结构。通常是连接到发电厂,从那里借着蒸发,水会被循环来降低温度美国传统〔cool〕The vaccines were kept cool in refrigerators.疫苗被放置于冰箱里, 以保持低温。外研社新世纪〔critical temperature〕The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied, regardless of the pressure applied.临界温度:不管所用压力多大,气体不能被液化的最低温度美国传统〔cryobank〕A place of storage that uses very low temperatures to preserve semen or transplantable tissues.冷库:一个用低温来保存种子或可移植组织的储藏场所美国传统〔cryobiology〕The study of the effects of very low temperatures on living organisms.低温生物学:研究低温对生物影响的学科美国传统〔cryogenic〕Of or relating to low temperatures.低温的:低温的或与之有关的美国传统〔cryogenic〕Requiring or suitable to cryogenic storage.低温存储的:需要或适合低温存储的美国传统〔cryometer〕A thermometer capable of measuring very low temperatures.低温计:一种能够测量极低温度的温度计美国传统〔cryophilic〕Having an affinity for or thriving at low temperatures.嗜冷的:具有喜爱低温的特性或在低温中能快速生长的美国传统〔cryopreserve〕To preserve (cells or tissue, for example) by freezing at very low temperatures.冷藏:通过在极低温度下冷冻的方法来保存(例如,细胞或组织)美国传统〔cryostat〕An apparatus used to maintain constant low temperature.低温恒温器:一种用来维持恒定低温的仪器美国传统〔flash point〕The lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be made to ignite momentarily in air.燃点,引火点:使可燃性液体的蒸汽能够在空气中即刻点燃所需的最低温度美国传统〔flash-freeze〕To freeze (a biological specimen, for example) instantaneously by exposure to an environment of very low temperature.急速冷冻标本:将生物学标本曝露于瞬间低温环境中美国传统〔freezability〕The low temperature froze my flowers.低温把我的花冻死了。21世纪英汉〔freeze〕The low temperature will freeze my flowers.低温会把我的花冻死。英汉大词典〔function〕The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate.这里的低温是地形与气候同时作用的结果。剑桥高阶〔heat〕Cook the meat on a high/low heat (= at a high/low temperature).用高温/低温来烹调肉。剑桥高阶〔heavy going〕The cold made the race heavy going for many runners.低温使得许多赛跑者难以完成比赛。韦氏高阶〔hypothermia〕He was suffering from severe hypothermia.他患有严重的低温症。外研社新世纪〔low〕Overnight lows will be around 5 degrees Celsius.夜间的最低温度大约在5摄氏度左右。麦克米伦高阶〔low〕She uses the iron on a low setting when she is working with delicate fabrics.她把熨斗调到低温挡来熨烫易损织物。韦氏高阶〔low〕Warmer temperatures are forecast, up from Monday's low of 2 degrees.预报天气转暖, 比周一2度的低温有所回升。外研社新世纪〔minimum〕The minimum in our temperature record this month was 50 degrees.这个月我们记录到的最低温度是50度。外研社新世纪〔plus〕The aircraft was subjected to temperatures of minus 65 degrees and plus 120 degrees.对飞机进行了零下65度的低温测试和120度的高温测试。外研社新世纪〔pour point〕The lowest temperature at which an oil or other liquid will pour under given conditions.流(动)点:油或其他液体在规定条件下流动的最低温度美国传统〔psychrophilic〕Thriving at relatively low temperatures. Used of certain bacteria.嗜冷的:在相对较低温度下比较活跃的,用于某种细菌美国传统〔refrigerator〕An appliance, a cabinet, or a room for storing food or other substances at a low temperature.冰箱,冰柜,冷藏室:在低温下贮存食物或其它物质的装置、柜子或房间美国传统〔replace〕I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.我把所有的油脂清除干净,然后用油来代替,从而使它在低温条件下运转得更好。柯林斯高阶〔represent〕High and low temperatures are represented by colored lines on the graph.高温和低温由图表上的彩色线条表示。韦氏高阶〔resilience〕Cold temperatures caused the material to lose resilience.低温使这种材料失去了弹性。韦氏高阶〔resistant〕These plants are resistant to cold temperatures.这些植物耐低温。韦氏高阶〔setback〕An automatically timed setting of a thermostat to a lower temperature, as in the home at night.恒温器:家中夜间使用的自动定时保持低温的恒温器美国传统〔setting〕My hairdryer has three settings - high, medium, and low.我的吹风机有3挡——高温、中温和低温挡。剑桥高阶〔slow〕Bake in a slow oven (150℃) for 45 minutes.在低温烘箱(150摄氏度)中烘焙45分钟。外研社新世纪〔snow mold〕A disease of grasses appearing as grayish-white or pinkish patches after heavy snow has melted and caused by fungi that thrive at low temperatures.雪霉病:一种草病,在大雪融化后表现为灰白色或粉红色的斑块,由在低温中滋长的真菌引起美国传统〔strip〕The soldiers were forced to strip naked in freezing temperatures.战士们被迫在刺骨的低温下脱光衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔subject〕Her subject (= special area of study) is low-temperature physics.她的专业是低温物理学。剑桥高阶〔sunscald〕Localized injury or death of the tissues of a woody plant caused by excessive sun in summer and by the combined effects of sun and low temperatures in winter.日灼病:木质植物组织的部分灼伤或坏死,由夏天过多日光辐射或冬天日光和低温的共同作用引起美国传统〔switch back〕Switch the oven back to 'low'.将烤箱调回到低温挡。外研社新世纪〔temperature〕The food must be kept at a low temperature.这食品必须放置在低温处。英汉大词典〔temperature〕The seeds need a minimum temperature of about 15°C to germinate.种子发芽的最低温度为15摄氏度。麦克米伦高阶〔temperature〕The seeds should be stored at low temperatures .这些种子要在低温下保存。朗文当代〔temperature〕The weatherman predicted unusually low/high temperatures for the area.气象员预报这一地区将有罕见低温/高温。韦氏高阶〔vernalization〕Subjection of seeds or seedlings to low temperature in order to hasten plant development and flowering.春化作用,春化处理:为了加速植物的生长和开花把种子或幼苗置于低温度下美国传统〔zap〕The device gives cold batteries a zap of energy to bring them back to life.这种设备给低温下的电池注入电流,使其恢复功用。剑桥高阶My hairdryer has three settings--high, medium and low.我的吹风机有三挡----高温、中温和低温挡。剑桥国际The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate.地形和气候共同造成了这里的低温。剑桥国际Unseasonably low temperatures have left the beaches deserted in what are usually the busiest two weeks of summer.不当时令的低温使海滩上原本是夏季最繁忙的两周变得空荡荡的。剑桥国际Warm the sauce over a low heat but don't let it boil.把调味汁用低温热一下,别让它沸腾起来。剑桥国际




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