

单词 体内
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ROUND〕The stuffed birds had been encased in glass globes. 制成标本的鸟被装进玻璃球体内。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Pregnancy causes all sorts of hormonal changes in your body. 怀孕引起体内荷尔蒙发生各种变化。朗文写作活用〔accumulate〕Toxic chemicals tend to accumulate in the body.有毒化学物质容易在体内聚积。牛津搭配〔any〕Always check the details carefully before you sign any written agreement.签署任何书面协议之前都要仔细审核具体内容。朗文当代〔attack〕The virus attacks the body's red blood cells.这种病毒侵害身体内的血红细胞。麦克米伦高阶〔autoinfection〕Infection, such as recurrent boils, caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that persist on or in the body.自体感染:一种感染,如再生的疖,因在体表或体内存留的细菌、病毒或寄生虫引起美国传统〔ballistic〕Ballistic tests have matched the weapons with bullets taken from the bodies of victims.弹道测试业已证明, 这些武器和受害者遗体内取出的子弹相吻合。外研社新世纪〔brown fat〕A dark-colored, mitochondrion-rich adipose tissue in many mammals that generates heat to regulate body temperature, especially in hibernating animals.肩胛间腺:很多哺乳动物身上深色的、富含线粒体的脂肪组织,可产生热量以调节体温,尤指在冬眠动物体内美国传统〔burn〕To metabolize (glucose, for example) in the body.代谢:体内的新陈代谢(例如葡萄糖)美国传统〔cabinet〕There was a meeting of the full Cabinet this afternoon.今天下午举行了一次全体内阁成员会议。牛津搭配〔caliber〕The diameter of the inside of a round cylinder, such as a tube.口径:圆柱体内侧圆的直径,如管道美国传统〔canaliculus〕A small canal or duct in the body, such as the minute channels in compact bone.小管:体内细小的渠道或导管,如密质骨中纤细的管道美国传统〔centrosphere〕The mass of cytoplasm surrounding the centriole in a centrosome.中心球:在中心体内中心粒周围的大量细胞质美国传统〔charge〕To cause formation of a net electric charge on or in (a conductor, for example).使带电荷:促使(如导体内)净电荷形成美国传统〔chip〕Chip your pet.将芯片植入你的宠物体内。外研社新世纪〔circulate〕Blood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环。外研社新世纪〔circulate〕Blood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环。英汉大词典〔circulate〕Blood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环。韦氏高阶〔circulate〕The heart circulates blood around the body.心脏使血液在体内循环。牛津搭配〔circulatory system〕The system of structures, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics, by which blood and lymph are circulated throughout the body.循环系统:由心脏、血管和淋巴管组成的结构系统,血液和淋巴经其在体内循环美国传统〔cleanse〕Practitioners claim that reflexology can cleanse the body of toxins.从业者声称足底按摩疗法可以清除体内的毒素。外研社新世纪〔coelenteron〕The saclike cavity within the body of a coelenterate.体肠腔:腔肠动物体内的囊状腔美国传统〔collenchyme〕A gelatinous mesenchyme that constitutes a layer in the body wall of many coelenterates and ctenophores.胶充质:一种胶状间质,在许多腔肠动物及栉水母门动物身体内壁构成一层隔膜美国传统〔commercially〕Insulin is produced commercially from animals.为获利从动物体内提取胰岛素。柯林斯高阶〔concretion〕Pathology A solid mass, usually composed of inorganic material, formed in a cavity or tissue of the body; a calculus.【病理学】 (医)结石:通常形成于人体内部器官中的由无机物构成的块状固体;结石美国传统〔conjugation tube〕A slender tube in certain bacteria and algae that connects two individuals during conjugation and through which the transfer of genetic material occurs.接合管:在某些细菌或藻类体内的一种细长管,在配对期间用来连接两个个体并传输基因物质美国传统〔counterirritant〕An agent that induces local inflammation to relieve inflammation in underlying or adjacent tissues.对抗刺激剂:用导致局部发炎来减轻体内较深部位或附近组织的发炎的药剂美国传统〔crypt〕Anatomy A small pit, recess, or glandular cavity in the body.【解剖学】 小囊,腺窝,隐窝:身体内部的小凹陷、隐窝或腺腔美国传统〔current〕The committee reflects the different political currents within the organization.该委员会反映出了团体内部各种不同的政治思潮。朗文当代〔dispose〕The body releases a chemical that disposes you towards sleep.体内释放出一种使人昏昏欲睡的化学物质。朗文当代〔distillation column〕A tall metal cylinder internally fitted with perforated horizontal plates used to promote separation of miscible liquids ascending in the cylinder as vapor.分馏柱:一种高大的金属制圆柱体,内有打孔的水平底,用于提高圆柱体内如蒸汽的上升可溶混合液体的提取美国传统〔electrogenesis〕The most important role of electrogenesis in animals is in the propagation of nerve impulses.动物体内产生电的最主要作用在于传播神经冲动。英汉大词典〔eliminate〕The body naturally eliminates waste products.身体可自然清除体内垃圾。韦氏高阶〔embryo〕Two or three embryos are implanted into the woman's body.这个妇人体内已经移植了两三个胚胎。牛津搭配〔endocrine system〕The bodily system that consists of the endocrine glands and functions to regulate body activities.内分泌系统:包括内分泌腺在内调节身体活动或功能的体内系统美国传统〔endogenous〕Endogenous insulin levels decrease over time in people with type 2 diabetes.二型糖尿病患者体内自生胰岛素水平会逐渐降低。剑桥高阶〔endometriosis〕Doctors can treat endometriosis by controlling the levels of oestrogen in the body.医生可以通过控制体内雌激素治疗子宫内膜异位。剑桥高阶〔endoparasite〕A parasite, such as a tapeworm, that lives within another organism.内寄生物:生活于另一生物体内的寄生物,如绦虫美国传统〔evacuate〕To excrete waste matter from the body.排除,清除:从体内排出废物美国传统〔flush〕Drinking plenty of water helps to flush harmful substances out of your body.喝大量的水有助于把有害物质从体内清除出去。麦克米伦高阶〔flush〕Drinking water helps flush out toxins from the body.饮水有助于清除体内毒素。朗文当代〔flush〕I was recommended fruit juices to flush nicotine out of the body.有人劝我多喝果汁以排除体内尼古丁。英汉大词典〔formula〕The product is made using a secret formula that the company refuses to reveal.这个产品是用一种秘方制成的,公司拒绝透露它的具体内容。韦氏高阶〔germ theory〕The doctrine holding that infectious diseases are caused by the activity of microorganisms within the body.生源说,传染病源论:认为传染病是由体内微生物活动造成的学说美国传统〔gland〕A cell, a group of cells, or an organ that produces a secretion for use elsewhere in the body or in a body cavity or for elimination from the body.腺:一个或一群细胞或一器官,它们能生产出供身体或体腔使用的分泌液或为了从体内排除出去美国传统〔go on〕No one knows exactly what went on during their private meeting.没人知道他们秘密会谈的具体内容。韦氏高阶〔hematopoiesis〕The formation of blood or blood cells in the body.生血作用:体内血液或血细胞的生成美国传统〔hemosiderin〕A protein that stores iron in the body, derived chiefly from the hemoglobin released during hemolysis.血铁黄素,血铁黄蛋白:体内贮存铁的蛋白,主要来源于血细胞溶解时所释放的血红蛋白美国传统〔homeostasis〕The ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.体内平衡:一个生物体或细胞通过调整其生理过程从而保持体内平衡的能力或趋势美国传统〔hydrate〕After you run, drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated.跑步后要多喝水,以保持体内有充足的水分。朗文当代〔implantation〕Doctors in Arizona say they have implanted an artificial heart into a 46-year-old woman.亚利桑那州的医生称他们已经把一颗人造心脏移植到一名 46 岁妇女的体内。柯林斯高阶〔implantation〕Two days later, they implanted the fertilized eggs back inside me.两天以后,他们把受精卵重新植入了我的体内。柯林斯高阶〔implant〕To graft or insert (a tissue) within the body.移植:在体内移植或放入(组织)美国传统〔inactivator〕Individuals could be divided into two categories: rapid and slow inactivators of the drug.个体可分为两大类:药物在其体内迅速失效者和药物在其体内缓慢失效者。英汉大词典〔incubate〕The virus will incubate in the body for several days before the patient experiences any symptoms.在病人出现任何症状之前,这种病毒会在人体内潜伏几天。韦氏高阶〔incubation〕Medicine The development of an infection from the time the pathogen enters the body until signs or symptoms first appear.【医学】 潜伏:从病原体进入体内到症状最初出现的感染发展过程美国传统〔infusion〕Horses of this type carry some infusion of thoroughbred blood.这类马体内混有一些纯种马的血液。英汉大词典〔injection〕An anaesthetic was administered by injection.麻醉剂已注射入体内。牛津高阶〔internal〕Located, acting, or effective within the body.体内的:位于,起作用于,或有影响于身体内部的美国传统〔internecine〕Of or relating to struggle within a nation, an organization, or a group.内部斗争的:属于或关于一个国家、组织、或团体内部之斗争的美国传统〔juvenile hormone〕A hormone in arthropod larvae that inhibits ecdysone, thereby preventing molting and the development of larvae into adults until its level drops.保幼激素,返幼激素:节肢动物幼虫体内抑制蜕皮激素的一种荷尔蒙,可阻止蜕皮和幼虫发育成成虫直至该激素的数量减少美国传统〔lash〕They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate.他们试图把鱼叉刺进鳐鱼体内,以防它猛摆那蜇人的尾巴报复。柯林斯高阶〔latent〕The virus remains latent in the body for many years.这种病毒会在体内潜伏许多年。朗文当代〔marker〕These studies were not concerned with the specific content mentioned when a physiological marker was present.这些研究与生理标志出现时提到的具体内容无关。外研社新世纪〔modelling〕He proposed a model of stress reaction in the body.他提出了一个人体内应激反应的模型。柯林斯高阶〔multimedia〕Intel and Sony also will codevelop future applications for bringing other PC-based multimedia content to mobile phones.英特尔和索尼两家公司还将共同开发新的应用程序, 将其他基于个人计算机的多媒体内容移植到移动电话上。外研社新世纪〔naturally〕Testosterone is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body.睾丸激素是人体内自然产生的一种激素。麦克米伦高阶〔neoplasm〕An abnormal new growth of tissue in animals or plants; a tumor.瘤:动物或植物体内组织的异常新生物;肿瘤美国传统〔nut〕He's more concerned about the nuts and bolts of location work.他更关心的是选址工作的具体内容。外研社新世纪〔offender〕The contraceptive pill is the worst offender, but it is not the only drug to deplete the body's vitamin levels.避孕药的危害最大,但是它并不是唯一一种消耗体内维生素的药物。柯林斯高阶〔ostium〕A small opening or orifice, as in a body organ or passage.小孔:小口或小洞,如在人体器官或人体内的通道上的美国传统〔parathyroid hormone〕A hormone produced by the parathyroid glands that regulates the amount of calcium in the body.甲状旁腺荷尔蒙,甲状旁腺(激)素:甲状旁腺分泌的调节体内钙含量的激素美国传统〔parenteral〕Medicine Taken into the body or administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract, as by intravenous or intramuscular injection.【医学】 不经肠的,注射用药物的:不经过消化道而用静脉注射或肌内注射的方式进入体内或服用的美国传统〔photorespiration〕Oxidation of carbohydrates in plants with the release of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.光呼吸(作用):在光合作用过程中,植物释放出二氧化碳,同时体内碳氢化合物氧化美国传统〔physostomous〕Having a connecting tube between the air bladder and a part of the alimentary canal, as in certain fishes.通鳔的:气囊和消化道一部分之间有通道的,如某些鱼体内美国传统〔proportion〕Women's bodies tend to have a higher proportion of fat to water.女性的身体内脂肪与水分的比例往往更高。柯林斯高阶〔remanence〕The magnetic induction that remains in a material after removal of the magnetizing force.剩余磁化强度:在磁化的力量移走之后残留在物体内的磁感应强度美国传统〔riot〕The virus can run riot through your body.病毒会在你的体内蔓延滋生。麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn foetus.酗酒的孕妇可能会给体内的胎儿造成伤害。柯林斯高阶〔rumour〕There have been persistent rumours of quarrels within the movement.运动团体内部存在争执的传闻始终未断。柯林斯高阶〔sap〕The watery fluid that circulates through a plant, carrying food and other substances to the various tissues.树液:在植物体内循环的为各种组织提供养料和其他物质的水状液体美国传统〔serodiagnosis〕Diagnosis of disease based on reactions in the blood serum of the body.血清学诊断:基于体内血清反应的疾病诊断美国传统〔stasis〕Pathology Stoppage of the normal flow of a body substance, as of blood through an artery or of intestinal contents through the bowels.【病理学】 阻塞:身体内物质正常流动的停止,如血液流过动脉或肠中物质通过肠的停止美国传统〔state〕The supreme public power within a sovereign political entity.最高:统治政体内部的最高公众权力美国传统〔stethoscope〕Any of various instruments used for listening to sounds produced within the body.听诊器:用于听体内产生声音的各种器具美国传统〔stress〕Hormones are released into the body in response to emotional stress.情绪一紧张体内就会产生荷尔蒙。韦氏高阶〔synthesize〕Amino acid is synthesized in the body.氨基酸在体内合成。韦氏高阶〔transplant〕Doctors transplanted one of his kidneys into his sister.医生们将他的一个肾脏移植到他妹妹体内。韦氏高阶〔up to〕I know they're up to something, but I don't know what.我知道他们在密谋什么事,但不知道具体内容。韦氏高阶〔wagon〕I'm on the wagon for a while. Cleaning out my system.我这段时间正在戒酒,对体内进行大扫除。柯林斯高阶〔waste material〕Blood flows through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients and removing waste materials from the tissues.血液在身体内流动, 输送氧气和养分, 清除组织里的垃圾。外研社新世纪〔wiring〕Our internal wiring has not changed much since the time of our hairy ancestors.从我们的多毛祖先以来,我们的体内神经网络并没有发生多少变化。牛津搭配〔work〕It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system.这药需要一段时间才能从你体内排出。牛津高阶Doctors transplanted a monkey's heart into/in a two-year old child (= Doctors removed the child's faulty heart and put in a monkey's).医生把一颗猴子的心脏移植到一个两岁的孩子的体内。剑桥国际The illness depletes the body of vitamins.疾病耗空了体内的维生素。剑桥国际The vet prescribed a medicine to worm my puppy. 兽医开了一种药驱除我那小狗体内的寄生虫。译典通The virus attacks specific cells in the body.这种病毒攻击体内一种特殊的细胞。剑桥国际The virus suppresses the body's immune system.这病毒抑制体内的免疫系统。剑桥国际The way in which the blood is carried round the body is shown in the above diagram (=one in a higher position on the same page).血液在身体内的循环路线如上图所示。剑桥国际You could see the dog weakening daily as the disease spread through its body.随着疾病在这只狗的体内蔓延,你可以看出它在日渐虚弱。剑桥国际




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