

单词 体会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Creed〕We, the congregation, were saying the Creed, 'I believe in God, the Father'.我们全体会众齐诵信经:“我信上帝, 全能的父。”外研社新世纪〔EXPERIENCE〕It was the first time she had ever experienced real poverty. 那是她第一次真正体会到贫穷的滋味。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕Who can really imagine the sense of hopelessness felt by people who commit suicide? 谁又能真正体会到自杀者那种绝望的心情呢?朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕In extreme heat your body will lose fluid and salt. 在极度高温中,人体会流失水分和盐分。朗文写作活用〔MEMBER〕The membership was totally against admitting women to the club. 全体会员一致反对允许妇女进入俱乐部。朗文写作活用〔SMOKING〕Make a list of all the benefits of stopping smoking, for example better health, fresher breath, and more money. 把戒烟的种种好处列出来,比如说身体会更健康,口气会更清新,又可以省下钱来。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕It's difficult for us to understand the torment the hostages are going through. 我们很难体会到人质此刻所遭受的痛苦。朗文写作活用〔appreciate〕I appreciate that it's a difficult decision for you to make.我体会得出,你作出这样的决定有多难。剑桥高阶〔appreciate〕I began to appreciate the difficulties my father had faced.我开始体会到我父亲曾经面临的困难。麦克米伦高阶〔appreciate〕In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。柯林斯高阶〔appreciate〕Many men don't appreciate how much work it takes to cook three meals a day.许多男子不体会一日做三餐要花费多少劳动。英汉大词典〔attest〕I can personally attest that the cold and flu season is here.感冒和流感季节来了, 对此我有切身体会。外研社新世纪〔attest〕I can personally attest that the cold and flu season is here.感冒和流感季节来了,对此我有切身体会。柯林斯高阶〔bit〕The humour of it takes a bit of finding.其中的幽默非细细体会不可。英汉大词典〔break up〕It was feared that the break-up of the oil tanker would result in further pollution.有人担心油轮解体会导致更严重的污染。剑桥高阶〔brotherhood〕Abbr. B.An association of men, such as a fraternity or union, united for common purposes.缩写 B.全体会员:为共同目标组成的,如兄弟会或工会等的会员美国传统〔build up〕The media will report on it and the tabloids will build it up.媒体会对此事进行报道, 小报也会大肆吹捧。外研社新世纪〔build up〕The media will report on it and the tabloids will build it up.媒体会报道此事,小报则会大肆吹捧。柯林斯高阶〔bulldoze through〕The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session.这个联盟利用全体会议的方式强行通过了决议。外研社新世纪〔bulldoze〕The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session.政党联盟强行使该项决议在全体会议上通过。柯林斯高阶〔committee of the whole〕The whole membership of a legislative body sitting as a committee to consider the details of a proposal.全体委员会:立法体的全体会员资格,作为考虑提议的细节的委员会而设置美国传统〔crack〕You'll crack up if you carry on working like this.你再这样干下去,身体会垮掉的。牛津高阶〔curve〕A good motorcyclist leans into the curves.好的摩托车手身体会随着弯道倾斜。牛津搭配〔delight〕We're just discovering the delights of being retired.我们刚刚开始体会到退休后的种种乐趣。剑桥高阶〔distorted〕The media distorts reality; categorises people as all good or all bad.媒体会歪曲事实,将人说得不是完美无缺就是一无是处。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕Your body draws on its reserves of fat during the times when you are fasting.禁食的时候,身体会动用储存的脂肪。麦克米伦高阶〔eat sb alive〕If we get our facts wrong we'll be eaten alive by the press.如果我们把事实弄错了,媒体会对我们大肆发难的。剑桥高阶〔emit〕Animal bodies emit perspiration.动物身体会出汗。英汉大词典〔empathize〕Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize.父母必须发挥其天性, 设身处地体会子女的感受。外研社新世纪〔exhaustion〕The exhaustion of gas from a bus pollutes the air.从公共汽车排出的气体会污染空气。英汉大词典〔experience〕From personal experience, she knew and understood the problems of alcohol addiction.她有切身体会,知道并理解染上酒瘾所带来的种种问题。朗文当代〔experience〕He experienced life and work as a jungle where it was eat or be eaten.他体会到生活和工作正如一座弱肉强食的丛林。英汉大词典〔experience〕We know from experience that hot objects are painful to touch.凭经验我们知道触碰高温物体会引起疼痛。牛津搭配〔fathom〕It is hard to fathom the pain felt at the death of a child.丧子之痛是难以体会的。牛津高阶〔feeling〕Focus on the feeling of relaxation.专心体会放松的感觉。外研社新世纪〔feeling〕Focus on the feeling of relaxation.全身心体会放松的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔feel〕You'll soon get the feel of the new job.你不久就会对这项新工作有所体会。英汉大词典〔firsthand〕He knows firsthand how difficult school can be.上学有多难他有切身体会。韦氏高阶〔float〕Empty things float.空的物体会在水中浮起。柯林斯高阶〔from〕She was talking from her own experience of the problem.她从自己的经验体会出发讲了这个问题。剑桥高阶〔giddiness〕Inhalation of the gas can cause headache or giddiness.吸入这种气体会导致头痛和眩晕。剑桥高阶〔heal〕The body will heal itself if given the chance.如果给予机会的话,身体会自我康复的。麦克米伦高阶〔hide〕The media are going to have our hides.媒体会把我们生吞活剥的。外研社新世纪〔identify〕He didn't seem to be able to identify with ordinary people and their aspirations.他似乎不能体会普通民众的情感和他们的期盼。麦克米伦高阶〔identify〕I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself.我会讲他们的语言, 能体会他们的难处, 因为我自己曾在那里待过。外研社新世纪〔identify〕I could speak their language and identify with their problems because I had been there myself.我会讲他们的语言,能体会他们的难处,因为我自己曾在那里呆过。柯林斯高阶〔impoverished〕He warned that the breakdown of the family unit would lead to an impoverished society.他警告说,家庭单位的解体会导致社会的衰败。剑桥高阶〔informal〕The two groups met for informal talks.两个团体会面举行非正式会谈。朗文当代〔insight〕We meet regularly to discuss working methods and share insights.我们定期聚会,讨论工作方法并交流心得体会。牛津搭配〔interactive〕I think that interactive media have a bright future.我认为互动媒体会有光明的未来。外研社新世纪〔intergrade〕One population of animals or plants may intergrade with another.一类动物或植物群体会和另一类动物或植物群体逐渐融合。英汉大词典〔introduce〕It was she who first introduced the pleasures of sailing to me.是她最先使我体会到了帆船运动的乐趣。牛津高阶〔know〕We know that greenhouse gases can affect the climate.我们知道温室气体会对气候产生影响。朗文当代〔line〕Some kinds of poetry make you read between the lines.有些诗要你从字里行间去体会其含意。英汉大词典〔liquid〕Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures.在特定温度下固体会变成液体。柯林斯高阶〔mainspring〕You begin to understand what actions were the mainspring of the story.你开始体会到是什么样的行动在推动这个故事的发展。柯林斯高阶〔meaningful〕He wanted to feel that his job was meaningful.他想要体会到他的工作是有价值的。韦氏高阶〔membership〕The entire membership was [were] against the project.全体会员都反对那项计划。文馨英汉〔painkiller〕The body produces chemicals that are natural painkillers.人体会产生一些化学物质,它们是天然的止痛剂。剑桥高阶〔patch up〕The doctor patched him up, so he's going to be as good as new.医生给他做了临时治疗,所以他身体会和以前一样好。韦氏高阶〔plenary〕The programme was approved at a plenary session of the Central Committee last week.这个方案在上周的中央委员会全体会议上获得了通过。柯林斯高阶〔plenary〕There'll be another plenary at the end of the afternoon after the workshop.下午研讨班结束后还将有一场全体会议。外研社新世纪〔plenary〕There'll be another plenary at the end of the afternoon after the workshop.今天下午五六点钟在研讨会结束后还有一次全体会议。柯林斯高阶〔plenary〕When they are in plenary session, members of the European Parliament sit in political groups, not according to nationality.欧洲议会的议员们在参加全体会议时按照政治团体而非国籍分别就座。外研社新世纪〔prove〕Archaic To find out or learn (something) through experience.【古语】 体验,体会:通过经验发现或知道(某事)美国传统〔put ... before〕It is decided that their proposal will be put before the first plenary session of the congress.决定将他们的议案提交大会第一次全体会议审议通过。21世纪英汉〔realize〕I suddenly realized what you meant.我忽然体会到你的意思。牛津同义词〔realize〕It is hard for us to realize nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers.我们今天很难体会先驱者们当初的经历是何等艰苦。英汉大词典〔reap〕You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter.你很快就会体会到身体更健康带来的好处。柯林斯高阶〔recommit〕We should recommit this important problem to the whole meeting.我们应该重新把这个重大问题提交全体会议加以讨论。21世纪英汉〔renew〕When you sleep, your body has a chance to renew itself.睡觉时人体会自我恢复。韦氏高阶〔request〕All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.俱乐部全体会员均须出席年会。朗文当代〔rewarding〕Motherhood was seen as Mrs. Gaskell's “most rewarding joy”.母性被看作盖斯凯尔夫人体会到的“最富有报偿性的乐趣”。英汉大词典〔rupture〕Sloshing liquids can rupture the walls of their containers.晃动液体会使容器壁破裂。外研社新世纪〔self-sustaining〕Asia's emerging economies will be on a self-sustaining cycle of growth.亚洲的新兴经济体会出现自我维持的循环增长。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕Their music speaks to us with an innate grandeur we can all understand.他们的音乐里流露出一种我们都能体会到的天生的高贵。柯林斯高阶〔spelunking〕Read a book on spelunking and enjoy the excitement of underground exploration.读一本有关洞穴探察的书,好好体会一下地下探察的惊险乐趣。英汉大词典〔spew〕Groups like these use the Internet to spew racial hatred.像这类团体会使用因特网来发泄种族仇恨。朗文当代〔stand〕All the members agreed to stand in with the secretary, who had bought the club supplies with his own money.俱乐部干事自己掏钱买了用品,全体会员一致同意跟他分担费用。英汉大词典〔stretch〕Stay in this position and feel the stretch in your legs.保持这个姿势,体会腿部绷紧的感觉。牛津高阶〔synthesize〕Glands synthesize the enzymes.腺体会合成酶。韦氏高阶〔taste〕He has tasted the frustration of defeat.他体会到了挫败感。韦氏高阶〔tolerance〕As with any drug taken in excess, your body can build up a tolerance to it.和过量服用任何其他药物一样,身体会对它产生耐药性。柯林斯高阶〔try〕Small print tries your eyes.小字体会累坏眼睛。文馨英汉〔uninitiated〕Its appeal may not be immediately obvious to the uninitiated.不熟悉的人很难一下子体会到它的魅力。柯林斯高阶〔uninitiated〕Its appeal may not be immediately obvious to the uninitiated.不谙此道者可能很难一下子体会到它的魅力。外研社新世纪〔unprotected〕Water and other liquids can stain unprotected wood surfaces.水和其他液体会污损未加保护的木材表面。剑桥高阶〔wear〕You'll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard.你要是继续这样拚命工作,身体会吃不消的。牛津高阶〔yodel〕You haven't lived till you've learned how to yodel at a tea dance in a mountain hut!只有学会了在山间小屋的茶舞会上用约德尔调唱歌, 你才能体会到什么叫真正的生活!外研社新世纪A plenary meeting was held. 举行了全体会议。译典通After she resigned, she experienced a strong feeling of release.她辞职后体会到了一种强烈的解脱感。剑桥国际It feels good to stretch after a long drive. 开了很长时间车,舒展一下肢体会很舒服。译典通It is difficult to appreciate the scale of the problem without seeing the effects of the famine at first hand.没有亲眼看到饥荒的影响,是很难体会问题的严重程度的。剑桥国际It's sometimes difficult for the able-bodied fully to appreciate the difficulties that disabled people encounter in their daily lives.有时身体强壮的人很难完全体会到残疾人在日常生活中所遇到的困难。剑桥国际The full horror of the war only hit home (=became fully understood) when we started seeing the television pictures of it in our living-rooms.当我们开始在起居室里看到那电视画面时,才真正体会到战争的恐怖。剑桥国际The hall was packed for the plenary (= the meeting at which all the members, esp. those who are at a CONFERENCE, are present).礼堂里挤满了开全体会议的人。剑桥国际The resolution will be put to a vote at the final plenary.决议将在最后一次全体会议上付诸表决。牛津商务There will be a plenary meeting of the planning committee on Friday morning.计划委员会将在星期五早上举行全体会议。剑桥国际We were in the city for such a short time that we didn't really get the feel of (=get to know) the place.我们在这个城市里呆的时间太短了,没有真正体会到这里特有的氛围。剑桥国际You can't appreciate the true/sheer awfulness of war until you've actually experienced it.除非你亲身经历过战争,否则你无法体会战争的真正可怕之处。剑桥国际




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