

单词 bivalve
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bivalve〕Clams and oysters are bivalve mollusks.蛤蜊和牡蛎都是双壳软体海洋动物。韦氏高阶〔bivalve〕Oysters and clams are bivalves.牡蛎和蛤是双壳类。英汉大词典〔byssus〕Zoology A mass of strong, silky filaments by which certain bivalve mollusks, such as mussels, attach themselves to rocks and other fixed surfaces.【动物学】 足丝:某些双壳软体动物(如贻贝)用于将自身附着在岩石上和其它固定表面上的一团柔韧的丝美国传统〔cockle〕Any of various bivalve mollusks of the family Cardiidae, having rounded or heart-shaped shells with radiating ribs.鸟蛤:鸟蛤科双壳类软体动物,有放射状翅脉的圆的或心形外壳美国传统〔frustule〕The hard, siliceous bivalve shell of a diatom.硅藻细胞壳:硅藻的坚硬含硅的硬壳美国传统〔half shell〕Either of the halves of a shell of a bivalve, such as an oyster.半壳:双壳贝的两个贝壳之一,例如牡蛎一般美国传统〔hinge〕A similar structure or part, such as one that enables the valves of a bivalve mollusk to open and close.类似铰链的装置:类似的结构或部分,如使双壳类软体动物的壳张开闭合的关节美国传统〔lamella〕A thin scale, plate, or layer of bone or tissue, as in the gills of a bivalve mollusk or around the minute vascular canals in bone.薄片,薄板,薄层:一种薄的骨头或组织的鳞片、盘、或壳层,如双壳软体动物组成鳃的薄板或是骨内环绕小的维管的骨层或组织美国传统〔neck〕The siphon of a bivalve mollusk, such as a clam.吸管:双壳软体动物的吸管,如蛤美国传统〔ostracod〕Any of various minute, chiefly freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Ostracoda, having a bivalve carapace.介形亚纲动物:属介形亚纲的任一种体小的、主要生活于淡水中的甲壳纲动物,长有一对硬壳美国传统〔oyster〕Any of various similar or related bivalve mollusks, such as the pearl oyster.牡蛎状双壳软体动物:任何各种类似的或有关的双壳软体动物,如珍珠牡蛎美国传统〔ringent〕Having gaping liplike parts, as the corolla of some flowers or the shells of certain bivalves.张口的;(花冠)开口状的:有张得宽而深的唇状部分的,如一些花的花冠或某些双壳贝类动物的壳美国传统〔scallop〕Any of various free-swimming marine mollusks of the family Pectinidae, having fan-shaped bivalve shells with a radiating fluted pattern.扇贝:任一种扇贝科海洋软体动物,能自由游动,生有辐射状扇状双壳美国传统〔spat〕An oyster or similar bivalve mollusk in the larval stage, especially when it settles to the bottom and begins to develop a shell.幼牡蛎:幼虫时期的牡蛎或类似双壳类软体动物,尤指在海底开始开壳的美国传统〔spawn〕The eggs of aquatic animals such as bivalve mollusks, fishes, and amphibians.卵:双壳类软体动物、鱼类和两栖动物的水生动物的卵子美国传统




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