

单词 会儿
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔JUST〕when something happened a short time ago 某事在一会儿之前发生朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕to sleep for a short time 短时间地睡一会儿朗文写作活用〔alternate〕to alternate jogging and walking一会儿慢跑,一会儿走路21世纪英汉〔back〕a while back 一会儿以前英汉大词典〔bit〕for a bit We sat around for a bit chatting. 我们坐着聊了一会儿。朗文当代〔bit〕in a bit I'll see you in a bit. 我一会儿见你。朗文当代〔breather〕go for a breather 去运动一会儿英汉大词典〔breather〕sit down for a breather 坐下来歇一会儿英汉大词典〔chat〕chat of this and that 一会儿谈这一会儿谈那英汉大词典〔chill〕sweat and chill alternately 一会儿出汗一会儿发冷英汉大词典〔custom〕my custom of reading a little before sleep.See Synonyms at habit 我习惯在睡觉前先看会儿书 参见 habit美国传统〔dip〕a dip in the sea/pool 在海水/水池里游一会儿剑桥高阶〔dope〕dope off for a little while 打一会儿瞌睡英汉大词典〔doze〕have a doze after dinner 饭后小睡一会儿英汉大词典〔extra〕get some extra sleep (比平时)多睡一会儿英汉大词典〔grab〕grab a little (two hours') sleep 赶着睡一小会儿(两小时)英汉大词典〔in snatches〕sleeping in snatches 睡一会儿,醒一会儿韦氏高阶〔jiffy〕wait half a jiff 稍等一会儿英汉大词典〔lie-down〕go and have a little lie-down 去躺一会儿文馨英汉〔lie-down〕go and have a little lie-down 去躺一会儿英汉大词典〔liftoff〕moments after liftoff 发射升空后一会儿的工夫韦氏高阶〔listen-in〕have a listen-in 收听一会儿广播英汉大词典〔little〕a little down the road; waited a little. 走了一小段路;等了一会儿美国传统〔mo〕in half a mo 一会儿英汉大词典〔noon〕a little before (after) noon 中午前(后)一会儿英汉大词典〔now〕now laughing, now crying一会儿笑, 一会儿哭外研社新世纪〔now〕now one and now another 一会儿这个,一会儿那个韦氏高阶〔period〕a short waiting period; 等了一小会儿;美国传统〔plunge〕a quick plunge in the lake 在湖中游一小会儿泳朗文当代〔ponder〕have a bit of a ponder 稍想了一会儿英汉大词典〔ride〕a pony ride 骑一会儿小马牛津高阶〔sleep〕try to get some sleep 设法睡一会儿英汉大词典〔snooze〕to snooze after lunch午饭后小睡一会儿21世纪英汉〔spell〕spell a horse 让马休息一会儿英汉大词典〔spell〕spell off for a while 休息一会儿英汉大词典〔spell〕wait (for) a spell 等一会儿英汉大词典〔tear〕tear off some sleep 抓紧时间睡一会儿英汉大词典〔turn〕take a turn at the oars 划一会儿船 英汉大词典〔while〕stay for a while; sang all the while.See Usage Note at awhile 停留下会儿;一直都在唱歌 参见 awhile美国传统〔while〕wait (for) a while 等一会儿英汉大词典




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