

单词 会会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FACP〕Fellow of the American College of Physicians.美国内科医师协会会员美国传统〔FACS〕Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.美国外科医师协会会员美国传统〔FRCP〕Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.(英国)皇家内科医师学会会员美国传统〔FZS〕Fellow of the Zoological Society.(英国伦敦)动物学会会员美国传统〔Hutterite〕A member of an Anabaptist sect originating in Moravia and now living communally in parts of Canada and the northwest United States.赫特兄弟会会友:兄弟会一个教派的成员,产生于摩拉维亚,现以公社的形式居于加拿大和美国西北部一些地区美国传统〔LONG〕What will be the lingering images of the Sydney Olympic Games? 悉尼奥运会会给人留下什么样难忘的印象?朗文写作活用〔Messianic〕The defeated radicals of the French Revolution were the first to have this messianic vision in 1794.1794年法国大革命中失败的激进分子最先预见到了社会会发生根本改变。柯林斯高阶〔Moonie〕A member of the Unification Church.统一教会会员美国传统〔Odd Fellow〕A member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a fraternal and benevolent secret society.奇特的会员:奇特会员的独立规程的成员,一种秘密慈善共济会会员美国传统〔Phi Beta Kappa〕A member of this society.联谊会会员:这个团体的成员美国传统〔Phi Beta Kappa〕He's a Phi Beta Kappa.他是优秀生联谊会会员。韦氏高阶〔Red Cross〕The emblem of this organization, a Geneva cross or a red Greek cross on a white background.红十字会会徽:在白色背景下一个日内瓦十字或红色希腊十字美国传统〔Rosicrucian〕Of or relating to Rosicrucians or their philosophy.属于或有关玫瑰十字会会员或其哲学的美国传统〔STORY〕The lower series of frescoes describe the life of Saint Francis of Assisi. 下面的一系列壁画描述了圣方济各会会员的生平。朗文写作活用〔academician〕A member of an art, literary, or scientific academy or society.学会会员:艺术、文学、科学学会或团体的成员美国传统〔anticipate〕Are you anticipating a lot of people at the party tonight? 你预计今晚的聚会会有很多人来吗?剑桥高阶〔argument〕A dispute arose among union members about the terms of the new contract.工会会员们在新合同的条款方面产生争执。美国传统〔automatically〕Once people retire they automatically cease to be union members.人一退休之后就自动地不再是工会会员。文馨英汉〔bear〕He began to bear down on his studies and within a year was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.他开始刻苦学习,不到一年就被选为PBK联谊会会员。英汉大词典〔black〕Labor union members have blacked the company.工会会员拒绝在这家公司上班。韦氏高阶〔board〕He still attended board meetings, but he no longer had the deciding vote.董事会会议他依然列席, 但不再拥有表决权。外研社新世纪〔canoness〕A member of a religious community of women living under a common rule but not bound by vows.女牧师会会员:按照一种教规生活但并不受宣誓约束的一个由女子组成的宗教团体的成员美国传统〔canon〕A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows.教士会会员:按照一种共同的教规生活并且受到其宣誓约束的某些宗教团体的成员美国传统〔cease〕He ceased to be a member of the association.他不再是协会会员。朗文当代〔chair〕Wheeler took the chair of this sub-committee.惠勒担任该小组委员会会议主席。柯林斯高阶〔chapel〕Raise any concerns at your branch or chapel meeting.有任何问题都请在你们的工会分会会议上提出。外研社新世纪〔closed shop〕In 1981 the European Court of Human Rights condemned the closed shop.1981年, 欧洲人权法庭谴责了那些只雇用指定工会会员的企业。外研社新世纪〔conceive〕It is difficult to conceive of a society without money.很难想象一个没有货币的社会会是什么样。牛津搭配〔congress〕The two-year session of this legislature between elections of the House of Representatives.国会会期:众议院代表选举期间的两年会期美国传统〔consonant〕Consonant voices join in with the member of the congregation who shouts 'Hallelujah!'.教会会友高喊“哈利路亚”, 引来其他人的随声附和。外研社新世纪〔convocation〕A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.主教会议:英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被召集时才集合美国传统〔de jure〕The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.直到宗教改革时期, 教会会议的声明在天主教会中都只是在法律上被普遍认可, 而事实上并没有通行。外研社新世纪〔de jure〕The Synod's declarations prevailed de jure but not de facto in the Roman Catholic Church down to the Reformation era.直到宗教改革时期,教会会议的声明在天主教会中都仍然只是法律上认可,而非事实上通行。柯林斯高阶〔debate〕A healthy society promotes vigorous debate.一个健康的社会会鼓励大家踊跃发表意见。牛津搭配〔demit〕Where an elected member of the Council fails to attend three meetings of the Council without apologies, they shall be deemed to have demitted office.如果市政务委员会的选任成员三次无假缺席市政务委员会会议则被视为自动退职。剑桥高阶〔disturbance〕We are concerned about disturbance to residents from the nightclub.我们担心夜总会会打扰居民的正常休息。麦克米伦高阶〔editorial〕I went to the editorial board meetings when I had the time.我一有空就去参加编委会会议。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕Thousands of spectators fluttered Olympic and national flags.成千上万的观众挥动着奥运会会旗和国旗。麦克米伦高阶〔full〕We know full well that Congress will spend every penny.我们非常清楚国会会把每一分钱都花光。外研社新世纪〔induct〕He was inducted into a literary society.他被正式接纳为文学学会会员。21世纪英汉〔infuse〕A union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the company's employee relations.工会会把不必要的冲突带入公司员工关系当中。柯林斯高阶〔liaison〕The joint liaison committee meeting will take place at 8 am.联合联络委员会会议将于上午8点开始。外研社新世纪〔major-leaguer〕A member of a major-league team, especially a major-league baseball player.全美职业棒球联盟:职业体育总会的队的成员,尤其指全美职业棒球联合会会员美国传统〔meeting〕Are you coming to the committee meeting this evening? 你今晚来参加委员会会议吗?朗文当代〔non-union〕Management hostility is apparent in about a third of non-union workplaces.在大约1/3不雇用工会会员的工作场所明显可见仇视管理层的现象。柯林斯高阶〔not〕He was not (或 wasn't) and is not (或 isn't) a member of the Union.他以前不是,现在也不是工会会员。英汉大词典〔order of business〕The first order of business at the committee meeting was the budget.委员会会议的首要议程就是预算问题。韦氏高阶〔out〕Members of the Engineering Union came out in support of the miners.工程师工会会员举行罢工支持这些矿工。麦克米伦高阶〔overrun〕The board meeting overran again.董事会会议又拖长了。外研社新世纪〔parliament〕Parliament will be in session until December.议会会议将开到 12 月。牛津搭配〔parliament〕The law was passed in the present parliament.这项法律在本届议会会期内通过。韦氏高阶〔phalanstery〕The buildings in such a community.社会共同组合会会馆:在那种社会里的建筑美国传统〔pin〕To give (a woman) a fraternity pin in token of attachment.送作定情物:将自己大学联谊会会徽送(女人)作为定情物美国传统〔prelude〕The conference, which closed yesterday, was a prelude to a Communist Party Central Committee meeting.昨天结束的会议拉开了共产党中央委员会会议的序幕。柯林斯高阶〔presidency〕That year he resigned his presidency of the Academy.那年,他辞去了该学会会长一职。牛津搭配〔preside〕They asked if I would preside at the committee meeting.他们问我是否会主持委员会会议。牛津高阶〔preside〕Yesterday, the Governor-General presided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council.昨天, 总督主持了联邦执行委员会会议。外研社新世纪〔raise (a few) eyebrows〕Jemma's miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting.杰玛穿超短裙去参加董事会会议,令众人惊讶不已。剑桥高阶〔return〕I’ll see you when you return.你回来之后,我要会会你。牛津同义词〔run〕Mary never runs out of ideas for clever party decorations.玛丽对如何巧妙地布置社交聚会会场有用之不尽的主意。英汉大词典〔scale〕We cannot hire union labor for less than scale.我们不能以低于最低级别的工资雇用工会会员。英汉大词典〔serve〕Mr Russell served as president of the Association for fifteen years.拉塞尔先生当了15年的协会会长。麦克米伦高阶〔session〕The parliamentary session is due to end on 27 May.议会会议将于5月27日结束。剑桥高阶〔slacken〕I slackened the line to let the fish swim. The tension in the board room finally slackened.我放松了鱼线让鱼游一游。董事会会议室里的紧张气氛终于松弛了下来美国传统〔snag〕Talks hit a snag after 97 percent of union members voted to strike.在97%的工会会员投票支持举行罢工后,谈判陷入了僵局。剑桥高阶〔soliciting〕No tuition was charged by the school, which solicited contributions from the society's members.学校不收学费,所需资金向协会会员募集。柯林斯高阶〔solicit〕No tuition was charged by the school, which solicited contributions from the society's members.这所学校不收学费, 所需资金向该协会会员募集。外研社新世纪〔suffocate〕We were suffocating in the stuffy boardroom.在通风不畅的董事会会议室里我们感觉透不过气来。韦氏高阶〔sympathetic〕The committee would consider this type of request sympathetically.委员会会认真考虑这类请求。麦克米伦高阶〔synodic〕Of or relating to a synod; synodal.教会会议的或与教会会议相关的;辩论会的美国传统〔table〕Dr Clark tabled a motion for debate at next month's committee meeting.克拉克博士提出一项动议,在次月的委员会会议上讨论。朗文当代〔tedious〕He found committee meetings extremely tedious.他觉得委员会会议乏味至极。牛津搭配〔time〕Your time will come.你的机会会来的。牛津搭配〔trouser〕Many people think that ex-ministers are trousering £25,000 in fees simply for going to a few board meetings a year.许多人认为, 前部长们一年仅参加几次董事会会议就能进账25,000英镑酬金。外研社新世纪〔unionist〕A member of a labor or trade union.工会会员:工会或贸易联盟的成员美国传统〔unionist〕As a former unionist, he'll be more sensitive to the demands of the people.作为一名前工会会员, 他会对民众的要求更加敏感。外研社新世纪〔verdict〕Trade unionists were quick to give their verdict on the proposals.工会会员迅速对这些建议提出了自己的意见。朗文当代〔view〕They took a dim view of local trade unionists.他们对当地的工会会员们评价很低。柯林斯高阶〔while〕While at college, he was a member of the dramatic society.他上大学时是戏剧协会会员。英汉大词典An alternative venue for the concert is being sought.正在寻找另一个音乐会会场。剑桥国际Council meetings are held on Thursdays.市政会会议在星期四召开。剑桥国际For the past five years, unions haven't managed to win wage increases as large as those granted to nonunion workers.在过去五年里,工会未能使工会会员赢得与非工会会员相同的提薪。剑桥国际He is not a member of the Union. 他不是工会会员。译典通His membership of the society was initially blackballed on account of an old dispute between himself and a couple of the committee members.他的协会会员资格首先是因为他与几个委员会成员之间以往的纠纷而被取消了。剑桥国际I became a member of the PTO when Katy joined the school.凯蒂上了那个学校以后,我成了家长教师联谊会会员。剑桥国际I expect the Council will just pocket the proceeds of the sale, not spend it on making improvements to the town.我预计政务委员会会把这笔销售收入留下,而不会投入到对小镇的改善中去。剑桥国际I wouldn't like to second-guess how the committee will deal with the issue.我不想预言委员会会如何对待这项提案。剑桥国际In his capacity as secretary of the residents association, he regularly attends meetings of the community policing committee.以居民协会的秘书的身份,他定期地参加社区决策委员会会议。剑桥国际Management will meet with labor unions later this week.本周晚些时候资方将与工会会晤。牛津商务Meetings of the council are held in the council chamber.理事会会议在会议室举行。剑桥国际Several senior executives quit after a boardroom battle over the future of the company.几位资深主管在董事会会议上就公司的未来进行争论之后辞职了。牛津商务The Jesuits are active in missionary and educational work.这名耶稣会会士对传教和教育工作很积极。剑桥国际The board meeting was brought forward by two days to discuss the crisis.提前两天召开董事会会议以讨论这场危机。牛津商务The new wage agreement was ratified by union members in October.新的工资协议十月份得到了工会会员的批准。牛津商务The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27th.议会会议将在5月27日结束。剑桥国际The public were excluded from the board meeting.董事会会议拒绝公众参加。牛津商务Their Eminences will meet tomorrow to elect a new pope.诸位红衣主教大人明天将开会会选举新教皇。剑桥国际There are about 3 million free riders in Britain who benefit from collective bargaining but are not union members.在英国大约有 300 万不是工会会员却享受集体谈判好处的免费搭车者。牛津商务Union members voted for a work-to-rule.工会会员投票同意按章怠工。牛津商务Union membership has fallen.工会会员人数在下降。牛津商务




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