

单词 人造
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-calorie〕low-calorie margarine. 低热量的人造黄油柯林斯高阶〔HARM〕not harming anything or anyone 不对任何事物或任何人造成损害的朗文写作活用〔REAL〕not false or artificial 不是假的或人造的朗文写作活用〔appearance〕man-made materials that mimic the appearance of wood 仿木纹人造材料牛津搭配〔artificially〕artificially sweetened lemonade. 添加人造甜味剂的柠檬水柯林斯高阶〔artificial〕an artificial limb/flower/sweetener/fertilizer 假肢;假花;人造甜味剂;化肥牛津高阶〔artificial〕artificial fur/sweeteners/flowers 人造毛皮/人造甜味剂/假花剑桥高阶〔artificial〕artificial leather 人造革英汉大词典〔artificial〕ersatz coffee; 人造咖啡;美国传统〔compound〕man-made organic compounds 人造有机化合物朗文当代〔diamante〕a diamante necklace 人造钻石项链朗文当代〔environment〕the quality of our natural and built environments 自然环境和人造环境的质量牛津搭配〔fake〕a jacket in fake fur 人造毛皮短上衣牛津高阶〔faux〕faux fur 人造毛剑桥高阶〔faux〕faux fur 人造毛皮麦克米伦高阶〔girdle〕a satellite girdling the moon绕月球飞行的人造卫星21世纪英汉〔imitation〕imitation leather 人造革韦氏高阶〔ksun〕sputnik , from Russian sputnik , fellow traveler, sputnik (see pent- ), from so- , s- , with, together, from sŭ(n) . sputnik , 源自 俄罗斯语 sputnik , 通道的旅行者, 人造卫星 ( 参见 pent-), 源自 so- , s- , 陪伴, 一起, 源自 sŭ(n) . 美国传统〔leg〕a wooden/artificial leg 木质/人造假腿韦氏高阶〔man-made〕a variety of materials, both natural and man-made多种材料, 既有天然的又有人造的外研社新世纪〔man-made〕fabrics made using a combination of natural and man-made fibres 用天然纤维和人造纤维混纺制成的织物朗文当代〔mock〕mock leather 人造革英汉大词典〔pareve〕pareve margarine (不含奶或动物脂肪的)植物性人造黄油英汉大词典〔pareve〕pareve margarine. 无脂人造奶油美国传统〔pasteboard〕a pasteboard pearl 人造珍珠文馨英汉〔pitch〕a synthetic/artificial/all-weather pitch 人造/全天候运动场麦克米伦高阶〔plastic〕plastic food 人造食品朗文当代〔poppy〕a wreath of poppies一个人造罂粟花圈外研社新世纪〔preservative〕food that contains no artificial preservatives 不含人造防腐剂的食品朗文当代〔put〕put a satellite into orbit round Mars 把一颗人造卫星发射进火星轨道英汉大词典〔rayon〕a rayon shirt 人造丝衬衫麦克米伦高阶〔scar〕to scar somebody in his heart给某人造成心灵上的创伤21世纪英汉〔send〕the pictures that the satellite is sending back 人造卫星正在发送回来的照片英汉大词典〔simulated〕simulated leather 人造皮革韦氏高阶〔simulated〕simulated leather 人造革牛津高阶〔slope〕dry-slope skiing 人造滑雪坡滑雪牛津搭配〔sweetener〕diet drinks with artificial sweeteners 加入人造甜味剂的减肥饮料麦克米伦高阶〔tableau〕a wax tableau 蜡人造型英汉大词典〔tub〕a tub of margarine/butter 一小桶人造黄油/黄油韦氏高阶nylon and other man-made fibres 尼龙及其他人造纤维牛津商务




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