

单词 人肉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anthropophagus〕An eater of human flesh; a cannibal.食人肉的动物;食人肉者美国传统〔cannibalism〕Some famine victims were forced to practice cannibalism in order to survive.有些饥荒的受害者被迫吃人肉,以求生存。文馨英汉〔cannibalism〕They were forced to practise cannibalism in order to survive.为了活命,他们只好吃人肉。柯林斯高阶〔flesh〕According to Greek mythology, the minotaur would only eat human flesh.希腊神话里说,人身牛头怪物弥诺陶洛斯只吃人肉。牛津搭配〔human shield〕The soldiers forced civilians out of houses to act as human shields.士兵强迫平民去屋外, 充当人肉盾牌。外研社新世纪〔kuru〕A fatal progressive, degenerative neurological disease caused by a slow-acting virus, found in certain peoples of New Guinea and transmitted by cannibalism.库鲁病:一种致命的、渐进性变性的神经系统疾病,由一种慢性病毒引起,在新几内亚的某些部落中发现,由吃人肉的习俗传染美国传统〔man-eater〕An animal, such as a tiger, that eats or is reputed to eat human flesh.吃人的动物:吃人的或据传说吃人肉的动物,如老虎美国传统〔nauseatingly〕His letter to her was nauseatingly sweet.他写给她的信甜蜜得让人肉麻。韦氏高阶




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