

单词 人联想
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔associable〕a word easily associable with collective nouns 容易令人联想到集合名词的字文馨英汉〔classic〕a delightful mosaic pattern, reminiscent of a classic design一款赏心悦目、让人联想到传统设计的拼花图案外研社新世纪〔evocative〕a sound evocative of the sea 使人联想到大海的声音剑桥高阶〔hark back to〕pitched roofs, which hark back to the Victorian era令人联想到维多利亚时代建筑风格的尖屋顶外研社新世纪〔invoke〕a painting that invokes images of the Rocky Mountains 使人联想到落基山脉的画朗文当代〔macabre〕macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle Ages.See Synonyms at ghastly 中世纪战争和瘟疫事件令人联想起死亡和衰败的恐怖景象 参见 ghastly美国传统〔pristine〕a spirit redolent of pristine ideals 使人联想起崇高理想的一种精神英汉大词典〔recall〕a playwright who recalls the Elizabethan dramatists 一位能引人联想起伊丽莎白时代那些戏剧大师的剧作家英汉大词典〔redolent〕a campaign redolent of machine politics. 使人联想起机器政治的运动美国传统〔redolent〕an atmosphere redolent of the sea and ships 让人联想起大海和船只的氛围牛津高阶〔redolent〕percussion instruments, redolent of Far Eastern cultures. 使人联想起远东文化的打击乐器柯林斯高阶〔shades of〕a former actor who's now a politician—shades of Ronald Reagan 一位演员出身的政治家——使人联想到罗纳德·里根韦氏高阶〔suggestive〕artifacts suggestive of an ancient society. 让人联想到古代社会的手工艺品美国传统〔suggestive〕music that is suggestive of warm summer days 让人联想到温暖夏日的音乐牛津搭配




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