

单词 乔丹
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOTTOM〕Jordan waited for her at the bottom of the stairs. 乔丹在楼梯底下等她。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕Michael Jordan is a living legend of basketball. 迈克尔·乔丹是篮球界的当代传奇人物。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕If word gets out that Jordan is here, we'll be mobbed. 如果乔丹在这里的消息被传出去,我们会被包围。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Jordan's been in daycare since he was six months old. 乔丹自六个月大就放在日托中心了。朗文写作活用〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕Michael Jordan was my hero, and meeting him in the flesh was a real thrill. 迈克尔·乔丹是我心目中的英雄,见到他本人真让人激动。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕Jordan is living proof that you don't have to conform to the music industry's standards in order to be accepted. 不必遵照音乐界的标准也能被接受,乔丹就是个活证明。朗文写作活用〔SCORE〕Jordan made 34 points to put his team into the lead. 乔丹得了34分,使他的球队处于领先地位。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕I didn't want to stay with Jordan's all my life -- I wanted a real career, one with a future. 我不想一辈子都待在乔丹公司。我想有一个真正的事业、一个有发展前途的事业。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The movie was, not surprisingly, a huge commercial success for Jordan. 这部电影不出所料,让乔丹在商业上取得了巨大的成功。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕It will be very sad if Jordan withdraws from politics altogether. 如果乔丹完全退出政坛将让人非常难过。朗文写作活用〔arresting〕Neil Jordan's picture begins with the arresting image of a drowned city.尼尔•乔丹的影片以一座被淹城市的醒目画面开始。外研社新世纪〔choke〕Jordan seemed to choke and missed three easy shots.乔丹似乎失去了信心,投丢了3个容易投中的球。麦克米伦高阶〔control〕Jordan asked for editorial control of the project.乔丹要求这个项目的编辑事务由他来负责。朗文当代〔crack ... up〕He cracked up Jordan to the stars.他把乔丹捧上了天。21世纪英汉〔double-team〕They double-teamed Jordan in the second half.下半场他们对乔丹实行双人防守。剑桥高阶〔essential〕Jordan promised to trim the city budget without cutting essential services.乔丹承诺在不减少基本服务的前提下,缩减市政预算。柯林斯高阶〔fortune〕Jordan had inherited a considerable personal fortune from his uncle.乔丹从他叔叔那里继承了相当大的一笔个人财产。麦克米伦高阶〔huddle〕Off to one side, Sticht, Macomber, Jordan, and Kreps huddled to discuss something.施蒂希特、麦康伯、乔丹和克雷普斯走到一旁私下商量着什么。外研社新世纪〔huddle〕Off to one side, Sticht, Macomber, Jordan, and Kreps huddled to discuss something.施蒂希特、麦康伯、乔丹和克雷普斯走到一旁私下商量着什么。柯林斯高阶〔it〕It was someone called Mary Jordan (whom 或that) I was asking about.我要打听的是个名叫玛丽·乔丹的人。英汉大词典〔little〕Jordan has lost little of his Irish accent.乔丹的爱尔兰口音几乎没变。麦克米伦高阶〔nonsense〕People are talking a lot of nonsense about him being the new Michael Jordan.人们说他是新一代迈克尔・乔丹,净是胡说八道。牛津搭配〔nugget〕He had felt on the telephone that Jordan had a little nugget of information tucked away somewhere.他已从电话里感到乔丹掖着点儿什么有价值的情报。外研社新世纪〔nugget〕He had felt on the telephone that Jordan had a little nugget of information tucked away somewhere.他已从电话里感到乔丹掖着点儿什么有价值的情报。柯林斯高阶〔one〕My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan! 我们今晚节目的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克尔‧乔丹!剑桥高阶〔overshadow〕He was an excellent player, but he was overshadowed by Jordan.他是一名杰出的运动员,但乔丹的才华令他黯然失色。21世纪英汉〔play〕Jordan's been playing up in school.乔丹一直在学校里惹麻烦。朗文当代〔police constable〕Police Constable Jordan 警员乔丹牛津高阶〔pun〕Jordan has this outrageous image but I think it's all a big front, no pun intended.乔丹样子吓人, 但我只是说他个子大, 并无别的意思。外研社新世纪〔refusal〕Jordan said he was surprised at the council's refusal of the planning application.乔丹说他对理事会拒绝规划申请而感到吃惊。麦克米伦高阶〔rough〕He was rough on Jordan, according to members of the staff.工作人员们说他对乔丹十分苛刻。外研社新世纪〔roundabout〕He left today on a roundabout route for Jordan.他今天离开, 绕道去乔丹那儿。外研社新世纪〔start〕Jordan started up a band of his own.乔丹组建了自己的乐队。朗文当代〔surname〕Michael Jorden surnamed “Flying Trapezist” has stepped out of the NBA.“空中飞人”迈克尔乔丹已从NBA中退役了。21世纪英汉〔the〕Don't forget to invite the Jordans.别忘了邀请乔丹一家。牛津高阶〔this〕Jordan's own-label collection of sweatshirts, T-shirts and caps will be available this Christmas.乔丹自有品牌的运动衫、T恤衫和帽子系列将于今年圣诞节上市。柯林斯高阶〔understatement〕To say that Jordan is a good player is an understatement.只是说乔丹是一个好运动员,那可是说得太不够分量了。麦克米伦高阶〔victory〕Jordan led his team to victory .乔丹带领他的队伍取得了胜利。朗文当代Mr. Jordan made a bold speech. 乔丹先生做了一次大胆的演讲。译典通My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan (= there is no other such person)! 今晚播出的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克·乔丹!剑桥国际




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