

单词 乐音
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔French horn〕A valved brass wind instrument that produces a mellow tone from a long, narrow tube that is coiled in a circle before ending in a flaring bell.法国号:一种有活瓣的铜管乐器,从漩涡形且端部有喇叭口的又长又细的管子里发出圆润的乐音美国传统〔arpeggio〕The playing of the tones of a chord in rapid succession rather than simultaneously.琶音:快速连续而非同时地演奏弦乐器的乐音美国传统〔break up〕A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up.因为一个邻居要求把音乐音量调低,聚会便散了。柯林斯高阶〔chime〕To make a musical sound by striking a bell or set of bells.制造乐音:敲击一只钟或一组钟来产生音乐声美国传统〔education〕The rock concert was quite an education for my parents! 这场摇滚乐音乐会真让我父母大受教益!牛津高阶〔knighthood〕He's possibly the only jazz musician with a knighthood.他可能是唯一一个有骑士头衔的爵士乐音乐家。外研社新世纪〔melody〕A rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea.旋律:单个音符或乐音在节奏上的编排,以使之相互联系而组成一具体的乐句或意象美国传统〔music〕Could you turn that music down? 你能把音乐音量调低吗?牛津搭配〔music〕Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm.乐音:有节奏、旋律或和声的人声或乐器音响美国传统〔resonance〕Acoustics Intensification and prolongation of sound, especially of a musical tone, produced by sympathetic vibration.【声学】 共振:声音的加强及延长,尤指由共鸣振动产生的音乐音调美国传统〔rock〕The stadium has hosted numerous rock concerts .这个体育馆举行过许多场摇滚乐音乐会。朗文当代〔sequential〕Forming or characterized by a sequence, as of units or musical notes.连续的:顺序形成或以顺序为特征的,如单元或音乐音调美国传统〔sound〕He produces a good clean sound on his flute.他用长笛奏出优美清晰的乐音。牛津搭配〔whistle〕To produce a clear musical sound by forcing air through the teeth or through an aperture formed by pursing the lips.吹口哨:通过迫使空气穿过牙齿间隙或穿过由噘嘴形成的小缝隙而发出清晰的乐音美国传统〔whistle〕To produce a clear, shrill, sharp musical sound by blowing on or through a device.吹哨子,鸣汽笛:通过吹击或通过某种装置而发出清晰、尖厉而刺耳的乐音美国传统She produced a rich, deep tone from her clarinet.她用单簧管奏出了一个浑厚低沉的乐音。剑桥国际The pedals on a piano are the parts that you hold down with your feet to make the notes sound different.钢琴的踏板是你脚踩以便发出不同乐音的部分。剑桥国际




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