

单词 传染性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Epstein-Barr virus〕A herpesvirus that is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis. It is also associated with various types of human cancers.爱波斯坦-巴尔病毒(E.B.病毒):一种疱疹病毒,引起传染性单核细胞增多症,也与各种类型的癌症有关美国传统〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Childhood diseases such as measles and chickenpox are highly contagious. 小儿疾病如麻疹和天花经接触传染,传染性很高。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Chicken pox is highly contagious. 水痘传染性很强。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Doctors say that the disease is most infectious in the first twenty-four hours. 医生说这病在最初的24小时里传染性最强。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Heavy drinkers are generally more susceptible to infectious diseases. 喝酒多的人一般更容易感染传染性疾病。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕The vaccine protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus. 这种疫苗预防传染性很强的乙型肝炎病毒。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕As we now know to our cost, the disease is highly contagious. 我们吃一堑长一智,现在知道这种疾病传染性极高。朗文写作活用〔active immunity〕Immunity resulting from the development of antibodies in response to the presence of an antigen, as from vaccination or exposure to an infectious disease.自动免疫:由于接种疫苗或暴露于传染性疾病而产生的抗体对抗原的存在作出反应的免疫现象美国传统〔catching〕There are those who think eczema is catching.有人认为湿疹有传染性。外研社新世纪〔communicable〕In this period, there were 974 outbreaks of communicable disease attributed to the consumption of raw milk.在此期间出现了974起由于饮用生牛奶而引起的传染性疾病病例。剑桥高阶〔contagious abortion〕Brucellosis, especially in cattle.传染性流产(家畜):(尤指发生于牛群中的)布鲁氏菌病美国传统〔contagious〕It's a highly contagious virus.这是一种传染性极强的病毒。韦氏高阶〔contagious〕Scarlet fever is highly contagious.猩红热的接触传染性很强。牛津高阶〔contagious〕The patient is still highly contagious.这个病人仍然有很强的传染性。朗文当代〔equine infectious anemia〕A viral disease in horses marked by progressive anemia, a staggering gait, and fever.马传染性贫血:马会感染的一种病毒性疾病,症状为逐步性的贫血、步伐摇晃以及发烧美国传统〔exanthema〕A skin eruption accompanying certain infectious diseases.疹:伴有某种传染性疾病的皮肤疹美国传统〔go round (somewhere)〕A nasty flu bug is going round (the school) at the moment.眼下一种传染性很强的流感病毒正在(学校)传播。剑桥高阶〔hantavirus〕Any of a group of viruses carried by rodents that cause epidemic hemorrhagic fever and severe respiratory infections in humans.汉他病毒:任何由啮齿目动物所传染的滤过性病毒群之一,会导致人体的传染性出血热病及严重的呼吸道感染美国传统〔hepatitis〕Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fever, liver enlargement, and abdominal pain.肝炎:肝部发炎,由传染性或有毒性因素引起。症状为黄疸、发烧、肝部肿大和腹疼美国传统〔infection〕An infectious disease.传染病:传染性疾病美国传统〔infectious〕After the 21-day isolation period, Ebola survivors are no longer infectious.经过21天的隔离期以后,埃博拉病毒幸存者不再具有传染性。剑桥高阶〔infectious〕Caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection.传染性的:能以传染方式扩散的,由传染引发的美国传统〔infectious〕Flu is highly infectious .流感传染性很强。朗文当代〔infectious〕Flu is highly infectious.流感的传染性很高。牛津高阶〔infectious〕Influenza is highly infectious.流行性感冒传染性很强。外研社新世纪〔infectious〕The condition is highly infectious.这种病传染性很强。麦克米伦高阶〔infectious〕These viruses affect children and are highly infectious.这些病毒会侵袭儿童,而且具有很强的传染性。柯林斯高阶〔infective〕Capable of producing infection; infectious.传染的:能够造成传染的;传染性的美国传统〔infective〕Pneumonic plague patients may be directly infective.肺鼠疫患者可能有直接传染性。英汉大词典〔inoculate〕To implant microorganisms or infectious material into (a culture medium).菌体培养:把微生物或传染性物质植入(培养基)美国传统〔kissing disease〕Infectious mononucleosis.接吻病:传染性单核细胞增多症美国传统〔latent period〕The interval between exposure to an infectious organism or a carcinogen and the clinical appearance of disease.潜伏期:从传染性物质或致癌物质暴露与临床病症出现之间的间隔期美国传统〔lazaretto〕A hospital treating contagious diseases.传染病医院:专门治疗传染性疾病的医院美国传统〔monocytosis〕An abnormal increase of monocytes in the blood, occurring in infectious mononucleosis and certain bacterial infections such as tuberculosis.单核细胞增多症:单核细胞在血液中异常地增多,出现在传染性单核细胞增多症和某些细菌感染中,如肺结核美国传统〔mononucleosis〕Infectious mononucleosis.传染性单核细胞增多症美国传统〔mono〕Infectious mononucleosis.传染性单核细胞增多症美国传统〔natural killer cell〕A killer cell that is activated by double-stranded RNA and fights off viral infections and tumors.自然杀手细胞:由双股核糖核酸激活的,击退传染性疾病和肿瘤的杀手细胞美国传统〔plerocercoid〕The infective larva of some tapeworms, characterized by its solid elongated body.全尾幼虫:以紧密排列的长形身体为特征的一些绦虫的传染性幼虫美国传统〔pleuropneumonia〕An infectious febrile disease of cattle, caused by a mycoplasma and characterized by inflammation of the pleura and lungs.牛胸膜肺炎:由支原菌引起的牛传染性发烧的炎症,症状为胸膜和肺部发炎美国传统〔psoriasis〕A noncontagious inflammatory skin disease characterized by recurring reddish patches covered with silvery scales.牛皮癣:一种非传染性的皮肤炎症,以不断出现的覆有色鳞的红斑为症状美国传统〔rinderpest〕An acute, often fatal, contagious viral disease, chiefly of cattle, characterized by ulceration of the alimentary tract and resulting in diarrhea.牛瘟,牛疫:一种急性的、常是致命的传染性病毒疾病,主要是牛患此病,症状为消化道的溃烂并导致腹泻美国传统〔ringworm〕Any of a number of contagious skin diseases caused by several related fungi, characterized by ring-shaped, scaly, itching patches on the skin.癣;癣菌病:由几种相关菌类引起的一种传染性皮肤病。其特征是皮肤上长有环形的、鳞片状且发痒的小片美国传统〔serpigo〕A spreading skin eruption or disease, such as ringworm.匐行疹:传染性皮疹或皮肤病,如金钱癣美国传统〔spital〕A hospital, especially one for patients with contagious diseases.医院:尤指医治传染性疾病的医院美国传统〔sporoplasm〕An infective mass of protoplasm within a spore that is injected into a host cell by various parasitic microorganisms.孢子原生质:一种传染性的孢子内原生质,该孢子通过寄生微生物可被注入囊状细胞中美国传统〔swamp fever〕A viral disease in horses marked by progressive anemia, a staggering gait, and fever.马传染性贫血:马的病毒性疾病,特征为渐重的贫血、蹒跚的步伐和发烧美国传统〔taking〕Contagious; catching. Used of an infectious disease.传染性的;能传染的。用于指一种传染病美国传统〔viroid〕An infectious particle, similar to but smaller than a virus, that consists solely of a strand of RNA and is capable of causing disease in plants.类病毒:一种传染性微粒,与病毒相象但比病毒小,由核糖核酸单链构成,能在植物中引起疾病美国传统〔virulent〕Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous. Used of a disease or toxin.剧毒的,致命的:极度传染性的、恶性的或剧毒的,用于疾病或毒素美国传统Hepatitis B is catching. 乙型肝炎具有传染性。译典通In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic.在世界上一些地区疟疾仍然具有传染性。剑桥国际




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