

单词 内部结构
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cineradiography〕A diagnostic technique in which a movie camera is used to film the images, as of internal body structures, produced through radiography or fluoroscopy.射线电影摄制:一种诊断技术,通过放射线照相或X光透视法,用电影摄影机拍摄图象,如人体内部结构的图象美国传统〔cytoskeleton〕The internal framework of a cell, composed largely of actin filaments and microtubules.细胞骨架:细胞的内部结构, 主要由肌动蛋白纤维和微管组成美国传统〔fluoroscope〕To examine the interior of (an object) with a fluoroscope.荧光检查:用荧光检查仪检查(某物体的)内部结构美国传统〔iconoclast〕Rogers, an iconoclast in architecture, is sometimes described as putting the insides of buildings on the outside.罗杰斯是个打破建筑学传统的人,有时他被说成是把建筑物的内部结构摆到了外观上。剑桥高阶〔innards〕The inner parts, as of a machine.内部结构:内部机构,如机器的内部结构美国传统〔labyrinthodont〕Having teeth with a labyrinthine internal structure.迷齿:着迷宫般内部结构的牙齿美国传统〔lay〕The architect laid out the interior of the building.建筑师设计了房屋的内部结构。英汉大词典〔massive〕Geology Without internal structure or layers and homogeneous in composition. Used of a rock.【地质学】 块状的:无内部结构或层理的或构造相同的,用于指岩石美国传统〔nuclear physics〕The scientific study of the forces, reactions, and internal structures of atomic nuclei.核物理学:关于原子核的力,反应和内部结构的科学或学科美国传统〔pulp〕The soft tissue forming the inner structure of a tooth and containing nerves and blood vessels.牙齿内部组织:构成牙齿内部结构的含神经和血管的柔软组织美国传统〔section〕Representation of a solid object as it would appear if cut by an intersecting plane, so that the internal structure is displayed.横断面:固体被交错的平面切割后,显示出其内部结构的表现形式美国传统〔shall〕The building, as we shall see, is very different in its internal planning, with a great complex of halls and rooms.正如我们下面将看到的,这幢大楼的内部结构风格迥异,走廊和房间如迷宫般复杂交错。柯林斯高阶




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