

单词 内脏
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Canopic〕Relating to or being an ancient Egyptian vase, urn, or jar used to hold the viscera of an embalmed body.礼葬瓷的:关于或是一个用来盛放一具填充了香料的尸体内脏的一种古埃及瓶、瓮或罐的美国传统〔clean〕Descale, gut, and clean the fish.除去鱼鳞, 取出内脏, 然后清理干净。外研社新世纪〔clean〕Harry caught the fish and cleaned them himself.哈里把鱼捉上来自己动手清理内脏。朗文当代〔clean〕They cleaned the fish and cooked them on the campfire.他们把鱼清理内脏之后,放在篝火上烧烤。韦氏高阶〔clean〕To prepare (fowl or other food) for cooking, as by removing the entrails or fat.清洗:为烹饪(家禽或其它食物)而准备,如清除内脏或脂肪美国传统〔defrost〕Once the turkey has defrosted, remove the giblets.一旦火鸡解冻了之后,就把其内脏清除掉。柯林斯高阶〔defrost〕Once the turkey has defrosted, remove the giblets.火鸡一解冻, 就把内脏去除。外研社新世纪〔disembowel〕The fierce cat uses its claws to disembowel its prey.恶猫用爪子取出猎物的内脏。韦氏高阶〔disembowel〕The hunter disembowelled the antelope.猎人取出羚羊的内脏。21世纪英汉〔disembowel〕To remove the entrails from.取出…的内脏,开…的膛美国传统〔draw〕To eviscerate; disembowel.取出…的内脏;开膛破肚美国传统〔dress〕To clean (fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.清洗干净:给(鱼家禽)放血、去毛和内脏以备烹煮或出售美国传统〔entrails〕He cut out the steaming entrails.他割下冒着热气的内脏。外研社新世纪〔entrails〕He cut out the steaming entrails.他割下冒着热气的内脏。柯林斯高阶〔entrails〕The internal organs, especially the intestines; viscera.内脏:内部脏器,尤指大小肠;内脏美国传统〔eviscerate〕To remove the entrails of; disembowel.取出…的内脏;取出…的肠子美国传统〔fugu〕Any of various poisonous fish related to the puffers that are used as food, especially in Japan, after the poisonous skin and organs have been removed.河豚:任何一种与做食物用的河豚有关的有毒鱼类。尤指日本河豚鱼。此类鱼除去有毒皮肤与内脏后可以食用美国传统〔giblets〕The edible heart, liver, or gizzard of a fowl.内脏杂件:鸡的可食用的心、肝或胗美国传统〔gill〕Once gutted and gilled, the fish weighed 22.2kg.在取出内脏洗净以后, 这条鱼称重22.2千克。外研社新世纪〔gill〕To gut or clean (fish).取出或清除鱼的内脏美国传统〔gizzard〕A similar digestive organ found in certain invertebrates, such as the earthworm.砂囊,胃,内脏:在一些的无脊椎动物身上有类似的消化器官,如蚯蚓美国传统〔gurry〕Fish offal.鱼内脏:鱼类屠宰后的内脏等废物美国传统〔guts〕The doctors sewed his guts back together.医生缝合了他的内脏。麦克米伦高阶〔gut〕By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.到他们完工时,船员站的地方鱼内脏已堆至脚踝。柯林斯高阶〔gut〕He gutted then cleaned the fish.他取出鱼的内脏, 然后把鱼洗干净。外研社新世纪〔gut〕I'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed.我只烧先去掉内脏的鱼。牛津高阶〔gut〕It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.冷冻鱼之前并不总是需要先把内脏掏空。柯林斯高阶〔gut〕It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.鱼冷冻之前并不一定要先去掉内脏。外研社新世纪〔gut〕She gutted the fish and cut off their heads.她取出鱼的内脏并把鱼头切掉。剑桥高阶〔gut〕The entire carcass, hide, guts and bones, will quickly be devoured.整个的动物尸体,包括皮、内脏和骨,会很快地被吞食。英汉大词典〔gut〕The salmon is already gutted and filleted.鲑鱼已经取出内脏并切成片了。韦氏高阶〔gut〕There were blood and guts all over the place.满地都是血和内脏器官。朗文当代〔gut〕To remove the intestines or entrails of; eviscerate.取出内脏:除去肠胃等内脏;挖去…内脏美国传统〔haslet〕The heart, liver, and other edible viscera of an animal, especially hog viscera.内脏:一种动物特别是公猪的心、肝及其它可食用的内脏美国传统〔heterotaxis〕Abnormal structural arrangement, as of body parts.内脏异位:不正常的构造排列,如身体部位美国传统〔humble pie〕A pie formerly made from the edible organs of a deer or hog.动物内脏馅煎饼:从前用鹿或猪的可食器官制做的一种馅饼美国传统〔innards〕Internal bodily organs; viscera.内脏:身体内部器官;内脏美国传统〔insides〕He skinned the rabbit and removed the insides.他剥了兔子皮, 去除了内脏。外研社新世纪〔inside〕The dead seal's insides were spread all over the snow.死海豹的内脏散落在雪地上。剑桥高阶〔inside〕The inner organs; entrails.内脏;肠美国传统〔internal〕He sustained injuries to his arms, legs, and several internal organs.他的手臂、腿和一些内脏都受了伤。剑桥高阶〔neuraminidase〕A hydrolytic enzyme that breaks down mucoproteins and is found chiefly in microorganisms of the respiratory and intestinal tracts.神经氨酸酶:一种分解成粘蛋白的水解酶,通常见于呼吸系统脊髓束的内脏脊髓束的显微组织美国传统〔organotherapy〕Treatment of disease with animal endocrine organs or extracts such as insulin and thyroxin.器官疗法或内脏制剂疗法:服用动物内脏或其提取物如胰岛素与甲状腺素的治疗疾病的方法美国传统〔peritoneum〕The serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and folds inward to enclose the viscera.腹膜:腹腔壁周围的浆膜,向内折迭以保护内脏美国传统〔pluck〕The heart, liver, windpipe, and lungs of a slaughtered animal.内脏:被屠宰动物的心脏、气管和肺部美国传统〔purtenance〕An animal's viscera or internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and lungs.内脏:尤指心脏、肝脏和肺等动物的内脏或内部器官美国传统〔slice〕He sliced open his finger while cleaning the fish.他清除鱼内脏时割破了手指。韦氏高阶〔somatic〕Of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as distinguished from the head, limbs, or viscera.体壁的:(与)体腔内壁(有关)的,尤指与头部、四肢或内脏不同的美国传统〔splanchnology〕The characteristics and structure of the visceral system of an animal.内脏特征:动物内脏系统的特征和结构美国传统〔splanchnology〕The scientific study of the viscera and its organs.内脏学:内脏及内脏器官的科学美国传统〔splanchnopleure〕A layer of embryonic cells formed in vertebrates by association of part of the mesoderm with the endoderm and developing into the wall of the viscera.胚脏壁,脏腑层:通过中胚层和内胚层联结而形成的脊椎动物的胚胎细胞层,并发展成内脏美国传统〔stomach〕I have a very weak stomach when it comes to blood and guts and gore.我看到血、内脏什么的就恶心。外研社新世纪〔variety meat〕Meat, such as liver or sweetbreads, that has been taken from a part other than skeletal muscles.可食用的动物内脏:从其它部分取下来的肉,而不是骨骼上的肌肉,例如肺或胰脏美国传统〔visceral〕Relating to, situated in, or affecting the viscera.内脏的,位于内脏的:与内脏有关的、位于内脏的或影响内脏的美国传统〔viscera〕The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities.内脏,脏腑:身体的柔软内部器官,尤指包含于腹部和胸腔内的器官美国传统〔visceromotor〕Producing or related to movements of the viscera.内脏运动的:产生内脏运动的或与内脏运动有关联的美国传统In ancient Egypt, when a dead man was to be made into a mummy, his internal organs had to be eviscerated first. 在古埃及,把死人做成木乃伊的时候,要先取出他的内脏。译典通She cut the fish's head off and gutted it.她把鱼头切下并取出了内脏。剑桥国际She is busy cleaning the fowls in the kitchen. 她正在厨房忙著清除家禽的内脏。译典通The animals had lethal claws--one swipe could disembowel a man, spilling his guts out.这动物有致命的爪子----一记猛击就能将人肚子挖开,使内脏四溢。剑桥国际The animals were disembowelled and the carcasses split down the backbone.动物被去除了内脏,尸体沿着脊柱破开。剑桥国际The doctors examined the entrails of the patient for parasites. 医生检查病人的内脏看是否有寄生虫。译典通The insides of the cow are used to make dog food.牛的内脏用来作狗食。剑桥国际




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