

单词 伊人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cruzan〕A native or inhabitant of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.圣克罗伊人:美属维尔京群岛圣克罗伊的本地人或居民美国传统〔Dardan〕A Trojan.特洛伊人美国传统〔Hottentot〕A Khoikhoin.霍屯督人:科伊科伊人美国传统〔Khoikhoin〕A member of a pastoral people of Namibia and South Africa.科伊科伊人:纳米比亚和南非一牧人民族的一员美国传统〔Khoikhoin〕Any of the Khoisan languages of the Khoikhoin, including Nama.科伊科伊语:科伊科伊人的属科伊桑语系的语言,包括纳马语美国传统〔Laocoon〕A Trojan priest of Apollo who was killed along with his two sons by two sea serpents for having warned his people of the Trojan horse.拉奥孔:特洛伊的太阳神祭师,因警告特洛伊人不要中木马计而连同其二个儿了一起被两条海蟒杀死美国传统〔Masai〕A member of a chiefly pastoral people of Kenya and parts of Tanzania.马萨伊人:肯尼亚和部分坦桑尼亚的以游牧为主的民族美国传统〔Trojan War〕The ten-year war waged against Troy by the Greeks, caused by the abduction of Helen by Paris and resulting in the burning and destruction of Troy.特洛伊战争:古希腊人反对特洛伊人的十年战争,起因是帕里斯拐走了海伦,战争最后导致了特洛伊城被焚烧毁灭美国传统〔Trojan〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Troy.特洛伊人:古代特洛伊城的原住民或居民美国传统




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