

单词 产中
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OWE〕David Henry lent the company $1bn out of his own personal fortune in order to help it stay afloat. 戴维·亨利从私人财产中拿出十亿美元借给公司,帮助公司支撑下去。朗文写作活用〔agronomy〕Application of the various soil and plant sciences to soil management and crop production; scientific agriculture.农学;农艺学:土壤学和植物学在土壤管理和作物生产中的应用;科学农业美国传统〔biparous〕Producing two offspring in a single birth.一产双胎的:一次生产中生下两个子女美国传统〔boxer〕A medium-sized, short-haired dog of a breed developed in Germany, having a brownish coat and a short, square-jawed muzzle.拳师狗:一种德国产中等大小短的毛狗,长有棕色毛和短吻、方颚美国传统〔calcar〕A furnace formerly used in glassmaking for calcination of materials into frit.熔炉:一种以前用在玻璃生产中的火炉,用于原料到玻璃质的锻烧美国传统〔chemical〕The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.政府承诺减少食品生产中化学制品的用量。剑桥高阶〔chemical〕The whole food chain is affected by the over-use of chemicals in agriculture.整个食物链都因农业生产中化学品过度使用而受到影响。外研社新世纪〔disclaim〕He disclaimed a share in his uncle's estate.他放弃叔父遗产中由他继承的一份。英汉大词典〔extract〕The capitalist system extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense.资本主义体制牺牲纳税人的利益, 从武器生产中牟取暴利。外研社新世纪〔falsify〕He claims he was asked to falsify data to cover up manufacturing lapses.他宣称有人指使他篡改数据, 用以掩盖生产中的漏洞。外研社新世纪〔food chain〕The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of chemicals in agriculture.农业生产中化学药品的过度使用使整个食物链都受到了影响。外研社新世纪〔glitch〕Manufacturing glitches have limited the factory's output.生产中的故障影响了该厂的产量。柯林斯高阶〔handsomely〕They will make a handsome profit on the property.他们会从这片地产中赚取丰厚的利润。柯林斯高阶〔inventory〕A detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one's possession, especially a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock.财产目录:个人财产中物品的详细的、逐条登录的目录、报告或记录,特指对所存的全部货物和材料所做的阶段性的统计美国传统〔natural history〕Charmouth Heritage Centre is the place to discover more about the natural history of the area.在查茅斯遗产中心, 可以对该地区的自然现象进行更多探索。外研社新世纪〔on-stream〕In or into operation or production.运转中的:在运转或生产中的美国传统〔plan〕The administration has announced plans to reduce the use of pesticides in food production.政府已经公布了减少食品生产中杀虫剂使用量的计划。麦克米伦高阶〔pour into〕We pour money into shares and other financial assets.我们把大笔钱投入股票和其他金融资产中。外研社新世纪〔precedence〕Our company will continue to assert its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.我们公司由于在世界药品生产中的领先地位而将继续断言其优先权美国传统〔principal〕The trust acquired interests in five principal properties during the course of the last year.上一年期间, 该信托机构从五项资本财产中获取利息。外研社新世纪〔prize〕He prized his new car above all his other possessions.所有财产中他最看重的是他的新车。21世纪英汉〔production〕By September, the new motors were in production.到九月的时候,新发动机正在生产中。朗文当代〔prorafion〕It is usual to prorate the taxes between the seller and the buyer in the sale of real estate.在出售房地产中,通常由买卖双方分摊税金。21世纪英汉〔save〕He tried to save the company from bankruptcy.他设法把公司从破产中挽救过来。文馨英汉〔survivorship〕Law The right of a person who survives a partner or joint owner to the entire ownership of something that was previously owned jointly.【法律】 遗产享有权:共有财产中生存者对死去的伙伴或财产共有人名下的财产享有的权利美国传统〔those〕The company has $10 billion in assets. But more than half of those are in junk bonds.这家公司的资产有100亿美元。但是那些资产中有一大半是垃圾债券。外研社新世纪〔twister〕One that twists, as in the manufacture of rope or yarn.旋转者,如在绳子或纺线的生产中美国传统A slight improvement in industrial production has helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into recession.工业生产中的一个小小的改进便消除了人们一直担心经济正在缓慢衰退的余虑。剑桥国际Gum arabic is used as a glue, in ink and in the manufacture of sweets and the gum is extracted from the acacia tree.阿拉伯树胶被当作胶水使用,用在墨水和糖果的生产中,这种胶是从金合欢属树中提取的。剑桥国际Lychees originally came from China.荔枝原产中国。剑桥国际Many companies now use robots for the welding involved in car manufacture.现在许多公司使用机器人来做汽车生产中的焊接工作。剑桥国际Oil is used in the manufacture of a number of fabrics.石油被用于几种纤维的生产中。剑桥国际One in three rented properties is privately owned.出租房产中有三分之一是私有的。牛津商务She signed away her share in the property. 她签字放弃财产中属于她的那一份。译典通The company should emerge from bankruptcy in September.这家公司应该可以从九月份的破产中摆脱出来。牛津商务The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.政府已经保证减少食品生产中使用的化学制剂量。剑桥国际The government has refused to rescue the company from bankruptcy.政府已拒绝将这家公司从破产中解救出来。剑桥国际The new model is on the stocks and will go on sale in May.新款正在生产中,将于五月份上市销售。牛津商务They tried to salvage (= save) what they could from the wreckage of the bankrupt company.他们尽力想从破产公司的残留资产中多抢救出点东西。牛津商务This figure includes a €1.7 million one-off gain from sale of assets.这个数字包括从出售资产中获得的 170 万欧元的一次性收益。牛津商务




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