

单词 乐曲
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HAPPY〕a film, story, piece of music that makes you happy 电影、故事、乐曲让人愉快的朗文写作活用〔bagpipe〕bagpipe music 风笛乐曲韦氏高阶〔bar〕the opening bars of a piece of music 乐曲开头的几个小节牛津高阶〔bow〕bow a difficult passage 拉一段难奏的乐曲英汉大词典〔brass〕music for piano, strings and brass 钢琴、弦乐器和铜管乐器的合奏乐曲牛津高阶〔charm〕the charm of Mozart's music 莫扎特乐曲的魅力英汉大词典〔classical〕a classical repertoire 古典音乐曲目朗文当代〔compose〕a piece of music composed for the flute 为长笛而谱写的乐曲剑桥高阶〔dance to〕to dance to quiet music和着怡静的乐曲跳舞21世纪英汉〔dirge〕the mournful dirge, 'Erin's Lament'哀婉的乐曲, 《爱尔兰挽歌》外研社新世纪〔disco〕disco music/dancing 迪斯科乐曲╱舞牛津高阶〔encourage〕played patriotic music to animate the troops; 演奏爱国乐曲以鼓舞士气;美国传统〔feminine〕music in feminine cadence 在弱拍上终止的乐曲英汉大词典〔folksy〕a folksy piece of music 有民俗风格的乐曲麦克米伦高阶〔instrumental〕instrumental music 器乐曲牛津高阶〔interpreter〕today's foremost interpreter of Chopin当今时代肖邦乐曲首屈一指的演绎者外研社新世纪〔length〕the length of a piece of music.一首乐曲的时间。牛津同义词〔lively〕a lively tune. 欢快的乐曲美国传统〔melodic〕a second melodic part乐曲的第二部分外研社新世纪〔mournful〕mournful music 哀婉的乐曲剑桥高阶〔music hall〕an old music hall song一首古老的歌舞杂耍乐曲外研社新世纪〔music〕play (或perform, make) music for wedding parties 为婚礼演奏乐曲英汉大词典〔number〕a musical number.一段乐曲。牛津同义词〔overlay〕a simple tune that was overlaid with ornate harmonies. 用过度激昂的和声来粉饰的简单乐曲美国传统〔piece〕a piece for symphony orchestra 一首适合交响乐团演奏的乐曲牛津搭配〔piece〕a piece of art/music/poetry, etc. 一件艺术品、一支乐曲、一首诗歌等牛津高阶〔piece〕a piece of music.一支乐曲。牛津同义词〔piece〕play a piece (of music) 演奏一支乐曲英汉大词典〔rippling〕a rippling melody 行云流水般的乐曲英汉大词典〔stomper〕a jazzy stomper 一首跺脚爵士舞乐曲韦氏高阶〔strain〕the strains of a hymn 赞美诗乐曲英汉大词典〔strum〕strum a melody 弹出一支乐曲英汉大词典〔tempo〕the tempo of a piece of music.乐曲的速度。牛津同义词〔theme〕a musical theme.乐曲的主旋律。牛津同义词〔transcribe〕piano music which has been transcribed for orchestra 为管弦乐队演奏而改编的钢琴乐曲英汉大词典〔tune〕a collection of classic tunes 一套经典乐曲合集牛津搭配〔typify〕the haunting guitar melodies that typify the band's music 反映这个乐队音乐特色的萦绕心头的吉他乐曲牛津高阶〔untitled〕an untitled piece of music 无标题的乐曲英汉大词典〔variation〕a set of variations on a theme by Mozart 以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲牛津高阶〔wind〕music for strings and for wind 弦乐器和管乐器的乐曲英汉大词典




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