

单词 乐意
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cheerful〕a cheerful helper 诚心乐意的帮手英汉大词典〔cheerful〕cheerful labor. 乐意的效劳美国传统〔cooperative〕cooperative children 乐意合作的孩子们韦氏高阶〔embrace〕embrace a social cause. 乐意地从事于一项社会活动美国传统〔enjoy〕enjoy sb.'s company 乐意和某人在一起英汉大词典〔fiddle〕a former star athlete who is not happy to play second fiddle as he nears the end of his career 即将结束体育生涯却不乐意退居次要地位的前明星运动员韦氏高阶〔nolens volens〕nōlēns [present participle of] nolle [to be unwilling] nōlēns nolle的现在分词 [不乐意] 美国传统〔ransom〕clients happy to pay a king's ransom for a haircut. 乐意为理发出高价的顾客柯林斯高阶〔readiness〕their readiness to co-operate with the new US envoy. 他们乐意和新任美国特使合作柯林斯高阶〔uncheerful〕uncheerful service 不乐意的服务英汉大词典




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