

单词 乐声
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HEAR〕Now and then I could just make out George's voice above the music. 我只是偶尔能从音乐声中隐约听到乔治的声音。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕Above the music on the radio was an annoying, high-pitched whistle. 盖过收音机里放出的音乐声的,是恼人的尖锐口哨声。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕As he neared the park he could hear the tinny music from Joey's radio. 他走近公园的时候,听到了乔伊的收音机里传出沙沙的音乐声。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕Rock music boomed from speakers above the stage. 舞台上方的扬声器里传来隆隆回响的摇滚乐声。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕The neighbors blasted religious music from their windows at all hours of the night. 邻居整夜大声播放着宗教音乐,音乐声从他们的窗户传出来。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕The music was so loud you couldn't carry on a conversation. 音乐声这么响让人没法交谈。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕The music was dying down. The show was over. 音乐声渐渐静了下来,演出结束了。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕Turn that music down, you'll wake the whole street! 把那音乐声调低点,你会把整条街的人都吵醒的!朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I'm often kept up by the noise of laughter and music from next door. 我经常被隔壁的笑声和音乐声吵得不能入睡。朗文写作活用〔air〕Music filled the night air.乐声荡漾在夜空中。牛津高阶〔air〕Music filled the night air.夜晚的空气中弥漫着音乐声。牛津搭配〔amplification〕The music was amplified with microphones.音乐声通过麦克风被放大。柯林斯高阶〔away〕The music faded away as the procession moved slowly up the street.随着街上的游行队伍渐渐远去,音乐声也渐渐听不见了。剑桥高阶〔away〕The music faded away.乐声逐渐消失。牛津高阶〔barely〕The music was barely audible.音乐声勉强能听见。牛津高阶〔bear〕The sound of music was borne to us on [upon] the wind.那乐声随风传到我们这里。文馨英汉〔blank〕The music blanked out.乐声消失了。21世纪英汉〔blank〕The music blanked out.音乐声消失了。英汉大词典〔blare〕Music blared out of the loudspeakers.响亮的音乐声从扬声器里传送出来。英汉大词典〔blast〕Music blasted from the little radio.从小收音机里播出刺耳的音乐声。21世纪英汉〔blast〕Music was blasting out from the open window.敞开的窗户传出震耳欲聋的音乐声。麦克米伦高阶〔blast〕Their music was blasting all night.他们的音乐声吵了一整晚。韦氏高阶〔blast〕There was a sudden blast of music as the car sped by.汽车飞驰而过时突然发出一阵响亮的音乐声。麦克米伦高阶〔boom out〕Music boomed out from loudspeakers.喇叭中传出低沉的音乐声。外研社新世纪〔brittle〕Brilliantly sharp, as in percussive sound.尖利的,如打击乐声美国传统〔can〕I can hear music.我听见有音乐声。牛津高阶〔catch〕The music was so loud I didn't catch what he said.音乐声太大了,我没听见他说什么。麦克米伦高阶〔chime〕An apparatus for striking a bell or set of bells to produce a musical sound.敲钟装置:敲一只或一组钟来发出音乐声的一种装置美国传统〔chime〕To make a musical sound by striking a bell or set of bells.制造乐音:敲击一只钟或一组钟来产生音乐声美国传统〔compete〕Turn the music down - I'm not competing against/with that noise (= I can't/won't try to speak louder than that music)! 把音乐声调小点儿——我可不想跟那噪声较劲!剑桥高阶〔consideration〕Turn your music down and show a little consideration for the neighbours! 把你的音乐声调小点,考虑一下邻居!剑桥高阶〔conversation〕With so much loud music, conversation was almost impossible.音乐声那么大,几乎没法交谈。麦克米伦高阶〔cooperative〕I asked them to turn down their music, but they're not being very cooperative.我叫他们不要把音乐声放得这么大,可是他们不肯合作。剑桥高阶〔crank up〕By about six, they're cranking the music up loud again.到6点左右,他们又把音乐声音开大了。柯林斯高阶〔deafening〕The music was deafening.音乐声震耳欲聋。韦氏高阶〔down〕Turn the music down! 把音乐声关小点!牛津高阶〔drift〕The sounds of music drifted up to us.音乐声向我们悠悠飘来。英汉大词典〔drown〕The music almost drowned the sound of his voice.音乐声几乎盖过了他的声音。麦克米伦高阶〔ear〕The music was so loud I had to cover my ears.音乐声太响,我不得不用手捂住耳朵。牛津搭配〔ear〕The music was so loud that it hurt my ears.音乐声太响,震得我耳朵疼。牛津搭配〔emanate〕The sound of loud music emanated from the building.喧闹的音乐声是从那栋楼房里传出来的。牛津高阶〔fade up〕The radio station faded the music up.广播电台使音乐声逐渐加强。21世纪英汉〔fade〕He slid a control to fade out the music.他滑动控制器,让音乐声渐渐减弱。朗文当代〔fade〕The lights and music faded as we set sail from the harbor.当我们从海港起航时,光线逐渐变暗,音乐声逐渐减弱美国传统〔fall〕The music rose and fell.音乐声时强时弱。韦氏高阶〔fanfare〕Music A loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets.【音乐】 号曲:响亮的铜管乐声,尤指号角美国传统〔float〕Beautiful music came floating out of the window.美妙的乐声从窗口传出。牛津高阶〔float〕Music floated up from the garden.音乐声从花园里飘来。麦克米伦高阶〔gaiety〕Music rang out adding to the gaiety and life of the market.音乐声响起, 增添了市场欢乐热闹的气氛。外研社新世纪〔godfather〕Mick Jagger, the godfather of rock-and-roll vocals 米克·贾格尔,摇滚乐声乐的教父级人物麦克米伦高阶〔hear〕I could just hear the music in the distance.我隐约听到远处有音乐声。牛津搭配〔hilarity〕The noise of hilarity in the restaurant below kept him awake until the small hours.下面餐馆的欢乐声使他难以入睡直至凌晨。文馨英汉〔inside〕I could hear music coming from inside.我能听到里面传来乐声。柯林斯高阶〔keen〕Violins keened in a moonlight night.月明之夜小提琴奏出如泣如诉的乐声。英汉大词典〔lift〕The wayward music lifted up again.飘忽不定的音乐声又响起来了。英汉大词典〔loud〕The music is deafeningly loud.音乐声大得震耳欲聋。麦克米伦高阶〔low〕Soft music was playing and the lights were low.乐声轻柔,灯光昏暗。剑桥高阶〔make yourself heard/understood (etc.)〕The music was so loud that she could hardly make herself heard.音乐声太响了,她几乎没法让别人听清她说话。韦氏高阶〔melt〕When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.当新娘在激动人心的音乐声中走过教堂通道时, 即使是最冷酷的心也会融化。外研社新世纪〔mingle〕Laughter mingled with the music and appreciative comments.笑声和音乐声、赞美声交织在一起。英汉大词典〔music〕She could hear loud music from the party upstairs.她能听到楼上聚会传来的喧闹的音乐声。牛津搭配〔music〕The music was coming from next door.音乐声是从隔壁传来的。牛津搭配〔obscure〕A loud brassy chord ran down the corridor, obscuring the sound of her voice.响亮的铜管乐声从走廊的另一端传过来,掩盖了她的嗓音。英汉大词典〔otherwise〕There was some music playing upstairs. Otherwise the house was silent.楼上有些音乐声。除此以外,房子里静悄悄的。牛津高阶〔pipe in〕Foreign guests were piped in.外宾在管乐声中被迎了进来。21世纪英汉〔pipe〕Guests were piped in.客人们在管乐声中被迎了进来。英汉大词典〔pipe〕Music is piped throughout the hotel complex.音乐声在整座酒店大楼里回荡。剑桥高阶〔piping〕The music produced by a pipe when played.管乐器音乐,风笛声:吹奏的管乐器发出的乐声美国传统〔pitch〕They brought the audience to such a pitch of excitement that you could no longer hear the music.他们使观众情绪如此激动,甚至音乐声已淹没其中。韦氏高阶〔play〕You kids are playing your music too loud.你们这些孩子把音乐声开得太大了。韦氏高阶〔reedy〕Music Having a tone like that of a reed instrument.【音乐】 簧乐声调的:具有象簧乐器的声调的美国传统〔resonate〕The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.大厅回响着小号独奏的乐声。英汉大词典〔ring〕My head is/My ears are still ringing (= are full of a ringing noise) from the sound of the military band.军乐队的乐声仍然回荡在我的脑海中/耳际。剑桥高阶〔soar〕As the plane took off, the music soared.飞机起飞后, 音乐声更大了。外研社新世纪〔soar〕The music soared to the rafters, carrying its listeners' hearts.音乐声响彻屋宇, 震撼人心。外研社新世纪〔softly〕When he woke again he could hear soft music.他再次醒来时,听见了轻柔的音乐声。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕When he woke again he could hear soft music.他再次醒来时, 听到了轻柔的音乐声。外研社新世纪〔solemn〕The service of burial is done with solemn and mournful music.葬礼仪式在庄严的哀乐声中举行。英汉大词典〔swell〕Music swelled around us.音乐声在我们四周越来越响。朗文当代〔through〕They could hear music pulsing through the walls of the house.透过墙壁,他们能听到有节奏的音乐声。柯林斯高阶〔through〕They could hear music through the walls of the house.透过墙壁, 他们能听到音乐声。外研社新世纪〔tone-deaf〕Unable to distinguish differences in musical pitch.不善于辨别音高的:不能或不善于辨别音乐声调高低不同的美国传统〔vibrate〕The music vibrates in the memory.回忆时音乐声萦绕心中。英汉大词典〔waft〕The distant music wafted across the lake.远处的音乐声飘过湖面。21世纪英汉〔waft〕The sound of music wafted softly into the yard from our neighbor's house.音乐声从我们邻居家轻轻地飘进了庭院。韦氏高阶〔wall-to-wall〕The beach was wall-to-wall music.海滩上到处都可听见音乐声。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕Music blared from the open window of the house across the way.从街对面那栋房子开着的窗户里传出嘈杂的音乐声。牛津高阶〔whirl〕His mind was still whirling with the music and the lights.他的头脑里仍然满是音乐声和灯光。麦克米伦高阶〔wiggle〕They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music.他们随着流行音乐的乐声扭摆着屁股。英汉大词典At last, the music died away. 音乐声终于渐渐消失。译典通Please turn your music down--it's very distracting.请把你的音乐声调低一点----它很叫人心烦。剑桥国际The light was changing colour kaleidoscopically with the different pitch of the musical sounds, bright reds and yellows in the high register, deep purple in the low.灯光随着乐声的高低不同而千变万化,音高时是明亮的红色和黄色,音低时是深紫色。剑桥国际The loud music brought on (= caused) another one of his headaches.过响的音乐声再次使他头痛。剑桥国际The music faded/died away as the procession moved slowly up the street.随着游行队伍在大街上缓慢移动,音乐声越来越小。剑桥国际The music vibrates in the memory. 音乐声萦绕在记忆中。译典通The sound of martial music is always inspiring. 军乐声总是令人振奋的。译典通The sound of music is pleasant to the ear. 音乐声很动听。译典通We could hardly hear each other speak above the music (=because the music was so loud).在音乐声中我们几乎听不清彼此在说些什么。剑桥国际When the music started, someone dimmed the lights.音乐声一起,有人就把灯光调暗了。剑桥国际When the music started, the lights dimmed.音乐声一起,灯光就黯淡下来。剑桥国际




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