

单词 他年
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aging〕his aging parents 他年迈的父母韦氏高阶〔day〕in his younger days 他年轻的时候牛津搭配〔exploit〕regaling us with tales of his youthful exploits 讲他年轻时的壮举逗我们乐麦克米伦高阶〔flirtation〕his youthful flirtation with communism 他年轻时闹着玩儿似的参与共产主义事业的行为韦氏高阶〔folly〕regretted the follies of his youth. 为他年轻时的愚蠢行为而后悔美国传统〔go-ahead〕his go-ahead young secretary他年轻上进的秘书外研社新世纪〔grievance〕the sense of grievance which characterized him as a young man 他年轻时惯有的不满情绪朗文当代〔memory〕all the forgotten memories from when he was younger 所有被遗忘的他年轻时候的记忆牛津搭配〔misery〕the miseries of his youth. 他年轻时遭受的不幸柯林斯高阶〔misery〕the miseries of his youth他年轻时的苦难外研社新世纪〔now〕the now famous photograph of an American sailor kissing his young wife 一名美国水手亲吻他年轻妻子的当下著名照片韦氏高阶〔respect〕the respect due to his great age 因他年长而对他的尊敬牛津搭配〔roughly〕a woman of roughly his own age一个和他年龄相仿的女人外研社新世纪〔sense〕when he was younger and had a bit more sense. 在他年纪更轻一些而且还有点头脑的时候柯林斯高阶〔sensuously〕his sensuous young mistress, Marie-Therese. 他年轻性感的情妇玛丽-特蕾泽柯林斯高阶〔wild〕recalled his wild youth with remorse. 带着悔恨回忆他年轻时的放荡生活美国传统




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