

单词 作为
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ACCEPT〕to accept something as payment 接受某物作为支付方式朗文写作活用〔PAY〕money that you have to pay as a punishment 作为一种惩罚必须支付的钱朗文写作活用〔aggregate〕take things in the aggregate 把事物作为总体予以考虑英汉大词典〔alter ego〕a trusted adviser who is the President's alter ego 作为总统挚友而受信赖的顾问韦氏高阶〔anchor〕a local bank that has been the financial anchor of the community 作为社区金融支柱的一家地方银行韦氏高阶〔apart〕a people who have existed over the centuries as a world apart. 作为与世隔绝的民族已经存在了几个世纪了美国传统〔appeal〕appeal to the number of dead as a reason why the fighting should stop 提出死者数字以此作为战斗必须停止的理由英汉大词典〔arisings〕the arisings of scrap metal 作为下脚料的废金属英汉大词典〔breed〕be bred up as a sailor 从小被作为水手培养英汉大词典〔campaign〕campaign as a foot soldier 作为步兵参加战斗英汉大词典〔capacity〕acting in her capacity as manager 以她作为经理的身分行事牛津高阶〔challenge〕a career that offers a challenge. 大有作为的事业美国传统〔decay〕the decay of NATO as a war-fighting machine北大西洋公约组织作为战争机器的日渐式微外研社新世纪〔demand〕in great demand as a speaker. 作为一个演说家受到大家的热烈欢迎美国传统〔early warning〕atmospheric conditions that are early warnings of tropical storms作为热带风暴预警信号的大气状态外研社新世纪〔evidential〕evidential material. 作为证据的材料美国传统〔ground〕level the ground for a lawn. 平整土地作为草坪美国传统〔hothouse〕the College's reputation as a hothouse of novel ideas该学院作为创新思想孕育地而享有的声誉外研社新世纪〔language〕the teaching of English as a second language 作为第二语言的英语教学牛津搭配〔learner〕learners of English as a second language 将英语作为第二语言的学习者韦氏高阶〔macroeconomic〕the attempt to substitute low inflation for full employment as a goal of macro-economic policy. 尝试以低通货膨胀率取代充分就业作为宏观经济政策的目标柯林斯高阶〔means〕using fingerprints as a means of identification 用指纹作为一种识别方式韦氏高阶〔parameter〕political dissent as a parameter of modern life 作为现代生活一大因素的不同政见英汉大词典〔perpetual〕the perpetual demands of parenthood 作为父母没完没了的麻烦事韦氏高阶〔postulation〕admit as a postulation 作为一种假设接受英汉大词典〔privilege〕the privileges that go with belonging to an aristocratic family作为贵族家庭的一员而享有的特权外研社新世纪〔prominence〕the prominence of pressure groups as political forces 压力团体作为政治力量的重要性朗文当代〔qua〕religion qua religion作为宗教信仰的宗教外研社新世纪〔qua〕the novelist qua narrator 作为叙事者的小说家麦克米伦高阶〔raw〕raw use of military power as an instrument of international relations 作为处理国际关系手段的军事实力的悍然使用 英汉大词典〔refit〕the seaport, both as a port of call and as a centre of refitting and ship-repairing 既作为停泊港又作为重新装备和修船中心的海港英汉大词典〔regard〕pay no regard at all for (或 to) the human dignities of people 丝毫不顾人们作为人的尊严英汉大词典〔reign〕his successful reign as manager of the team 他作为经理对这个小组的成功驾驭剑桥高阶〔reward〕receive a title as a reward for one's loyalty 被授予作为奖励忠诚的荣衔英汉大词典〔salad days〕during her salad days as a young reporter in New York city 她作为纽约市一名年轻记者的青年时代韦氏高阶〔seal〕a handshake as a seal of renewed friendship 作为恢复友谊象征的握手英汉大词典〔second〕the teaching of English as a second language 作为第二语言的英语教学英汉大词典〔stereotype〕the stereotype of women as passive victims 作为被动受害者的刻板女性形象牛津搭配〔struggle〕his struggle for recognition as a poet 他作为一名诗人为获得公众认可而作出的努力麦克米伦高阶〔subject〕arguing that as a sovereign state it could not be subject to another country's laws. 争论说作为一个主权国家其不受其他国家法律的约束柯林斯高阶




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