

单词 作业
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔affiliate〕lumbering and its affiliated activities 伐木及与此有关的作业英汉大词典〔around-the-clock〕an around-the-clock operation 日夜不休的作业[操作]文馨英汉〔assault〕assault one's homework 突击完成家庭作业英汉大词典〔assignment〕an assignment on modern lifestyles 有关现代生活方式的作业牛津搭配〔assignment〕written assignments and practical tests书面作业和实验外研社新世纪〔batch〕a batch job 一批作业朗文当代〔bound〕fogbound airports 因雾不能正常作业的机场牛津高阶〔correction〕mark corrections on the students' papers 批改学生们的作业英汉大词典〔course〕course work/requirements 课程作业/要求韦氏高阶〔decompression〕a decompression chamber(= a piece of equipment that divers sit in so that they can return slowly to normal air pressure after being deep in the sea) 减压舱(潜水员深海作业后坐在其中恢复到正常气压)牛津高阶〔do〕do a homework assignment. 完成家庭作业美国传统〔field〕field operations. 野外作业美国传统〔give〕give homework to a class 向班级布置课外作业英汉大词典〔grade〕to grade work/papers 批改作业/试卷剑桥高阶〔guided writing〕some guided writing tasks. 一些指导性写作作业柯林斯高阶〔hand〕hand in one's homework on time 按时交家庭作业 英汉大词典〔homework〕history/geography homework 历史/地理家庭作业剑桥高阶〔mark〕to mark students’ work.给学生作业打分。牛津同义词〔open〕people working in the open air(= not in a building) 在户外作业的人牛津高阶〔operation〕field operation 野外作业英汉大词典〔operation〕the most successful customs operation of the year本年度最成功的海关作业外研社新世纪〔operation〕tunnel operations 坑道作业英汉大词典〔overmuch〕give children overmuch homework 给孩子们过多的家庭作业英汉大词典〔pitman〕pl. pit.men[-mĕn] A worker employed inside a pit in various industrial operations, as in a coal mine. 【复数】 pit.men[-mĕn] 矿工:被雇在不同工业作业区的矿井内工作的人,如煤矿工人美国传统〔prep〕history prep历史课外作业外研社新世纪〔project〕a geography project地理课作业外研社新世纪〔run〕the eight-hour run of a factory 工厂的八小时作业文馨英汉〔shift〕shift workers/work 轮班工作的工人;轮班作业牛津高阶〔shift〕shifted assignments among the students. 学生之间交换作业美国传统〔slump〕to slump the cost by automation以自动化作业降低费用21世纪英汉〔submit〕to submit work to a teacher.把作业呈递给老师。牛津同义词〔tackle〕tackle one's homework after supper 晚饭后开始做家庭作业英汉大词典〔task〕a school holiday task 学校假期作业英汉大词典〔telnet〕often Telnet An Internet communications protocol that enables a computer to function as a terminal working from a remote computer. often Telnet 远程登录协议:为因特网通讯协议,让计算机可以连接远程主机进行终端作业美国传统〔terminal〕a terminal service 码头作业英汉大词典〔untidily〕the desk piled untidily with books and half-finished homework. 横七竖八地堆放着书本和做了一半的作业的桌子柯林斯高阶〔waste〕heat wasted in the process 作业过程中未被充分利用的热量英汉大词典〔wrestle〕wrestle with assignments in mathematics 苦苦对付数学作业英汉大词典a code of best practice for training providers 培训服务供应商的典范作业守则牛津商务underperforming executives/managers 工作业绩欠佳的管理者/经理牛津商务




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