

单词 人群
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Anglo-Asian〕the Anglo-Asian community. 亚裔英国人群体柯林斯高阶〔agitable〕a crowd agitated to a frenzy by impassioned oratory被慷慨激昂的演说所激动至狂的人群21世纪英汉〔at risk〕people who are at risk of developing heart disease [=who might develop heart disease] 可能罹患心脏病的人群韦氏高阶〔aversion〕formed an aversion to crowds. 对人群形成反感美国传统〔battle〕battle one's way through the crowd 奋力挤过人群英汉大词典〔bay〕the baying crowd. 怒吼的人群柯林斯高阶〔bracket〕a 33% top tax rate on everyone in these high-income brackets. 对所有这些高收入人群征收的33%的最高税率柯林斯高阶〔bravery〕crowds wearing their holiday bravery 穿着节日盛装的人群英汉大词典〔bull〕to bull one's way through a crowd挤过人群21世纪英汉〔bustle〕a continual bustle of people coming and going 川流不息的来往人群朗文当代〔clamour〕the clamour of the angry crowd 愤怒人群的呼喊声英汉大词典〔conduct〕police controlling a crowd; 警察控制着人群;美国传统〔crowd〕crowd control 人群控制牛津高阶〔crowd〕make one's way through the crowd 挤过人群英汉大词典〔crush〕push one's way through the crush of a crowd 挤出拥挤的人群英汉大词典〔din〕the din of the crowd人群的喧闹声外研社新世纪〔edge〕to edge one's way through a crowd侧着身子挤过人群21世纪英汉〔excited〕excited crowds of shoppers 兴奋的购物人群朗文当代〔force〕force a passage through the crowd 强行挤过人群 英汉大词典〔forge〕forged ahead through throngs of shoppers. 在购物人群中挪动美国传统〔go〕with sth The crowd was going wild with excitement. 人群欣喜若狂。朗文当代〔heritage〕a need for the Asian community to preserve their cultural heritage 亚洲人群体保护自己文化遗产的需要麦克米伦高阶〔high-risk〕patients in the high-risk group 属于高危人群的病人韦氏高阶〔hostile〕a hostile crowd 不友好的人群剑桥高阶〔island〕a counter forming an island in the middle of the kitchen; islands of people living on the empty prairie. 在厨房中央形成一个小岛的案台;生活在空旷的草原上的零星的人群美国传统〔jeering〕strangers who never glanced at the jeering crowd对嘲笑的人群不屑一顾的陌生人外研社新世纪〔join〕to join a crowd.随着人群。牛津同义词〔murmur〕the murmur of the crowd 人群的低语声韦氏高阶〔orderly〕an orderly crowd.守秩序的人群。牛津同义词〔plough〕plough one's way through a crowd 用力从人群中挤过去英汉大词典〔press〕the press of bodies all moving the same way 拥向同一方向的人群牛津高阶〔representativeness〕fairly representative groups of adults. 相当典型的成年人群体柯林斯高阶〔restlessness〕the restlessness of the crowd 人群的躁动不安韦氏高阶〔rough〕a rough crowd.粗野的人群。牛津同义词〔scare〕managed to scare up some folding chairs for the unexpected crowd. 设法为突然出现的人群找到一些折椅美国传统〔sedentary〕sedentary tribes/people 定居部落/人群韦氏高阶〔shout〕a crowd roaring its disapproval; 大声反对的人群;美国传统〔side-on〕a side-on view of the crowd 从侧面看人群麦克米伦高阶〔snake〕to snake one's way through a crowd在人群中迂回穿行21世纪英汉〔twist〕twist one's way through the crowd 在人群中曲折穿行英汉大词典




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