

单词 人的生命
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANGEROUS〕If an ambulance crew goes on strike, it is putting people's lives at risk. 假如救护车工作人员罢工,那就是把病人的生命置于危险境地。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕People who drink and drive are a danger to themselves and to others. 酒后驾车者对自己和他人的生命都构成危险。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Cowley's pioneering development of modern emergency medicine helped save countless lives. 考利对现代急救医学的开拓性发展拯救了无数人的生命。朗文写作活用〔From that point on〕There comes a point in a man's life when he has to think seriously about his future.人的生命中都有这么一刻,不得不严肃地思考自己的未来。韦氏高阶〔PROBABLY〕Somalia was again crippled by a drought that threatened to kill hundreds of thousands more. 干旱再次席卷索马里,数十万人的生命危在旦夕。朗文写作活用〔Peruvian〕The disease has killed thousands of Peruvians this year.这种疾病今年已夺去了数千秘鲁人的生命。柯林斯高阶〔SUBJECT〕These operations can save lives, but they raise difficult questions about animal rights. 这些手术可以挽救人的生命,但是对于动物的权利,却提出了一些难题。朗文写作活用〔affronted〕It's an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.如此维持一个人的生命是对人类尊严的冒犯。柯林斯高阶〔at stake〕Many lives are at stake.许多人的生命处于生死关头。韦氏高阶〔at stake〕Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon.如果紧急救援物资不能很快运到城中,数千人的生命就会有危险。剑桥高阶〔battle〕Surgeons battled to save the man's life.外科医师奋力抢救那个人的生命。麦克米伦高阶〔before〕A young person's whole life lies before him.年轻人的生命展现在他前面美国传统〔being〕A nuclear war would kill millions of living beings.一场核战争会夺去数百万人的生命。剑桥高阶〔bout〕The latest bout of violence has claimed 24 lives.最近的一轮暴力事件夺去了24人的生命。外研社新世纪〔cheapen〕The movie was accused of cheapening human life.有人指责这部电影贬低了人的生命价值。牛津高阶〔claim sb's life〕The war has claimed thousands of lives.战争已夺去了数千人的生命。剑桥高阶〔claim〕The disease claims millions of lives.这种疾病夺去了几百万人的生命。外研社新世纪〔claim〕The earthquake has so far claimed over 3000 lives.到目前为止这场地震已经夺去了 3000 多人的生命。朗文当代〔claim〕The severe flooding has claimed over 500 lives.那场严重的水灾夺走了500多人的生命。麦克米伦高阶〔combine〕Relief workers say it's worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands.救灾人员说疾病加上饥饿夺去了数千人的生命,严重程度前所未有。柯林斯高阶〔consideration〕Safe driving is good driving because it takes into consideration the lives of other people.安全驾驶才是好的驾驶, 因为它顾及到了他人的生命。外研社新世纪〔countless〕The new treatment could save Emma's life and the lives of countless others.新的疗法可拯救埃玛的生命以及无数其他人的生命。牛津高阶〔danger〕The woman's life was obviously in immediate danger.很明显,那个女人的生命危在旦夕。英汉大词典〔danger〕This may put my client's life in serious danger.这可能会严重危及我的当事人的生命。麦克米伦高阶〔daring〕His daring rescue saved the lives of the youngsters.他的大胆营救挽救了那些年轻人的生命。外研社新世纪〔deprivation〕This prohibits the deprivation of life without due process of law.这禁止未经正当法律程序剥夺他人的生命。外研社新世纪〔destroy〕Drugs can destroy the lives of young people.毒品能毁掉年轻人的生命。牛津搭配〔disease〕The disease has killed 500 people so far this year.迄今为止这种疾病今年已经夺走了 500 人的生命。牛津搭配〔disregard〕The terrorists acted in complete/total disregard of human life.恐怖分子的行动毫不在乎人的生命。韦氏高阶〔drought〕Drought and famines have killed up to two million people here.旱灾和饥荒夺去了这里200万人的生命。柯林斯高阶〔drought〕The drought has killed two million people.旱灾已经夺去了两百万人的生命。外研社新世纪〔fateful〕His decisive action on that fateful night saved many lives.在那个决定性的夜晚, 他的果断行动拯救了许多人的生命。外研社新世纪〔god〕It is unfair to ask doctors to play God and end someone's life.让医生担当上帝的角色去结束一个人的生命并不公平。牛津高阶〔imperil〕You imperilled the lives of other road users by your driving.你的驾驶危及了其他路人的生命安全。柯林斯高阶〔incommensurable〕Money and human life are incommensurable.金钱和人的生命无共同的衡量尺度。英汉大词典〔indirectly〕I cannot take a life, even indirectly.我不能剥夺别人的生命, 哪怕是以间接的方式。外研社新世纪〔inestimable〕Human life is of inestimable value.人的生命无价。柯林斯高阶〔life〕No-one has the right to take another's life.谁也无权结束他人的生命。朗文当代〔life〕The crash claimed 43 lives.这起撞车事故夺去了 43 人的生命。牛津搭配〔life〕They are putting lives at risk with their irresponsible behaviour.他们不负责任的行为将众人的生命置于危险中。麦克米伦高阶〔million〕The drug could save millions of lives.这种药能挽救很多人的生命。韦氏高阶〔pandemic〕One pandemic of Spanish flu took nearly 22 million lives worldwide.西班牙流感的大爆发夺去了全球近2,200万人的生命。柯林斯高阶〔people〕It is illegal and could endanger other people's lives.这是非法的,可能会危及他人的生命。柯林斯高阶〔primary〕The Red Cross's primary concern is to preserve and protect human life.红十字会最关心的是维护人的生命安全。剑桥高阶〔recognize〕He was recognized for having saved many lives.他因为救了很多人的生命而受到嘉奖。朗文当代〔risk〕You have no right to take risks with other people's lives.你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。牛津高阶〔sacred〕Human life is sacred.人的生命是神圣的。朗文当代〔sacred〕Human life must always be sacred.人的生命在任何时候都必须得到尊重。牛津高阶〔save〕The smallpox vaccine has saved many lives.天花疫苗挽救了许多人的生命。美国传统〔save〕Wearing seat belts has saved many lives.使用安全带挽救了许多人的生命。剑桥高阶〔spin off from〕Deadly tornadoes that spun off from Hurricane Ivan killed several people.飓风“伊万”衍生出的可怕龙卷风夺去了好几个人的生命。外研社新世纪〔survival〕Chemotherapy can prolong survival in cancer patients.化疗能延长癌症病人的生命。牛津搭配〔sweep off〕The war swept off hundreds and thousands of people.那场战争夺去了成千上万人的生命。21世纪英汉〔take〕Cancer takes many lives.癌症夺走了许多人的生命。21世纪英汉〔take〕Cancer takes many lives.癌症夺走许多人的生命。英汉大词典〔take〕Millions were taken off by the Black Plague.黑死病夺走了数以百万计的人的生命。英汉大词典〔take〕The storms took the lives of 50 people.这场暴风雨夺走了 50 人的生命。牛津高阶〔terror〕The dictator's ten-year reign of terror left over 100 000 dead.独裁者 10 年的恐怖统治夺去了逾 10 万人的生命。牛津搭配〔together〕A famine started which, together with the war, carried away millions of lives.饥荒爆发, 战争又起, 夺去了数百万人的生命。外研社新世纪〔toll〕The famine took a toll of 3,000,000 lives.那场饥荒夺去了300万人的生命。英汉大词典〔utmost〕The medical staff did their utmost (=tried as hard as they could) to save the patient's life.医护人员竭尽全力挽救那位病人的生命。朗文当代〔vaccination〕Vaccination has saved millions of lives.疫苗接种拯救了数百万人的生命。外研社新世纪〔value〕All human life is valued equally.所有人的生命都是同等珍贵的。外研社新世纪〔value〕You can't put a value on a human life.人的生命是无价的。麦克米伦高阶〔victim〕The new drug might help save the lives of cancer victims.这种新药也许可以用于挽救癌症病人的生命。剑桥高阶〔virulent〕A particularly virulent strain of flu has recently claimed a number of lives in the region.一场有致命杀伤力的流感最近在这个地区夺去了许多人的生命。剑桥高阶〔vital statistics〕Statistics concerning the important events in human life, such as births, deaths, marriages, and migrations.生命统计:人的生命中重要事件的统计,如出生,死亡,婚姻和移民等美国传统〔weigh〕You have to weigh up whether a human life is more important than an animal's life.你必须权衡人的生命是否比动物的生命更重要。柯林斯高阶〔win〕They won the war, although it cost them millions of lives.尽管牺牲了数百万人的生命,但他们赢得了战争的胜利。剑桥高阶A simple mixture of glucose and water can save lives in many parts of the world.一种葡萄糖与水的简单混合物能够拯救世界许多地方的人的生命。剑桥国际Building this bridge has already been too costly in terms of lives (=too many people have been killed while working on it).就人的生命而言,造这座桥的代价也已经太大了。剑桥国际By annihilating the smallpox virus, doctors have saved many lives.通过消灭天花病毒,医生们拯救了许多人的生命。剑桥国际I don't think it's humane to keep people alive with machines.我认为用机器维持人的生命是不人道的。剑桥国际In a war, human life becomes very cheap.在战争中,人的生命变得微不足道。剑桥国际It was a reckless military action which showed a flagrant disregard for human life.这是次鲁莽的军事行动,公然漠视人的生命。剑桥国际The Red Cross's primary concern is to preserve and protect human life.红十字会最关心的是维护人的生命安全。剑桥国际The flood took away thousands of lives. 洪水夺走了成千上万人的生命。译典通The life of the patient is at stake. 病人的生命在危急中。译典通The war, which has been raging in the country for over three months, has claimed thousands of lives.战火在这个国家蔓延了三个多月,夺去了数千人的生命。剑桥国际These negotiations could affect the lives of thousands, so we mustn't make any false moves.这些会谈可能会影响上千人的生命,所以我们不能错走一步。剑桥国际This system of Taoist physical and breathing exercises has the object of increasing a person's vital energy.这一道教的身体和呼吸运动套路旨在增强一个人的生命力。剑桥国际Wearing seat belts has saved many lives.扣上安全带挽救了许多人的生命。剑桥国际




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