

单词 余地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hobson's choice〕An apparently free choice that offers no real alternative.毫无选择余地的选择:看似自由选择,实则没有其他选择美国传统〔Hobson's choice〕He jokingly referred to dinner as a Hobson's choice between soup and salad or salad and soup.他开玩笑地说晚餐完全没有选择余地,永远是汤和沙拉或者沙拉和汤。韦氏高阶〔Hobson's choice〕It's Hobson's choice.这是没有选择余地的选择。外研社新世纪〔Hobson's choice〕It's a case of Hobson's choice, because if I don't agree to their terms, I'll lose my job.我没有选择的余地,因为如果不答应他们的条件,我就会失去工作。剑桥高阶〔SPACE〕They stood in the crowd, fighting for elbow room. 他们站在人群里,推挤着找转身的余地。朗文写作活用〔afford〕Her seat afforded her an uninterrupted view of the stage.她的座位很好,可以一览无余地看到整个舞台。剑桥高阶〔alternative〕I was offered no alternative.我没有选择余地。韦氏高阶〔alternative〕There is no alternative for those with no car of their own.没有私家车的人就没有选择余地了。牛津搭配〔arguable〕Whether his theory is right or not is arguable.他的理论对不对有争论的余地。文馨英汉〔artistry〕He played the piece with effortless artistry.他游刃有余地演奏了这首乐曲。牛津高阶〔bear〕Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.我们得按时完成工作,没有回旋余地。牛津高阶〔but〕We're going to visit your aunt tomorrow and there'll be no buts about it.我们明天要去看望你的婶婶,一定要去,没有商量的余地。剑桥高阶〔choice〕A flexible health insurance plan gives patients more choice about doctors and coverage.灵活的医疗保险方案使患者对医生和保险范围有了更多的选择余地。韦氏高阶〔choice〕He had no choice about that.关于那件事儿,他没有选择的余地。牛津搭配〔choice〕She's going to do it. She doesn't have much choice, really, does she? 她就要做那件事了。她真的没有多少选择的余地了,不是吗?牛津高阶〔choice〕Smoking may limit your choice of contraception.吸烟可能会限制你避孕方式的选择余地。牛津搭配〔choice〕Your decision leaves me with no choice but to resign.你的决定让我没有选择的余地,只有辞职。牛津搭配〔choose〕They go because they cannot choose.他们去是因为他们没有选择余地。英汉大词典〔clearance〕It was difficult getting the piano through the doorway because we only had a clearance of a few centimetres.把钢琴搬过这道门很难,因为只有几厘米的余地。剑桥高阶〔clear〕We have a clear view of the ocean from our hotel window.从酒店的窗口我们可以一览无余地看到大海。剑桥高阶〔concern〕Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable.在事关我们的孩子的教育问题上,那是毫无妥协余地的。牛津高阶〔end of〕You're not going out tonight - end of! 你今晚不准出去,这事没有商量的余地!剑桥高阶〔excrescent〕Growing out abnormally, excessively, or superfluously.多余的:不正常地、过度地或多余地生长的美国传统〔fact〕His facts are open to question.他的论据有质疑的余地。英汉大词典〔gain〕There is still scope for efficiency gains.仍有通过提高效率获得更多收益的余地。牛津搭配〔given〕Given the uncertainty over Leigh's future I was left with little other choice.考虑到利前途未卜,我没有什么选择余地。柯林斯高阶〔give〕They never gave me a chance/choice.他们从来就没给过我机会/选择余地。剑桥高阶〔grandstand〕A ridge nearby offered a grandstand view of the battle line.从附近的一道山梁上能够一览无余地看到那条战线。外研社新世纪〔have a grandstand view〕From our hotel room window, we had a grandstand view of the parade.从旅馆房间的窗口我们可以一览无余地观看庆祝游行的场面。剑桥高阶〔hit〕It hit me that I had a choice.我突然意识到我有选择的余地。柯林斯高阶〔however〕The essay is all right; there is room for improvement, however.这篇文章不错,但仍有改进的余地。英汉大词典〔improvement〕Their average grades have risen, but there is still room for improvement.他们的平均成绩提高了,但仍有提升余地。牛津搭配〔improvement〕There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped.国家现有的用于智障病人治疗的设施还有相当大的改进余地。柯林斯高阶〔improvement〕There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped.用于治疗智障人士的州政设施还有相当大的改进余地。外研社新世纪〔improvement〕There is still room for improvement in your work.你的工作尚有改进的余地。牛津高阶〔leave a lot to be desired〕Apparently, Meg's cooking leaves a lot to be desired.显然,梅格的厨艺还有很大的改进余地。剑桥高阶〔leave〕I'm afraid you leave me no choice.恐怕你没有给我选择的余地。牛津高阶〔leeway〕The government does not have much leeway in foreign policy.政府在外交政策上没有多少回旋余地。朗文当代〔leeway〕There is enough leeway in the federal budget.联邦预算中有足够的周转余地。英汉大词典〔limit〕Having so little money to spend on an apartment does limit you in your choice.可花在租公寓上的钱就这么一点,当然会限制你的挑选余地。剑桥高阶〔little〕Students have little or no choice in the matter.学生在这个问题上很少有或没有选择余地。牛津高阶〔little〕There's so little choice.可选择的余地太小了。剑桥高阶〔maneuver〕The opposition had no room in which to maneuver.对手没有回旋的余地了美国传统〔manoeuvre〕As I see it, Lisa, you don't really have a great deal of room for manoeuvre.据我看,莉萨,你其实没有多少回旋的余地。朗文当代〔manoeuvre〕The area for manoeuvre is, however, extremely narrow.不过,机动的余地极为狭窄。英汉大词典〔manoeuvre〕The government has very little room for manoeuvre on this issue.在这个问题上政府没有多少回旋的余地。牛津搭配〔manoeuvre〕The new laws have left us little room to manoeuvre(= not much opportunity to change or influence a situation).新法律没给我们留下多少回旋的余地。牛津高阶〔manoeuvre〕There was plenty of room for manoeuvre.有很大的回旋余地。外研社新世纪〔narrow〕The options are narrowing for the individual.个人自由选择的余地越来越小。英汉大词典〔negotiable〕He warned that his economic programme for the country was not negotiable.他提醒说,他为这个国家制定的经济计划没有商量的余地。柯林斯高阶〔negotiable〕He warned that his economic programme for the country was not negotiable.他警告说他的国家经济计划没有商量的余地。外研社新世纪〔negotiable〕The price was not negotiable.价格没有商量的余地。牛津高阶〔negotiation〕There is considerable room for negotiation on some of the details.在一些细节问题上有很大的谈判余地。牛津搭配〔non-negotiable〕Her parents simply said, “You must finish high school. It's non-negotiable.” 她父母只是说:“你必须读完高中,这没有商量的余地。”韦氏高阶〔open〕His contract keeps open the possibility that he might return to the series.他的合同为他重回剧中演出留下了余地。麦克米伦高阶〔option〕They didn't leave him much option - either he paid or they'd beat him up.他们没有给他多少选择余地——要么付钱,要么挨揍。剑桥高阶〔option〕You must do it; you have no option.你一定得干,你没有选择的余地。英汉大词典〔option〕You'd better keep your options open; you don't know what's going to happen.你最好留点选择的余地, 还不知道会发生什么事。外研社新世纪〔pitifully〕The choice is pitiful and the quality of some of the products is very low.选择余地极小,而且其中一些产品的质量很差。柯林斯高阶〔respect〕Parents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated.关于孩子的治疗方法,父母通常没有什么选择的余地。柯林斯高阶〔room for manoeuvre〕The law in this area is very strict and doesn't allow us much room for manoeuvre.这个地方的法律非常严格,我们很难有回旋的余地。剑桥高阶〔room〕Teachers feel they have little room for manoeuvre when the curriculum is so demanding.课程要求很严格,教师感到没有多少发挥的余地。朗文当代〔room〕There is clearly room for improvement in a number of management areas.有改进的余地麦克米伦高阶〔room〕There is no room for doubt.没有怀疑的余地。外研社新世纪〔room〕There is plenty of room for disagreement in this controversial area.在这个有争议的地区还有许多商讨分歧的余地。麦克米伦高阶〔room〕There seems some room for negotiation (argument).似乎还有协商(争议)的余地。英汉大词典〔room〕There's some room for improvement in your work(= it is not as good as it could be).你的工作还有改进的余地。牛津高阶〔room〕They have not given me one centimetre of bargaining room.他们连一丁点儿商讨的余地都不给我。英汉大词典〔room〕With an election looming, he has little room for manoeuvre.随着大选临近,他几乎没有什么回旋的余地了。柯林斯高阶〔scope〕There is considerable scope for further growth in the economy.经济的进一步增长还大有余地。朗文当代〔scope〕There is scope to increase spending in some areas.某些领域仍有增加开支的余地。外研社新世纪〔seem〕It seems to me you don't have much choice.照我看来,你没有多少选择的余地。朗文当代〔see〕As I see it, you don't have any choice.在我看来,你没有选择的余地。朗文当代〔self-expression〕Corporate dress codes don't give workers much room for self-expression.公司的着装规定没有给员工多少自我表现的余地。朗文当代〔self-expression〕The strict rules leave little room for self-expression.严苛的规则使人没有发挥的余地。韦氏高阶〔turn back〕The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.政府部门如今已经签署了那项法案,没有挽回的余地。柯林斯高阶〔unobstructed〕The driver has an unobstructed view to the rear.司机可以一览无余地看见后部。外研社新世纪〔volition〕He felt as though he were in the grip of Fate and had no volition of his own.他感觉自己好像被命运掌控, 毫无自主选择的余地。外研社新世纪〔wiggle room〕The buyer still has some wiggle room when the deal is under contract.根据合同,买方在交易时仍有一定的回旋余地。牛津高阶〔wiggle room〕We need to leave ourselves some wiggle room when we're negotiating the deal.我们谈判业务的时候需要给自己留一些回旋余地。剑桥高阶Although we have made progress with quality standards, there is still room for improvement.尽管我们的品质标准取得了进展,但是尚有改进的余地。牛津商务Having so little money to spend on an apartment does limit you (in your choice).可以用来租公寓的钱这么少的确限制了你选择的余地。剑桥国际Her writing has improved but there is still room for improvement (= the possibility or hope that it will get better).她的写作提高了,但仍有改进的余地。剑桥国际I hadn't intended to buy a chocolate cake but it was a case of Hobson's choice (=it was the only type of cake there was)! 我原本不想买巧克力蛋糕,可我没有选择的余地。剑桥国际I will go with him -- I have no choice. 我将跟他走,我没有选择余地。译典通If you don't eat meat or fish it can be very limiting when you go to a restaurant.如果你不吃肉或鱼的话,你去饭店时点菜的选择余地就小了。剑桥国际Perhaps his nerves were naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神经天生就很迟钝以至不容有任何刺激的余地。译典通Rising unemployment has diminished the bargaining power of people with jobs (= their ability to get what they want).不断增长的失业率减少了在职人员讨价还价的余地。剑桥国际Some details of the contract are non-negotiable.合同的某些细节没有商量的余地。牛津商务The calculation includes a safety margin to allow for price rises.这一计算给价格上涨留有安全余地。牛津商务The photos of Marilyn naked leave nothing to the imagination (=show everything).玛丽莲的裸照没有给想象留下任何余地。剑桥国际The present schedule does not admit of modification (=it cannot be changed).目前的时间表没有修改的余地。剑桥国际The rest of the country will have winds of up to 60 mph with heavy squally rain.这国家的其余地区会有含飑雨的、时速可达60英里的大风。剑桥国际The teachers said his work was satisfactory but there was still room for improvement.老师说他的作业令人满意,但还是有改进的余地。剑桥国际There is limited scope for further reductions in the workforce.进一步裁减职工人数的余地有限。剑桥国际There is still room for improvement. 还有改进的余地。译典通This is a large old house with much/considerable scope for improvement.这是一幢很大的旧屋,有许多改进装修的余地。剑桥国际We had the luxury of being able to choose from four good candidates for the job.我们的选择余地大,有四位出色的职位候选人可供挑选。牛津商务We have few options left.我们没有什么选择余地了。剑桥国际We need some leeway if we are to act effectively.如果我们想使行动富有成效的话我们需要有一些伸缩余地。剑桥国际




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