

单词 仔细
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕Wagner's responses showed that he had thought carefully about the issues. 瓦格纳的回答说明他是仔细思考过这些问题的。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕They went through the documents systematically, removing every reference to his former wife. 他们仔细翻阅了文件,删去所有提及他前妻的内容。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Anyone thinking about having unprotected sex should think twice. 想进行无保护措施的性行为的人都应该仔细考虑。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The official looked at her identity card carefully and then handed it back to her. 那个官员仔细查看了她的身份证,然后还给了她。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕I went through a list of people to be thanked, and hoped I hadn't left anyone out. 我仔细看了要感谢的人的名单,希望没把谁遗漏了。朗文写作活用〔LISTEN〕He listened carefully to every word I said. 他仔细地听我说每一句话。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕Weigh all the ingredients carefully before mixing them together. 所有成分在搅和之前都要仔细称一下。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕If you do use quotations in your essay, select them carefully. 如果论文中确实要用到引语,请仔细选择。朗文写作活用〔X-ray〕X-ray the charge of treason against sb.仔细审查对某人叛国罪的指控英汉大词典〔align〕We have closely aligned our research and development work with our business needs.我们仔细调整了我们的研发工作,以适应商业需求。麦克米伦高阶〔articulate〕She carefully articulated every syllable.她仔细清晰地发出每个音节。麦克米伦高阶〔assessment〕The investigation was reopened after careful assessment of new evidence.对新证据进行仔细评估后,调查重新启动。麦克米伦高阶〔background〕If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.如果你仔细听这首曲子,可以听到伴奏的笛声。剑桥高阶〔carefully〕What we now know about the disease was learned by careful study of diseased organs.我们目前对该疾病的认识是通过对病变器官的仔细研究得来的。柯林斯高阶〔careful〕They produced a careful study of the building.他们对大楼进行了仔细的检查。韦氏高阶〔caulk〕He carefully caulked the area around the windows.他仔细地把窗户周围的缝隙填补上。韦氏高阶〔chart〕The staff officers carefully charted the enemy's concentrations on the maps.参谋人员在地图上仔细标明敌军的集结地点。英汉大词典〔check〕Check the tiles carefully before you buy them.购买之前要把瓷砖仔细检查一下。朗文当代〔check〕The teacher checked the students' papers over.老师仔细查看了学生们的试卷美国传统〔circumspect〕Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent.考虑周到的,仔细的:对情况及可能的后果注意留心的;审慎的美国传统〔closely〕We've been studying their behavior very closely.我们一直在仔细研究他们的行为。韦氏高阶〔close〕Take a close look at this photograph.仔细看看这张照片。牛津高阶〔collate〕To examine and compare carefully in order to note points of disagreement.校对:仔细地检查对比以便注出不同点美国传统〔compare〕We carefully compared the first report with the second.我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。牛津高阶〔compare〕We compared the two reports carefully.我们仔细地比较了两个报告。牛津高阶〔consciously〕She was very conscious of Max studying her.她非常清楚马克斯在仔细端详她。柯林斯高阶〔consider〕He stepped back to consider the whole painting.他向后退步,仔细端详整幅画作。韦氏高阶〔contemplation〕He goes to the forest to spend time in contemplation of nature.他去森林中花时间仔细观察大自然。韦氏高阶〔contrast〕Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences.把两个计划仔细地加以对比就可看出一些重要的差异。牛津高阶〔cross-examine〕To question a person closely.仔细盘问某人美国传统〔deduction〕Through a process of deduction, the detectives discovered the identity of the killer.经过一番仔细推断,警探们搞清了杀手的身份。剑桥高阶〔deliberate〕They deliberated (on) whether to continue with the talks.他们仔细考虑了是否继续谈判的问题。牛津高阶〔detail〕We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text.我们彻底仔细地检查了措词后才最终定稿。柯林斯高阶〔examine〕Forensic scientists are examining what police believe to have been the bombers' car.法医学家正在对一辆警方怀疑属于投弹者的汽车进行仔细检查。柯林斯高阶〔examine〕He picks up each item and examines it carefully.他拿起每样东西仔细检查。麦克米伦高阶〔example〕Study the examples first of all, then attempt the exercises on the next page.首先仔细研究一下例题,然后试着做下一页的习题。剑桥高阶〔frugally〕He frugally saved various bits of the machine in carefully marked boxes.他很节约地把各种机器部件都收进盒子里, 还在上面仔细地做了标记。外研社新世纪〔go through sth〕Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine.在把裤子放进洗衣机之前,要记着仔细翻翻裤兜。剑桥高阶〔going-over〕The document will need a careful going-over before we can make a decision.文件要经过仔细审查,然后我们才能作出决定。英汉大词典〔grimness〕They had time to mull over the grimness of their situation.他们有时间仔细考虑严峻的形势。外研社新世纪〔happen〕I looked in the nearest paper, which happened to be the Daily Mail.我仔细看了一下离自己最近的那份报纸,正巧是份《每日邮报》。柯林斯高阶〔inspect〕To examine carefully and critically, especially for flaws.检查:仔细挑剔地检查,特别是为了发现毛病美国传统〔interject〕He listened thoughtfully, interjecting only the odd word.他仔细地听着,只是偶尔插句话。柯林斯高阶〔jot〕Listen carefully to the instructions and jot them down.仔细听指示,并记录下来。柯林斯高阶〔lesson〕The trouble is that teachers don't prepare their lessons carefully enough.问题在于老师备课不够仔细。牛津搭配〔level〕Level the ground carefully before you start to lay the paving stones.先把地仔细整平再开始铺石头。麦克米伦高阶〔listen〕Liz stood still and listened hard (=very carefully) .莉兹静静地站着,仔细倾听。朗文当代〔listen〕Please listen carefully.请仔细听。英汉大词典〔mark sth down〕Look carefully at these questions and mark your answers down in the right-hand column.仔细审题,然后在右栏中写下答案。剑桥高阶〔microscope〕The whole legal system should be put under the microscope.整个法律体制应该非常仔细地检查一下。麦克米伦高阶〔minutely〕She began examining it minutely.她开始对它进行仔细检查。外研社新世纪〔mix〕Carefully mix the flour into the batter.仔细将面粉搅入面糊中。外研社新世纪〔most〕Even the most careful of us make mistakes.即使是我们当中最仔细的人也会犯错误。韦氏高阶〔muse〕He mused upon his relationship with his own father.他仔细思忖自己同父亲之间的关系。麦克米伦高阶〔narrowly〕She looked at him narrowly.她仔细打量着他。牛津高阶〔need〕The job doesn't need much care, attention, or time.这事做起来不用十分仔细认真,也不费时间。英汉大词典〔nurse〕This coal will see you through if you nurse it right.这种煤你如果仔细照看着点,可以一直烧到最后。英汉大词典〔obligation〕You can review your policy in detail for a full 15 days without obligation.你可以在整整15天的免费体验期内仔细审核保单细 则。外研社新世纪〔observe〕To be or become aware of, especially through careful and directed attention; notice.注意,觉察:觉察到,尤其是通过仔细和直接的注意;注意美国传统〔painstakingly〕She checks painstakingly through the records.她仔细检查了记录。外研社新世纪〔painstaking〕Chris described in painstaking detail what had happened.克里斯非常仔细地描述了所发生的事情。朗文当代〔parallel〕Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels.仔细研究各国民间音乐后发现了许多非常相似之处。柯林斯高阶〔passport〕He examined my face carefully before handing back my passport.他仔细端详我的相貌,然后把护照还给了我。牛津搭配〔peer〕We peered into the shadows.我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。牛津高阶〔perusable〕Officials of the company are perusing the deal.公司的负责人员正在仔细考虑这项交易。21世纪英汉〔ponder〕With great seriousness he pondered upon the problem.他极其严肃地仔细考虑问题。21世纪英汉〔pore〕We spent hours poring over travel brochures.我们花了数小时仔细阅读旅游宣传册。柯林斯高阶〔prune〕She carefully pruned the hedge.她仔细地修剪树篱。韦氏高阶〔regard〕When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.法庭行使裁量权时会仔细考虑所有情况。牛津搭配〔review〕The next day we reviewed the previous day's work.第二天,我们仔细检查了头一天的工作。柯林斯高阶〔scanning〕The officer scanned the room.那名警官仔细检查了房间。柯林斯高阶〔search〕He searched her face, hoping to see some glimmer of emotion.他仔细地看着她的脸,希望能看到一丝情感。韦氏高阶〔site〕Federal investigators combed through the crash site.联邦调查员仔细搜查了撞车现场。韦氏高阶〔sniff〕The dog had a good sniff at the bushes.那只狗仔细嗅了嗅灌木丛。牛津搭配〔spit〕It was Christmas, so Ellen gave the dining room a little extra spit and polish.圣诞节到了,埃伦把饭厅再仔细地打扫了一下。朗文当代〔spread〕She carefully spread the plaster over the hole.她仔细地在洞口抹上一层灰泥。韦氏高阶〔squeeze〕He squeezed my handbag carefully but didn't find my little gun.他仔细捏了捏我的手提袋,但没发现我放在里面的小手枪。21世纪英汉〔stage〕The event was very carefully staged.这一活动经过了仔细筹划。牛津搭配〔study〕I have studied various maps of the area.我仔细查阅了该地区的各种地图。麦克米伦高阶〔study〕She studied his face very intently for a minute.她对他的脸仔细端详了1分钟。英汉大词典〔study〕The expert studied the painting and decided it was a forgery.专家仔细察看了那幅画,然后下结论说那是一件赝品。英汉大词典〔study〕The proposal was studied in great detail.这项提案经过了仔细研究。韦氏高阶〔tense〕He tensed himself, listening to see if anyone had followed him.他绷紧神经,仔细听是否有人跟踪自己。牛津高阶〔thesis〕This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.这个观点经不住仔细推敲。外研社新世纪〔they〕They say there's plenty of opportunities out there, you just have to look carefully and you'll find them.他们说,那里机会多的是,你只要仔细找就能发现。柯林斯高阶〔think〕She thought very carefully before answering.回答前她仔细斟酌了一番。朗文当代〔think〕She thought very hard before deciding to leave her job.她仔细考虑后才决定辞职。朗文当代〔tolerable〕She inspected the rooms and found them perfectly tolerable.她仔细看了房间,觉得十分不错。牛津搭配〔turn〕She turned over the problem in her mind.她仔细考虑了这个问题美国传统〔type〕I studied the prisoners and began to type them. The political prisoners were usually quiet, studious.我仔细察看了犯人并开始把他们分类。政治犯通常是安静好学的。英汉大词典〔vet〕They vetted her thoroughly before offering her the job.录用她之前,他们对她进行了仔细的审查。韦氏高阶All persons mentioned are carefully indexed. 所有提到的人名都仔细作了索引。译典通He greased the machine carefully. 他仔细为机器加润滑油。译典通He just does these things without thinking and he gets himself into such a mess.他没有仔细考虑就做这些事,结果弄得一团糟。剑桥国际I've been going over the problem several times, but I can't think of a solution.我仔细查看了这个问题几遍 ,但想不出一个解决办法。剑桥国际The Secret Service screened hundreds of students to select its agents. 特务机关仔细审查了数百名学生以选择特务人员。译典通They combed out the forest for the lost child. 他们仔细搜索森林寻找那迷路的孩子。译典通Think carefully before you answer their questions and don't just say the first thing that comes into your head.在回答他们的问题之前,要仔细想想,不要脑子里先冒出什么就说什么。剑桥国际This wound will need to be carefully swabbed out, then stitched.这个伤口得先仔细拭擦消毒,然后再缝合起来。剑桥国际You'll have to think carefully about how to couch your reply to his letter.你要仔细想想用什么样的语言答复他的信。剑桥国际




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