

单词 凡人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Everyman〕An Everyman is always tempted.凡人总会受诱惑。英汉大词典〔Merope〕Greek Mythology One of the Pleiades, who hid her face in shame after marrying a mortal.【希腊神话】 梅罗珀:阿特拉斯七个女儿中的一个,因嫁了一个凡人而羞愧得抬不起头美国传统〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕God cannot truly be seen or comprehended by the human mind. 上帝是凡人不能亲见或理解的。朗文写作活用〔axiomatic〕It is axiomatic (to say) that man is mortal.凡人都会死,是无庸置疑的。文馨英汉〔be (only) flesh and blood〕Of course I find pretty young women attractive - I'm only flesh and blood.我当然觉得年轻漂亮的女人很有吸引力——我只是个凡人。剑桥高阶〔conjure up〕When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。柯林斯高阶〔conjure up〕When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.想到冒险, 我们很多人脑海里浮现出的是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。外研社新世纪〔day〕Convinced that every dog has his day, Marilyn reckoned it must be only a matter of time before her singing talents were discovered.玛丽莲深信凡人皆有得意日, 她认为自己的歌唱天赋为人所知不过是时间问题。外研社新世纪〔dump on〕Let children know you are also human and experience difficulties, but don't dump on them!让孩子们了解你也是凡人, 也会遇到困难, 但是不要将你的问题转嫁到他们身上。外研社新世纪〔earn〕Sir Peter is an uncommon man who has earned the respect of common people.彼得爵士是位赢得普通人尊敬的不凡人物。外研社新世纪〔earthling〕A person devoted to the world; a worldling.市侩:热衷于尘事的人;凡人美国传统〔earthling〕One, especially a human being, that inhabits the planet Earth.凡人:居住在地球上的某物,尤指人美国传统〔earth〕The realm of mortal existence; the temporal world.人间,俗世:世间凡人凡物居住的地方;凡尘世界美国传统〔earth〕Worldly affairs and pursuits.尘事,俗事:凡人俗事或凡人的物质欲望美国传统〔experience〕There are few areas of human experience that have not been written about.凡人类经历的领域几乎都有相关的著作。牛津搭配〔flesh〕I'm only flesh and blood, like anyone else.我只是个凡人,和其他人一样。柯林斯高阶〔flesh〕We've suffered all flesh and blood can suffer.我们经受了凡人所能经受的一切苦难。英汉大词典〔frail〕No frail mortals who worshipped 'the golden calf' could change his mind.没有哪个意志薄弱、崇拜金钱的凡人能够改变他的想法。外研社新世纪〔humanitarianism〕Theology The doctrine holding that Jesus was human only and not divine.【神学】 基督凡人论:认为耶稣是人而非神的教义美国传统〔human〕Of course I make mistakes, I'm only human (= I am not perfect).我当然会犯错误,我只是个凡人。剑桥高阶〔human〕She is a very kind and human person.她人很好,有着凡人皆有的品质。韦氏高阶〔human〕We do the best we can, but we're only human.我们尽力做到最好,但我们也不过是凡人,难免出错。韦氏高阶〔human〕We're not perfect. We're only human.我们并不完美。我们只是凡人。柯林斯高阶〔inhuman〕Most people feel that there is something almost inhuman about perfection.大多数人认为完美几乎可以说是凡人难以企及的。剑桥高阶〔larger than life〕My grandmother was a remarkable woman who always seemed larger than life to me.我祖母是一个了不起的女人,在我眼中她总是非同凡人。韦氏高阶〔life〕Many film stars seem to be larger than life to the mass of ordinary people.在一般人眼中许多电影明星似乎非同凡人。英汉大词典〔nose〕She walks along with her nose in the air barely deigning to notice us ordinary mortals.她目中无人地朝前走着, 几乎不愿屈尊看我们这些凡人一眼。外研社新世纪〔regular〕He's just a regular guy who loves his dog.他也不过是个十分疼爱自己狗儿的平凡人。牛津高阶〔syllogism〕An example of a syllogism is: “All men are human; all humans are mortal; therefore all men are mortal.” 三段论的一个例子是:所有人都是凡人;凡人必有一死;所以所有人都必有一死。韦氏高阶〔undine〕According to Paracelsus, a female water spirit who could earn a soul by marrying a mortal and bearing his child.水中女神:根据帕拉切尔苏斯,一位女水神,她能通过与凡人结婚并为他生育小孩而获得灵魂美国传统〔worldling〕One who is absorbed by worldly pursuits and pleasures.俗人,凡人:被世俗的追求和享乐吸引的人美国传统Early photographs taken of the actress capture a pale, almost unearthly beauty.这个女演员早期拍摄的照片展现了一个苍白的、不似凡人的美人。剑桥国际Of course I make mistakes, I'm only human (= I am not perfect).我当然会犯错误,我只是个凡人。剑桥国际




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