

单词 之间发生
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕A series of heated exchanges between the two governments followed. 之后两国政府之间发生了一连串激烈的争论。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕The murder must have been committed between 7 and 10pm. 这谋杀案肯定是在晚上7点到10点之间发生的。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Fighting broke out between English and Dutch football fans after the game. 足球比赛结束后,英格兰球迷与荷兰球迷之间发生了斗殴。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Fighting broke out between two rival gangs. 两个敌对的帮派之间发生了打斗。朗文写作活用〔START〕Late last night, fighting broke out between gangs of rival football fans. 昨天深夜,对立的足球迷帮派之间发生了打斗。朗文写作活用〔altercation〕A violent altercation broke out between them.他们之间发生了剧烈的争论。英汉大词典〔auspicious〕Our first meeting was not auspicious - we had a huge argument.我们初次会见就不顺利——我们之间发生了激烈的争执。剑桥高阶〔back-pedalling〕A dispute between potential witnesses and a feeling that the evidence might be rather thin caused some back-pedalling yesterday.潜在证人之间发生了分歧, 证据也给人一种很不可靠的感觉, 这些在昨天造成了一些人立场的改变。外研社新世纪〔between〕Many changes took place between the two world wars.两次世界大战之间发生了很多变化。牛津高阶〔bomb〕There were two bomb explosions in the city overnight.这座城市在一夜之间发生了两起炸弹爆炸事件。外研社新世纪〔brew up〕They have not yet got over the row that brewed up between them in the spring.他们仍未忘却那个春天他们之间发生的争吵。外研社新世纪〔clash〕There were violent clashes between the police and demonstrators in the city centre.在市中心,警察和示威者之间发生了暴力冲突。剑桥高阶〔clash〕Yesterday saw violent clashes between police and protesters.昨天警察和抗议者之间发生了激烈冲突。麦克米伦高阶〔confrontation〕There were several violent confrontations between rival gangs.敌对帮派之间发生了几起暴力冲突。韦氏高阶〔confrontation〕There were violent confrontations between police and demonstrators.警察和示威者之间发生了激烈的冲突。剑桥高阶〔consensual〕Consensual sexual contact between two males can be a criminal activity.两个男性之间发生的双方自愿的性接触也可能会构成犯罪。外研社新世纪〔consensual〕Consensual sexual contact between two males can be a criminal activity.两名男性之间发生的双方自愿的性接触可能会构成犯罪。柯林斯高阶〔cross-reaction〕The reaction between an antigen and an antibody that was generated against a different but similar antigen.交叉反应:一种抗原和与其不同但类似的抗原产生的抗体之间发生的反应美国传统〔deal with sth〕Her new movie deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter.她的新电影讲述的是一个女人与她患病的女儿之间发生的故事。剑桥高阶〔encounter〕There was a violent encounter between fans of the opposing teams.比赛双方球队的球迷之间发生了暴力冲突。韦氏高阶〔engagement〕Heavy engagements are reported between rebels and government forces.据报道,在叛军和政府军之间发生了激烈战斗。麦克米伦高阶〔exchange〕There've been some bitter exchanges between the two groups.两组之间发生过一些激烈的争吵。柯林斯高阶〔folklore〕Arguments between directors and stars are part of the folklore of Hollywood.导演和演员之间发生争吵已成为好莱坞传统的一部分。剑桥高阶〔grow up〕A dispute grew up among them.他们之间发生了争吵。21世纪英汉〔happen〕Change doesn't happen overnight.变革不会在一夜之间发生。牛津搭配〔head-on〕There was a head-on confrontation between management and unions.资方与工会之间发生了正面冲突。牛津高阶〔insofar as〕We are entering a period of less danger insofar as the threat of nuclear war between the superpowers is less.超级大国之间发生核战争的威胁变小了, 从这一点上来说, 我们正进入一个危险较少的时期。外研社新世纪〔jackknife〕The oil tanker jackknifed after skidding on the ice.油罐车在冰上打滑,绞接的车身之间发生了弯折。剑桥高阶〔kindness〕There is a kindness between him and that girl.他跟那个姑娘之间发生了爱情。英汉大词典〔pass〕It's hard to believe that they're still friends after everything that's passed between them.难以相信他们之间发生了那么多事情却友情依旧。韦氏高阶〔pass〕They'll never be friends again after all that has passed between them.他们之间发生了所有那些事情后,再也不会是朋友了。牛津搭配〔rise〕A quarrel rose between the twin brothers.两个孪生兄弟之间发生了口角。21世纪英汉〔rise〕A quarrel rose between them.他们之间发生了争吵。英汉大词典〔romantic〕Romantic relationships between staff and students are discouraged.不提倡教师和学生之间发生恋爱关系。麦克米伦高阶〔scrimmage〕There was a bit of a scrimmage with the reporters waiting outside.等候在外的记者们之间发生了一场小小的混战。剑桥高阶〔scuffle〕A scuffle broke out between the players.运动员之间发生了一场小冲突。韦氏高阶〔scuffle〕Scuffles broke out between police and demonstrators.警察和示威者之间发生了冲突。牛津高阶〔scuffle〕Scuffles broke out between rival supporters during the match.比赛过程中,双方球迷之间发生了扭打。朗文当代〔scuffle〕Violent scuffles broke out between rival groups.敌对团伙之间发生了激烈的混战。外研社新世纪〔squabble〕A squabble broke out among the children.孩子们之间发生了争吵。韦氏高阶〔surmise〕From the looks on their faces, I surmised that they had had an argument.看他们的脸色,我猜想他们之间发生了争执。牛津高阶〔whatever〕Whatever happened between Julius and me is none of your business.我和朱利叶斯之间发生的一切都与你无关。麦克米伦高阶Many people were injured in the vicious fighting that broke out between the demonstrators and the police.很多人在那场示威者与警察之间发生的激烈搏斗中受了伤。剑桥国际She had a big bust-up with her brother-in-law.她和姐夫之间发生了剧烈的争吵。剑桥国际The past few months have witnessed a price war between leading supermarkets.在过去几个月里主要的超级市场之间发生了一场价格战。剑桥国际There have been several minor conflicts between the two countries over the past decade.过去十年两国之间发生过几次小规模的战争。剑桥国际There was a violent clash/ confrontation between rival supporters after the match.比赛结束后在两队的支持者之间发生了暴力的冲突/对抗。剑桥国际There was some aggro between rival football fans at the station.在车站,敌对的足球球迷之间发生了一些暴力扰乱。剑桥国际Violent confrontations between police and demonstrators were reported in the capital.据报道在首都警察和示威者之间发生暴力冲突。剑桥国际




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