

单词 伪证
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bear〕bear false witness 提供伪证英汉大词典〔false〕false testimony 伪证韦氏高阶〔false〕give false witness 作伪证英汉大词典〔falsification〕recent concern about the falsification of evidence in court. 最近对在法庭上作伪证的担忧柯林斯高阶〔perjured〕a perjured witness 作伪证的证人英汉大词典〔perjured〕information that was based on perjured testimony基于伪证的信息外研社新世纪〔perjured〕perjured testimony 伪证英汉大词典〔perjure〕perjure oneself to pin an offence on sb. 作伪证栽赃于某人英汉大词典〔perjure〕perjured evidence 伪证朗文当代〔perjury〕be charged with perjury 被指控犯伪证罪英汉大词典〔perjury〕charges of perjury. 伪证罪指控柯林斯高阶〔perjury〕charges of perjury伪证罪指控外研社新世纪〔perjury〕commit a perjury 犯伪证罪英汉大词典〔perjury〕the testimony that now forms the basis of the perjury charge against him现在构成他的伪证罪指控根据的证词外研社新世纪〔subornation〕subornation of perjury 教唆伪证罪文馨英汉〔suborn〕suborn perjury 非法获取伪证韦氏高阶〔testimony〕give false testimony 作伪证英汉大词典〔witness〕bear false witness against sb. 作不利于某人的伪证英汉大词典




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