

单词 他就是不听
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAIN〕I've told him over and over again not to call me at work, but he won't listen. 我一再地告诉他,叫他不要在我上班的时候打电话给我,可他就是不听。朗文写作活用〔ASK〕We all begged him not to drive in the storm, but he wouldn't listen to us. 我们大家都求他不要在暴风雨天开车,可他就是不听。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕I told him to drive more slowly, but he chose to ignore my advice. 我跟他说了要慢慢开车,但他就是不听我的劝告。朗文写作活用〔blue in the face〕I talked to him until I was blue in the face, but he wouldn't listen to me.我跟他费尽了口舌,可他就是不听。韦氏高阶〔brush〕I tried to tell him, but he just brushed me off.我想告诉他,但是他就是不听。麦克米伦高阶〔futile〕It's completely futile trying to reason with him - he just won't listen.跟他讲道理一点用都没有——他就是不听。剑桥高阶〔get sth across〕We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen.我们试图解释清楚我们的观点,但他就是不听。剑桥高阶〔go down〕I tried to tell Tyrell what was going down, but he wouldn't listen.我试图将所发生的一切告诉蒂雷尔,可他就是不听。剑桥高阶〔good〕I tried to convince him to change his mind, but it was no good, he wouldn't listen to me.我努力说服他改变主意,但是没用,他就是不听我的。韦氏高阶〔heed〕I had told him not to go, but he didn't heed.我早就让他不要去,可他就是不听。21世纪英汉〔keep〕I've told him to keep away, but he won't listen.我叫他离远点,但他就是不听。麦克米伦高阶〔listen〕I told him not to go, but he just wouldn't listen.我叫他不要去,可他就是不听。朗文当代〔listen〕I've tried to give Jerry advice, but he just won't listen.我试着给杰里提建议,但他就是不听。麦克米伦高阶〔reason〕I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen.我尽量跟他讲道理,可他就是不听。牛津高阶〔switch〕He just switches off and ignores me.他就是不听我的话,对我不理不睬。麦克米伦高阶〔switch〕He just switches off and ignores me.他就是不听,不理我。朗文当代〔tell〕I told him what to do, but he wouldn't listen.我叮嘱过他要做什么,但他就是不听。麦克米伦高阶〔warn〕I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen.我设法提醒过他,可他就是不听。牛津高阶One (= I) tried to warn him but he simply refused to listen.我试图警告他,可是他就是不听。剑桥国际




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