

单词 人生
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕when you have what you want in your life, your job etc 因人生得意、工作如意等而感到满足的朗文写作活用〔antagonist〕a formidable antagonist in the contest 比赛中令人生畏的对手英汉大词典〔beginning〕the beginning of life.人生的开始。牛津同义词〔bitch〕to bitch off someone惹某人生气21世纪英汉〔brevity〕the brevity of human life 人生之短暂牛津高阶〔brevity〕the brevity of human life 人生的短促英汉大词典〔contemplation〕contemplation of the meaning of life 对人生意义的深入思考韦氏高阶〔contradiction〕the contradictions between her private life and her public persona她的私人生活与公众形象之间的反差外研社新世纪〔dread〕the dread sight of the glowing volcano 令人生畏的正在喷发的火山景象英汉大词典〔ennoble〕a life ennobled by suffering 因苦难而显得更高尚的人生韦氏高阶〔fearsome〕a fearsome array of weapons. 一大批令人生畏的武器柯林斯高阶〔fearsome〕a fearsome reputation 令人生畏的名声剑桥高阶〔forbidding〕a forbidding row of security guards 令人生畏的一排保安人员剑桥高阶〔formidable〕the director and his formidable wife 导演和他那令人生畏的妻子剑桥高阶〔formidably〕the formidably strict housekeeper严厉得令人生畏的管家外研社新世纪〔fumble〕fumble after a correct outlook on life 摸索正确的人生观英汉大词典〔infringe〕an increased workload that infringed on his personal life. 增加了的工作量侵犯了他的个人生活美国传统〔intrusion〕media intrusion into the lives of celebrities 媒体对名人生活的侵扰牛津搭配〔irritated〕be irritated against sb. 对某人生气英汉大词典〔live〕those who truly live. 那些真正享受人生的人美国传统〔mishap〕the haps and mishaps of life 人生的祸福英汉大词典〔negative〕a negative outlook on life 消极的人生观英汉大词典〔newsprint〕the acres of newsprint devoted to celebrities' personal lives. 报纸对名流私人生活的大篇幅报道柯林斯高阶〔overall〕the overall pattern of sb.'s life 某人生活的总的模式英汉大词典〔perplexity〕the perplexities of life 人生的困惑牛津高阶〔pessimistic〕a pessimistic view of life悲观的人生观外研社新世纪〔precept〕an electoral process based on the precept that all men are born equal. 以所有人生而平等这一准则为基础的选举程序柯林斯高阶〔race〕ere sb. had run half his race 在某人生命未及一半之时英汉大词典〔ravel〕the ravel(l)ed skein of life 错综复杂的人生 英汉大词典〔rung〕start at the lowest rung of life's ladder 从人生阶梯的最低级起步英汉大词典〔sore〕a sore subject. 令人生气的话题美国传统〔soul-destroying〕a soul-destroying job 令人生厌的工作英汉大词典〔time〕at various times of her life 在她人生中的不同阶段韦氏高阶〔tired〕get [be] tired of life 对人生感到厌倦,厌世文馨英汉〔transient〕the transience of human existence 人生之短暂麦克米伦高阶〔twilight〕in the twilight of sb.'s career 在某人生涯的晚期英汉大词典〔unmet〕a report on the unmet needs of elderly people 有关老年人生活所需不足的报告牛津高阶〔vicissitude〕the vicissitudes of life 人生的荣枯浮沉文馨英汉〔voyeur〕a voyeuristic interest in other people's lives 对他人生活怀有窥秘癖的兴趣牛津高阶〔yucky〕a yucky green colour 令人生厌的绿色剑桥高阶




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