

单词 之年
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔dotage〕my neighbours Lois and Marlene, former showgirls now in their dotage我邻居洛伊丝和马琳——早先为歌舞女郎, 现在都已至老朽之年外研社新世纪〔dotage〕spending his dotage in a riverside cottage在河边一间小屋中度过老弱之年外研社新世纪〔latish〕an old man in his latish sixties 望七之年的老人英汉大词典〔septuagenarian〕septuagenarian author Mary Wesley. 已步入古稀之年的作家玛丽·韦斯利柯林斯高阶〔set〕a trust fund that set her up for life 足够她有生之年使用的信托基金麦克米伦高阶〔solar〕the solar cycle 太阳循环期(月日与周日相一致之年,每二十八年一次)文馨英汉〔twilight〕a forgotten man who spent his twilight years alone 在垂暮之年孤独生活的被遗忘的老人牛津搭配〔vintage〕a vintage year for the theatre in London 伦敦戏剧界全盛之年英汉大词典〔wane〕the waning years of sb.'s illustrious career 某人辉煌生涯的败落之年英汉大词典




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