

单词 几个月以来
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RECENTLY〕In recent months there have been rumors of at least two attempted coups. 最近几个月以来有传闻说至少发生了两次未遂的政变。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕The truth finally came out after months of rumour and gossip. 几个月以来谣言和传闻一直不断,但最后终于真相大白了。朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕The kidnappings undermined several months of delicate peace negotiations. 这些绑架事件使几个月以来微妙的和平谈判渐渐趋于破裂。朗文写作活用〔blossom〕She has visibly blossomed over the last few months.她近几个月以来身体明显好多了。牛津高阶〔debut〕The firm's Wall Street debut was the first chance for investors to get in on an Internet IPO for months.该公司在华尔街的首次亮相使投资者几个月以来第一次有机会参与到因特网公司的首次公开募股中。外研社新世纪〔début〕The firm's Wall Street debut was the first chance for investors to get in on an Internet IPO for months.该公司在华尔街的首次亮相使投资者几个月以来第一次有机会参与到因特网公司的首次公开募股中。外研社新世纪〔hear〕You obviously have not been hearing what people have been saying to you for months.很显然你没有听懂大家几个月以来一直在跟你说的话。外研社新世纪〔lead〕All his months of hard work had led nowhere.他几个月以来的辛苦工作都是徒劳。麦克米伦高阶〔sap〕Months of rejections after job interviews sapped his confidence.几个月以来求职面试都被拒绝,这使他信心全无。韦氏高阶〔sit on〕They have been sitting on my insurance claim for months! 几个月以来他们一直拖延办理我的保险赔偿!韦氏高阶〔stay〕After months of staying well out of the problem, Washington has expressed a willingness to help find a solution.几个月以来都不曾介入该问题的华盛顿方面已表示愿意帮助寻求解决方案。柯林斯高阶〔vendor〕For the past few months she's been working as a street vendor, selling fruit and vegetables.几个月以来,她一直在街头卖水果和蔬菜。剑桥高阶For the past few months she's been working as a street vendor (= seller) selling fruit and veg.过去的几个月以来,她一直在做街头小贩,贩卖水果和蔬菜。剑桥国际For the past month he's been spending all his energy trying to find a job.近几个月以来,他竭尽全力找工作。剑桥国际I've had many talks with Wilson over the last few months.近几个月以来,我和威尔逊谈了好几次。剑桥国际Since the final months of her presidential campaign, she has displayed a masterful grasp of political tactics.总统竞选的最后几个月以来,她已显示出其深谙政治谋略的一面。剑桥国际




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