

单词 似地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLOTHES〕James began to undress wildly, tearing his clothes off as if he was on fire. 詹姆斯开始发疯似地脱衣服,就像身上着了火似的把衣服扯掉。朗文写作活用〔CRAZY〕Ken drives like a maniac. 肯发疯似地开车。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕I could see small silvery fish darting through the water. 我可以看到银闪闪的小鱼在水里箭也似地穿梭游动。朗文写作活用〔LAUGH〕When I said this, he started cackling like a madman. 我说这话时,他像个疯子似地狂笑起来。朗文写作活用〔affiliation〕After years of mainstream affiliation he is now flirting with rock.在多年从属于主流派之后,他如今玩儿似地搞起摇滚乐来了。英汉大词典〔away〕The young people chatted away like old friends.那些年轻人像老朋友似地不停聊着。英汉大词典〔billow〕The sheets billowed on the washing-line.被单在晒衣绳上波浪似地翻腾。牛津同义词〔blubber〕There he sat, cowering against the wall, blubbering like a child.他坐在那儿,蜷缩在墙边,像个孩子似地嚎啕大哭。剑桥高阶〔bombard sb with sth〕The children bombarded her with questions.孩子们连珠炮似地问了她许多问题。剑桥高阶〔bombard〕They bombarded him with questions.他们连珠炮似地向他提问。朗文当代〔breeze〕She breezed rather than walked into her office.她一阵轻风似地飘然进了办公室,而不是走着进去。英汉大词典〔breeze〕She just breezed in as if she'd only been away a day instead of a year.她一阵风似地走进来,好像她只离开了一天而不是一年。剑桥高阶〔bullet〕The car bulleted past us.汽车飞也似地从我们旁边驰过。英汉大词典〔buoy〕He buoyed up like a cork.他像个软木塞似地漂了起来。英汉大词典〔busy〕Small boats busied to and fro.小船穿梭似地来来往往。英汉大词典〔computerize〕I could see her computerizing what I said in her mind.我能看出她像用计算机似地在头脑里盘算着我说的话。英汉大词典〔concerned〕He talked to me like a concerned older brother.他像一个关切的老大哥似地和我谈话。英汉大词典〔conjure〕Jean can conjure up a good meal in half an hour.琼能在半小时内像变戏法似地做出一顿美味的饭菜。英汉大词典〔crab〕To scurry sideways in the manner of a crab.象蟹似地横行美国传统〔cram〕The professor crammed the formulas down the students' throats.教授填鸭似地把公式灌输给学生。英汉大词典〔crow〕To make a sound expressive of pleasure or well-being, characteristic of an infant.欢叫:象婴儿似地发出表示愉悦或幸福的声音美国传统〔elope〕The young couple decided to elope.这一对年轻人决定私奔似地结为夫妇。英汉大词典〔fall〕She fell apart completely, bawling like a baby.她肝肠寸断,婴孩似地大声号哭着。英汉大词典〔fatherly〕In a manner befitting a father.父亲般地:像一个父亲似地美国传统〔fiendishly〕Fiendishly laughing, they insisted on coming too.他们像恶魔似地狞笑。一直坚持他们也要来。文馨英汉〔fire〕The journalists were firing questions at me for two whole hours.整整两个小时,记者们连珠炮似地向我发问。剑桥高阶〔flag〕To signal with or as if with a flag.打旗号或象打旗号似地表示美国传统〔flaunt〕To parade oneself ostentatiously; show oneself off.炫耀:卖弄似地展示自己;炫耀自己美国传统〔flirt〕She flirted with the idea of becoming an actress when she was younger.她年轻时曾闹着玩似地想过当演员。牛津高阶〔flirt〕To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures.调情,卖俏:开玩笑似地主动表示风骚或性感美国传统〔fly〕She came flying into the office.她飞也似地奔进办公室。英汉大词典〔ghostlike〕Ghostlike in the moonlight, the boat glided across the bay.那只船乘着月光幽灵似地漂过海湾。英汉大词典〔go〕He went at his breakfast as if he'd never eaten before.他像一辈子没吃过饭似地大啖早餐。英汉大词典〔grandstand〕To perform ostentatiously so as to impress an audience.哗众取宠:为引起观众注意而炫耀似地表演美国传统〔grin〕He was grinning like an idiot (=grinning in a silly way).他像个傻瓜似地咧着嘴笑。朗文当代〔gyrate〕As the lead singer gyrated his hips, the crowd screamed wildly.当主唱歌手扭摆臀部时,观众发狂似地尖叫起来。牛津高阶〔have〕I've been working like a fool, but now I've had it.我一直像个傻瓜似地干着,我可受够了。英汉大词典〔home rule〕Home rule for Scotland would be accompanied by a similar measure for Wales.苏格兰采取的自治措施将会类似地用在威尔士。柯林斯高阶〔keen〕He lowered his head and keened his prayer.他垂下头哀泣似地念祷词。英汉大词典〔knife〕A terrible pain knifed his body.一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的身体。英汉大词典〔lift〕His hand lifted accusingly.他像要进行指责似地举起手。英汉大词典〔like〕She ran like crazy.她发狂似地奔跑。英汉大词典〔literally〕The runner literally flew round the track.这位赛跑运动员飞也似地绕着跑道奔跑。英汉大词典〔madman〕He drove like a madman.他像疯了似地开着车。牛津高阶〔map〕Something that suggests such a representation, as in clarity of representation.类似地图的事物:能显示这种图示的东西,如在图象明晰程度等方面能显示美国传统〔mesmerize〕She followed every word of her lover with mesmerized fascination.她着了迷似地倾听她情人的每一句话。英汉大词典〔moon〕A disk, globe, or crescent resembling the natural satellite of Earth.月状物,新月状物:类似地球自然卫星的碟、球体或新月状物美国传统〔neat〕He was always surgically neat in everything he did.他做什么一向都像外科医生似地利索。英汉大词典〔over〕Children were rushing around madly all over the place.孩子们发疯似地到处乱跑。麦克米伦高阶〔parlando〕To be sung in a style suggestive of speech. Used chiefly as a direction.说话似地(的),朗诵似地(的):以说话的形式来歌唱。主要用于演奏演唱指示美国传统〔pepper〕Reporters peppered him with questions.记者们连珠炮似地向他提了一连串问题。朗文当代〔pipe〕To chirp or whistle, as a bird does.唧唧喳喳地叫:象鸟类似地尖叫美国传统〔poleax(e)〕He collapsed as if poleaxed.他好像被打昏似地瘫倒在地上。英汉大词典〔possessed〕He rushed out of the room like one possessed.他发疯似地冲出房间。英汉大词典〔privy〕They know I am privy and watch me like a hawk.他们晓得我知情,便像鹰似地盯着我。英汉大词典〔rain〕Bombs rained (down) on the city's streets.炸弹雨点儿似地落在这座城市的街道上。牛津高阶〔revolving door〕The manager's position has become a revolving door.经理的岗位走马灯似地不断换人。韦氏高阶〔rheumatic〕The car started with rheumatic wheezings.汽车像患了风湿病似地呼哧呼哧发动起来。英汉大词典〔ring〕With his words ringing in her ears, she fled up the stairs.她逃也似地上了楼,他的话还在她耳边不断回荡。麦克米伦高阶〔roughhouse〕To handle or treat roughly, usually in fun.常指玩闹似地处理或对待美国传统〔shadow〕I used to follow him like a shadow.我过去总是像影子似地跟着他。英汉大词典〔shake〕I was so nervous that I was shaking like a leaf.我紧张得像一片树叶似地颤抖着。韦氏高阶〔shoot questions at sb〕He shot questions at me so quickly that I didn't even have time to answer.他连珠炮似地向我提问,我连回答的时间都没有。剑桥高阶〔shoot〕Journalists were shooting questions at us.记者们连珠炮似地向我们发问。麦克米伦高阶〔simple〕Don't talk like you got the simples! 别像犯了傻似地说话!英汉大词典〔simple〕He turned his head sideways and rolled his eyes like he was simple.他歪斜着头,白痴似地滚动着眼珠子。英汉大词典〔snow〕Complaints snowed on the county magistrate.意见雪片似地向县长投来。英汉大词典〔speak〕This portrait speaks.这幅画像栩栩如生(好像要说话似地)。文馨英汉〔spill〕Her anger spilled out like lava.她的愤怒像火山爆发似地迸发出来。英汉大词典〔stare〕The children stared like fish.孩子们眼睛瞪得像鱼儿似地。英汉大词典〔succession〕They had questions fired at them in quick succession.他们连珠炮似地向他们提问。麦克米伦高阶〔swarm〕Photographers were swarming around the princess.摄影师们一窝蜂似地围在公主身边。朗文当代〔switch〕Chiefly Southern U.S. To whip with or as if with a switch, especially in punishing a child.【多用于美国南部】 鞭打:用细鞭或像用细鞭似地鞭打,尤用于惩罚儿童时美国传统〔take to sb/sth〕She's taken to basketball like a duck to water (= she likes it and is good at it).她如鱼得水似地喜欢上了篮球。剑桥高阶〔tidying-up〕He did a token tidying-up of his room.他装装样子似地把屋子收拾一下。英汉大词典〔tinily〕A miniature worm of train rolled tinily along the embankment.一列火车像条小虫似地沿着路堤徐徐前进。英汉大词典〔token〕In like manner; similarly.以相同的方式;相似地美国传统〔tweak〕He gave her nose a playful tweak.他玩儿似地拧一下她的鼻子。英汉大词典〔twirl〕I did a fashion-show twirl, and said “Yes, very pretty.” 我像时装模特儿表演似地一转身,并说“是呀,非常漂亮。”英汉大词典〔uprise〕As we approached the city, the spires of tall buildings uprose as if to greet us.我们行近城市时,高楼大厦的尖顶便像前来欢迎我们似地出现在我们面前。英汉大词典〔waltz〕I don't like him waltzing into the house as if he owned it.我不喜欢他像房主似地大摇大摆走进屋来。牛津高阶〔wraith〕She moved through the soft light like a wraith.她像幽灵似地在柔和的灯光下走过。英汉大词典A terrible pain knifed his chest. 一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的胸部。译典通After waiting for over an hour, they scrambled madly to get the best seats.等了一个多小时以后,他们发疯似地争抢最好的座位。剑桥国际As soon as I mentioned work, he was out of the door like greased lightning! 当我一提到工作,他就闪电似地出了门。剑桥国际Everyone is working frenetically to try and meet the deadline.每个人都在发狂似地工作以求赶上最后期限。剑桥国际He gave me a conspiratorial wink as they left the room.他们离开房间后,他朝我像同谋似地眨了眨眼。剑桥国际He peered owlishly over his glasses.他像只猫头鹰似地透过眼镜片吃力地看着。剑桥国际He told her, prophetically, that she wouldn't be a success until she was thirty.他预言似地对她说,她不到30岁不会成功。剑桥国际Her relatives leeched her for her money like parasites. 她的亲戚像寄生虫似地搾取她的钱财。译典通I'm tired of being treated like a slave.我对被像奴隶似地对待感到厌倦了。剑桥国际Letters of application descended on them like snowflakes. 申请信件像雪片似地向他们飞来。译典通Presents snowed in on her birthday. 她生日时,礼物雪片似地飞来。译典通She just breezed in as if she'd only been away a day instead of a year.她一阵风似地走进来,好像她只离开了一天而不是一年。剑桥国际Telegraph wires radiate like cobwebs from the main building. 电报线像蜘蛛网似地由主楼向四面八方伸展。译典通The mayor was bombarded with questions. 人们向市长连珠砲似地提出许多问题。译典通The nurse rapped on my door and, without waiting for an answer, breezed into the room.护士敲了敲门,没等我回答就一阵风似地走了进来。剑桥国际The room was completely dark and I fumbled blindly for the door.房间里一片漆黑,我瞎子似地摸索着找门。剑桥国际They worked frantically throughout the day. 他们发狂似地工作了一整天。译典通We made a mad dash for the train.我们发疯似地冲向火车。剑桥国际




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