

单词 似动物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔analogue〕Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues.科学家正试图把已灭绝动物的特征与现存类似动物的相比较。牛津高阶〔fleece〕The coat of wool of a sheep or similar animal.羊毛,毛皮:绵羊或类似动物身上的毛皮美国传统〔kid〕The young of a similar animal, such as an antelope.小羚羊:如羚羊等的幼小的类似动物美国传统〔rhyton〕A hornlike drinking vessel of ancient times, often having a pointed end shaped like an animal or animal's head.牙雕兽形器皿,角状器皿:古时角状器皿,常有似动物或动物头的尖端美国传统〔splint bone〕Either of two small metacarpal or metatarsal bones in horses or related animals.(马的)赘骨,小掌骨:马或其它相似动物的两块小掌骨或掌骨的一块美国传统〔withers〕The high part of the back of a horse or similar animal, located between the shoulder blades.马肩隆:马或类似动物背部隆起部分,位于肩胛骨之间美国传统〔zooid〕An independent animallike organism produced asexually, as by budding or fission.个体:通过发芽或分裂而无性生殖的类似动物的独立有机生物体美国传统




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