

单词 伙伴
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIEND〕He's one of Mike's buddies. 他是迈克的一个伙伴。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕He's out playing basketball with some of his high school buddies. 他出去和一些高中的伙伴打篮球了。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕They were partners in a business which hired out photocopiers. 他们是一家复印机租赁公司的合作伙伴。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕When he refused to join the strike, Joe's mates sent him to Coventry for three weeks. 乔拒绝参加罢工后,他的伙伴就三个星期不跟他讲话了。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕He left the major part of his £60 million fortune to his close friend and companion, Jerry Edwards. 他把六千万英镑的财产大部分留给了他的密友和伙伴杰里·爱德华兹。朗文写作活用〔accept〕Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.许多男性仍然无法接受女性商业伙伴。柯林斯高阶〔adverse〕We deeply regret any adverse effect today's action will have on our associates and business partners.对于今天的行动将对我们的合伙人和商业伙伴产生的任何不利影响, 我们深表歉意。外研社新世纪〔alliance〕Britain's military alliance with her NATO partners 英国和它北约伙伴的军事联盟朗文当代〔alter ego〕An intimate friend or a constant companion.亲密朋友,长期伙伴美国传统〔assist〕A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner.助杀,助攻:能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者将垒球掷于地或抛出美国传统〔assist〕A pass of a basketball or an ice hockey puck that enables a teammate to score a goal.助杀,助攻:在篮球赛或冰球比赛中传球以使同队伙伴进球得分美国传统〔assist〕The action of a soccer player who enables a teammate to score by presenting the ball for a goal.助杀,助攻:把足球踢给同队伙伴以射门的行为美国传统〔associate〕A person united with another or others in an act, an enterprise, or a business; a partner or colleague.合伙人:一个在一次行动中,一个企业里,或一种业务上与另一人或其他人连在一起的人;伙伴或同事美国传统〔association〕It was to be a free association of equal partners.它应该是一种自由、平等的伙伴关系。牛津搭配〔business〕In addition to being married, the two are also business partners.除了是夫妻,他们俩也是生意伙伴。韦氏高阶〔cobber〕A pal; a buddy.好友;伙伴美国传统〔coincide〕The goals of the business partners coincide.这些生意伙伴的目标是一致的。韦氏高阶〔collaborator〕The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.欧文研究小组和他们的合作伙伴正在测试激光是否会更为有效。柯林斯高阶〔comate〕A mate; a companion.伙伴:伙伴;伴侣美国传统〔companion〕His dog became his closest companion .他的狗成了他最亲密的伙伴。朗文当代〔companion〕The explosion killed John and his two companions.那次爆炸炸死了约翰和他的两个伙伴。文馨英汉〔company〕You'll like Rosie - she's good company.你会喜欢罗茜的——她是个好伙伴。剑桥高阶〔correspondent〕When writing to business correspondents, use a formal tone.给商务伙伴写信要用正式语气。韦氏高阶〔dead〕His fellow climbers had left him for dead on the mountain.他的登山伙伴以为他已死,便把他留在山上走了。朗文当代〔debauch〕Bad companions had debauched the young girl.坏伙伴使这个少女放荡了。21世纪英汉〔derision〕He was a derision to his roommates.他是同房间伙伴的嘲笑目标。英汉大词典〔differ〕I differed with my partner sometimes,but we usually agree.我有时与我的伙伴争论,但我们通常是一致的。21世纪英汉〔discernment〕His lack of discernment led to his disastrous choice of business partners.他缺乏眼力,因此不幸选错了商业伙伴韦氏高阶〔draw〕We drew for partners.我们抓阄决定伙伴。牛津高阶〔duumvirate〕A regime or partnership of two persons.两人联合:两人组成的团体或伙伴关系美国传统〔enter into〕The two companies finally entered into a partnership.两家公司最终达成了合作伙伴关系。韦氏高阶〔entertain〕We entertain a lot of people, mainly business associates of my wife's.我们经常在家请客,主要都是我妻子的业务伙伴。剑桥高阶〔fellow〕A comrade or an associate.同事或伙伴美国传统〔follow〕In the days that followed, Keith and his mates could talk of nothing else.在随后的日子里, 基思和他的伙伴们谈论的全是这件事。外研社新世纪〔friend〕The president said that Japan is now a friend and international partner.总统说日本现在是盟友和国际伙伴。外研社新世纪〔gangbang〕Sexual intercourse involving several people who select and change partners in an indiscriminate manner.集体性交:涉及许多不加选择互相交换性伙伴的人的混杂性交美国传统〔goad〕The delinquent claimed that he had been goaded on by his criminal companions.少年犯宣称自己受了从事犯罪活动的伙伴的唆使。英汉大词典〔gossip〕A close friend or companion.密友或关系亲密的伙伴美国传统〔go〕He's good company, as small boys go.和一般的小孩子相比, 他算是个好伙伴。外研社新世纪〔helpmeet〕A helpmate.伙伴,伴侣美国传统〔in name only〕She's my boss in name only. We're really more like partners.她只是我名义上的老板,实际上我们更像是合作伙伴。韦氏高阶〔infidelity〕Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse.不贞:性伙伴之间,尤指夫妻之间的不忠诚美国传统〔initiate〕We shall initiate urgent discussions with our European partners.我们将与欧洲伙伴展开紧急磋商。麦克米伦高阶〔is linked to/with〕He denied that his business partner was in any way linked to the theft.他否认自己的生意伙伴与那起盗窃案有任何关联。韦氏高阶〔lay〕She's a good lay (= sex with her is enjoyable).她是个不错的性伙伴。剑桥高阶〔like-minded〕The Presidential nominee has got the like-minded Vice Presidential running-mate he wants.总统候选人已找到了他所需要的观点一致的副总统竞选伙伴。英汉大词典〔lone〕Without companionship; isolated or lonely.孤立的:没有伙伴的;孤立的或孤单的美国传统〔loose cannon〕She was widely regarded as something of a political loose cannon.普遍认为她是个会给伙伴惹麻烦的政治人物。麦克米伦高阶〔middle school〕They recall the good buddies they used to have in middle school.他们想起了过去上中学时的好伙伴。柯林斯高阶〔mutual〕Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.互相尊重是任何一种伙伴关系能够成功所必须的。朗文当代〔part company〕I parted company with my business partners after a dispute about finances.在一次关于财务的争论后,我和我的商业伙伴散伙了。韦氏高阶〔partnership〕The close partnership between Britain and the US will continue.英国和美国将继续保持亲密的伙伴关系。朗文当代〔partnership〕The two companies have formed a long-term partnership to develop and sell these products together.这两家公司已经形成了长期的合作伙伴关系,共同开发和销售这些产品。牛津搭配〔partnership〕We have established a true partnership with our suppliers.我们已经与供应商建立了真正的伙伴关系。牛津搭配〔partnership〕We look forward to a long and successful partnership with them.我们期待着与他们建立长期而卓有成效的合作伙伴关系。牛津搭配〔partner〕AOL remains the company's only online retail partner.AOL (美国在线服务公司)仍然是该公司唯一的网上零售合作伙伴。牛津搭配〔partner〕Britain's major trading partners in Europe英国在欧洲的主要贸易伙伴外研社新世纪〔partner〕Britain's partner in the aeronautic project 英国在航空工程上的合作伙伴牛津搭配〔partner〕Spain has been one of Cuba's major trading partners.西班牙一直是古巴的主要贸易伙伴之一。外研社新世纪〔partner〕They wanted to be seen as equal partners in the creative relationship.他们希望在他们创造性的关系中被视为平等的合作伙伴。牛津搭配〔partner〕To be the partner of.成为…的伙伴美国传统〔partner〕To make a partner of.使…成为伙伴美国传统〔partner〕You have to be able to trust your business partner.你必须得信赖你的生意伙伴。外研社新世纪〔pick〕Who do you think he will pick as/for his running mate? 你觉得他会选择谁作为他的竞选伙伴?韦氏高阶〔playmate〕A companion in play or recreation.游戏伙伴:一起游戏或消遣的伙伴美国传统〔playmate〕We were childhood playmates.我们小时候是一起玩耍的伙伴。剑桥高阶〔present〕The launch is to be formally presented to trade partners in early summer.这艘大型汽艇将会在初夏正式交给贸易伙伴。牛津搭配〔procure〕To obtain sexual partners for others.拉皮条:为其他人寻求性伙伴美国传统〔put〕I think I ought to put you straight – John is just my business partner.我想我必须让你明白,约翰仅仅是我生意上的伙伴。麦克米伦高阶〔running mate〕When John F. Kennedy ran for president, his running mate was Lyndon Johnson.肯尼迪竞选美国总统时,他的竞选伙伴是林登·约翰逊。韦氏高阶〔safe sex〕People who have multiple sexual partners are now more apt to practise safe sex.有多个性伙伴的人现在往往会采取安全性交措施。柯林斯高阶〔safekeeping〕Hampton had been given the bills for safekeeping by a business partner.一个生意伙伴曾将账单交给汉普顿代为保管。柯林斯高阶〔second-rater〕His cronies are a bunch of second-raters who aren't up to the job.他的伙伴是一群无法胜任这项工作的平庸之辈。外研社新世纪〔sex〕I have had several sex partners over the years.多年来我有过几个性伙伴。牛津搭配〔shadow〕A constant companion.挚友:忠心不变的伙伴美国传统〔sister〕A fellow woman, friend, or companion.女伙伴,朋友或同事美国传统〔stream〕He was great company with his endless stream of stories.他是个让人开心的好伙伴,有着一肚子讲不完的故事。麦克米伦高阶〔sum〕In sum, the two countries are now true economic partners.总而言之,两国目前是真正的经济合作伙伴。柯林斯高阶〔surfeit〕He does nothing now, but he is surfeited in sensual pleasures after his company died.他的合作伙伴去世后,他整天沉溺于酒色,什么事都不干。21世纪英汉〔survivorship〕Law The right of a person who survives a partner or joint owner to the entire ownership of something that was previously owned jointly.【法律】 遗产享有权:共有财产中生存者对死去的伙伴或财产共有人名下的财产享有的权利美国传统〔syndicate〕The jackpot prize was won by a syndicate of four workmates.巨额奖金被一个由4位工作伙伴组成的团队夺得。麦克米伦高阶〔tail〕Vulgar Slang A sexual partner, especially a woman or girl.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 性伴侣:性伙伴,尤指一名女子或女孩美国传统〔team player〕He was a good businessman, but never a team player.他是一个优秀的商人,但绝不是一个好的合作伙伴。朗文当代〔trade〕China is one of our biggest trading partners.中国是美国最大的贸易伙伴之一。韦氏高阶〔trade〕The two countries have become close trading partners.两国已经成为关系密切的贸易伙伴。剑桥高阶Children often invent imaginary playmates.孩子们经常想象一些玩耍的伙伴。剑桥国际Chris is a really good screw! 克里斯是很好的性伙伴。剑桥国际He squealed on his mates. 他告发了他的伙伴。译典通If a candidate for president wins the election, his/her running mate becomes the vice president.如果一个总统候选人当选了,那么他/她的竞选伙伴将成为副总统。剑桥国际Jenny invited three of her playmates to her party.詹妮邀请了三个伙伴参加她的晚会。剑桥国际She hooked up with a partner to start a children's clothing company.她和一位伙伴搭档开了一家童装公司。牛津商务Smaller firms may need to find a partner to work with in the host country.较小的公司可能需要在东道国寻找伙伴合作。牛津商务The company has formed a partnership with a US airline to provide new routes.该公司与一家美国航空公司就开辟新的航线建立了伙伴关系。牛津商务The company is committed to finding a North American merger partner.这家公司致力于寻找一家北美的合并伙伴。牛津商务The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.公司和几家海外合作伙伴正在联合开发一种新产品。牛津商务The two countries have become close trading partners.这两个国家成为了密切的贸易伙伴。剑桥国际There was wonderful food, good company, and best of all (= the most pleasing thing was) a jazz band.那儿有丰盛的食物,热情的伙伴,最棒的是还有一个爵士乐队。剑桥国际We entertain a lot of people, mainly business associates of my wife's.我们招待许多人,主要是我妻子的业务伙伴。剑桥国际We were childhood playmates.我们小时候是一起玩耍的伙伴。剑桥国际You'll like Rosie--she's good/interesting company (=enjoyable to be with).你会喜欢罗齐的,她是个跟人很合得来的/有趣的伙伴。剑桥国际




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