

单词 久远的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔age-old〕Very old or of long standing.古老的;久远的:古老的,存在很久的美国传统〔ancient〕Of great age; very old.年代久远的;古老的美国传统〔bear〕The old bridge can hardly bear up its own weight any more.这座年代久远的桥难以支承自身的重量了。英汉大词典〔compare〕The more recent conifer plantations cannot yet compare with the old woodlands.年代较近的针叶树林场还比不上年代久远的林场。柯林斯高阶〔complement〕The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.绿色的墙纸完美地衬托出衣橱那年代久远的松木。柯林斯高阶〔distant〕Last summer's drought is a distant memory.去年夏天的干旱已成为久远的记忆。外研社新世纪〔distant〕The time we spent together is now a distant memory.我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。牛津高阶〔farthest〕The history of her family in the village went the farthest back of all.她的家族历史在村里是最久远的。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕My memory won't go back so far.我记不起那么久远的事。文馨英汉〔history〕All that is distant history.那都是久远的往事了。英汉大词典〔hoary〕So old as to inspire veneration; ancient.久远的,古老的:因年老而引起尊敬或崇拜;古老的美国传统〔immemorial〕Reaching beyond the limits of memory, tradition, or recorded history.古老的,久远的:超越记忆、传统或历史记录的限度的美国传统〔inner city〕The usually older, central part of a city, especially when characterized by crowded neighborhoods in which low-income, often minority groups predominate.内城区:一个城市的通常年代较久远的中心一部分,尤指那些以被低收入,经常是少数民族所占据的拥挤的住宅为特色的地区美国传统〔old〕The play used archaic language to convey a sense of the past.这部戏使用古语来传达一种久远的时代感。韦氏高阶〔orient〕Education was oriented to theory and distant facts.当时的教育以理论和久远的资料为方向。英汉大词典〔past〕Many modern festivals can be traced back to an ancient past.现代的很多节日都可以追溯到久远的过去。牛津搭配〔reach back〕The history of the island reaches back well beyond the nineteenth century.这座岛的历史可以追溯到比19世纪还久远的时候。外研社新世纪〔reach〕An old man's memory reaches back over many years.老人的记忆跨越岁月回到久远的往昔。英汉大词典〔remote〕Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past, and formed this hole.在久远的过去,岩石板滑落到周边,从而形成了这个洞。柯林斯高阶It happened far back in the past. 这事发生在久远的过去。译典通It happened in the remote past, so no one worries about it any more.这发生在久远的过去,所以没有人再担心了。剑桥国际That happened in the remote past. 那发生在久远的过去。译典通That sounds like an agelong story. 这听起来像个久远的故事。译典通The hall was decorated with antique furnishings and had a large crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.大厅里摆设着年代久远的家具,天花板上还悬着一盏水晶枝形吊灯。剑桥国际We took a special trip to see Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument of great antiquity.我们专程去看了巨石阵,那是年代久远的史前遗迹。剑桥国际




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