

单词 久远
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔agelong〕agelong glaciers 年代久远的冰河文馨英汉〔ancient〕an ancient barn 年代久远的谷仓韦氏高阶〔antiquity〕a carving of great antiquity. 年代久远的雕刻作品美国传统〔distant〕a distant event 久远的往事英汉大词典〔distant〕the distant past; distant events. 久远的过去;久远的往事美国传统〔distant〕the remote past. 久远的过去。美国传统〔durable〕durable myths 流传久远的神话韦氏高阶〔far-off〕memories of those far-off days 久远往昔的回忆牛津高阶〔farther〕a memory of a farther childhood 更久远的童年时代的回忆 英汉大词典〔farthest〕the farthest back I can remember我最久远的记忆外研社新世纪〔far〕far back in the past 在久远的过去英汉大词典〔far〕in the far past 在久远的过去英汉大词典〔heirloom〕heirloom roses 年代久远的玫瑰品种韦氏高阶〔house〕an old Salzburg coffee house. 年代久远的萨尔茨堡咖啡馆柯林斯高阶〔longitude〕a rusty sword of immense longitude 一把年代久远的锈剑英汉大词典〔oldie〕an oldie but goodie 年代久远的精品韦氏高阶〔remote〕the remote past (future) 久远的过去(将来) 英汉大词典〔remote〕the remote past.See Synonyms at distant 久远的过去 参见 distant美国传统〔written〕the permanence of the written word 书面语传之久远的特性牛津高阶〔yellow〕documents that had been yellowed by age; clouds that yellow in the evening light. 文件因年代久远而发黄;在傍晚霞光中变成黄色的云美国传统




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