

单词 公开会议
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The crisis sparked after the ruling party rushed through revisions of the labor and national security laws in a semi-secret parliamentary session. 执政党在议会半公开会议上匆匆修订劳动与国家安全法,触发了危机。朗文写作活用〔air〕A public meeting was held to clear the air.召开了一次公开会议以澄清问题。外研社新世纪〔assail〕She was constantly assailing him at public meetings.她经常在公开会议上责骂他。外研社新世纪〔caucus〕A closed meeting of party members within a legislative body to decide on questions of policy or leadership.秘密会议:立法机构的党派成员决定政策或领导权的不公开会议美国传统〔meeting〕There was a public meeting about the future of the gallery.召开了一个公开会议讨论美术馆的将来。朗文当代〔parenthetically〕The author notes parenthetically that these meetings were not public.作者用括号注明了这些会议为非公开会议。韦氏高阶A public meeting will be held tomorrow evening.公开会议将于明晚举行。牛津商务The CEO spoke to union representatives in a closed meeting.行政总裁在一次非公开会议上对工会代表讲话。牛津商务




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