

单词 争端
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕The dispute over weapons inspections is likely to be the main topic of tomorrow's meeting. 关于武器检查的争端很可能是明天会议上的主要话题。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPOINTED〕Renewed fighting has dashed all hopes of an early settlement. 重新爆发的战斗使早日解决争端的希望化为了泡影。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕Their attempt to settle the dispute by peaceful negotiations proved fruitless. 他们想通过和平谈判来解决争端的尝试最终失败了。朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕The dispute was settled in a way that was acceptable to both sides. 争端以双方都能接受的方式解决了。朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕Most brokerage firms require customers to arbitrate disputes rather than file lawsuits. 大多数经纪行都要求客户通过仲裁而非法律起诉来解决争端。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕The two presidents met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute. 两国总统首度会晤,就长期以来的边界争端进行协商。朗文写作活用〔Locarnize〕Some businessmen said that they had Locarnized.有一些商人说他们已用和解办法解决了争端。英汉大词典〔NIMBY〕NIMBY issues/pressures 邻避争端/压力韦氏高阶〔PROBABLY〕An early end to the dispute is now very likely. 目前非常有可能早些结束争端。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕It looks like the long-running dispute could end in stalemate. 看来长期的争端可能最终会陷入僵局。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕The causes of the dispute are not entirely clear. 这次争端的起因未完全清楚。朗文写作活用〔advice〕Tenants involved in a dispute with their landlord should seek legal advice.与地主有争端的佃农应寻求法律咨询。麦克米伦高阶〔agreement〕The dispute was settled by an agreement that satisfied both sides.由于达成了一项双方都满意的协议,争端得到了解决。剑桥高阶〔alive〕The issue is very much alive.争端还远远没有解决。英汉大词典〔antagonist〕The antagonists in this dispute are quite unwilling to compromise.这场争端中的各方均不愿妥协。剑桥高阶〔arbiter〕The European Court of Justice will be the final arbiter (=make the final decision) in the dispute.欧洲法庭将是这宗争端的最终裁决者。朗文当代〔arbiter〕The government will be the final arbiter in the dispute.政府将对争端作出最终裁决。剑桥高阶〔arbitrate〕An outside adviser has been brought in to arbitrate the dispute between the management and the union.局外顾问受邀对资方和工会之间的争端进行仲裁。剑桥高阶〔arbitrate〕The tribunal had been set up to arbitrate in the dispute.已成立特别法庭仲裁争端。外研社新世纪〔arbitration〕The arbitration of an independent judge settled the dispute.独立裁判的仲裁解决了争端。牛津同义词〔arbitration〕The government was prepared to submit the dispute to arbitration.政府已准备就这一争端提请调停。外研社新世纪〔backpedal〕The senator later backpedaled on the issue.参议员后来退出了争端美国传统〔bitterness〕The rift within the organization reflects the growing bitterness of the dispute.该组织内部严重失和反映出争端日趋升级。外研社新世纪〔border〕The two governments have settled their differences over their common border .两国政府已经解决了共同边界问题的争端。朗文当代〔complicate〕You mustn’t complicate the problem by raising new issues.你千万不要提出新的争端使问题更加复杂化。21世纪英汉〔conciliation〕The dispute went to a conciliation board.争端提交到了调解委员会。外研社新世纪〔conflict〕The management team is keen to resolve the conflict over wages.管理层渴望解决工资争端。麦克米伦高阶〔connected〕The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations.这一争端与谈判没有直接联系。柯林斯高阶〔conspiracy theory〕A theory seeking to explain a disputed case or matter as a plot by a secret group or alliance rather than an individual or isolated act.阴谋理论:一种试图将一件争端或纠纷解释为秘密团伙或同盟的阴谋(而不是一种个别的或孤立的行为)的理论美国传统〔court〕The dispute was settled out of court.争端已庭外和解。牛津搭配〔death knell〕That dispute was to sound the death knell for the Labour government.那场争端预示着工党政府的倒台。外研社新世纪〔disposed〕Neither country seemed disposed to escalate the quarrel.两国似乎都不愿让争端升级。外研社新世纪〔dispute〕The two countries solved their territorial dispute through bilateral negotiations.两国通过双边会谈解决了领土争端。英汉大词典〔effect〕They are trying to effect a settlement of the dispute.他们正在努力解决那场争端。韦氏高阶〔engage〕He is currently engaged in a dispute with his former business partner.目前他正忙着解决和从前的生意合伙人之间的争端。麦克米伦高阶〔erupt〕Diplomats feared the dispute could erupt into a potentially devastating war.外交官们担心争端会突然演变成潜在的毁灭性战争。英汉大词典〔escalate〕Any one of these border disputes could escalate into war.这些边界争端中的任何一件都可能升级为战争。麦克米伦高阶〔fester〕The dispute can be traced back to resentments which have festered for centuries.这一争端可以追溯到积累了好几个世纪的仇怨。朗文当代〔full-blown〕The border dispute turned into a full-blown crisis.边境争端已演变成全面性的危机。牛津高阶〔headlong〕The government is taking care not to rush headlong into another controversy.政府现在很谨慎,以防不慎陷入另一场争端。牛津高阶〔headway〕They have made some headway towards resolving the dispute.他们在解决这一争端上取得了一些进展。麦克米伦高阶〔holdout〕France has been the holdout in trying to negotiate an end to the dispute.法国在为解决争端进行的谈判中一直拒不让步。柯林斯高阶〔honest broker〕Canada's prime minister will be hoping to play honest broker in the row between the United States and Japan.加拿大总理希望能在这一美日争端中扮演不偏不倚的调解人角色。外研社新世纪〔illustrate〕This dispute illustrates that the regime is deeply divided.这次争端说明该政权极度分裂。朗文当代〔incident〕These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between the two nations.这些事件是两国一系列争端中最近发生的几起。柯林斯高阶〔increase〕Increased/Increasing efforts are being made to end the dispute.正在尽更大努力来结束这场争端。剑桥高阶〔invest sb with sth〕Our government has invested the representative with all the necessary powers to resolve the dispute.我国政府已授予这名代表一切必要的权力来解决此次争端。剑桥高阶〔issue〕It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair.看上去上校不想在那件事上挑起争端。柯林斯高阶〔issue〕They made a big issue of the fact.他们利用这件事挑起重大争端。 英汉大词典〔lay〕The umpire laid down the conditions for settling the dispute.仲裁者阐明了解决争端的条件。英汉大词典〔look〕They joined in a discussion looking toward a settlement of the dispute.他们参加了旨在解决争端的讨论。英汉大词典〔machinery〕The company has no effective machinery for resolving disputes.公司没有解决争端的有效机制。朗文当代〔mediate〕He has been appointed to mediate the dispute.他受指派调解争端。韦氏高阶〔optimistic〕I remain optimistic that a peaceful settlement of the dispute can be achieved.我对争端能得到和平解决这一点仍抱乐观态度。麦克米伦高阶〔outstanding〕There are several outstanding issues between the two countries.两国间存在着几个尚未解决的争端。韦氏高阶〔pawn〕The refugees are pawns in an international political dispute.这些难民成了一场国际政治争端的棋子。剑桥高阶〔peaceful〕They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute.他们希望和平解决争端。牛津高阶〔peacemaker〕One that makes peace, especially by settling disputes.调解人,和事佬:尤指通过解决争端,制造和平的人美国传统〔problematic,problematical〕There’s no easy solution to such a problematical issue.这种有问题的争端不易解决。牛津同义词〔prospect〕There seems little prospect of an end to the dispute.争端似乎不大可能平息。剑桥高阶〔punch out〕In the past, many kids would settle disputes by punching each other out.以前, 很多孩子会通过用拳头将对方打趴下解决争端。外研社新世纪〔quarrel〕New Zealand's quarrel with France over the Rainbow Warrior incident.新西兰和法国关于“彩虹勇士号”事件的争端柯林斯高阶〔qua〕The President qua head of the party mediated the dispute.总统以党的领袖身份出面调解这场争端美国传统〔recourse〕It is hoped that the dispute will be settled without recourse to litigation.人们希望这场争端能够不通过对簿公堂在私下解决。剑桥高阶〔resolve〕A meeting has been called to resolve the dispute.为解决争端已召开了一个会议。麦克米伦高阶〔resolve〕We hope that the dispute can be resolved peacefully.我们希望能够和平地解决争端。牛津搭配〔sag〕The stock market did not sag at the news of border disputes.股市并没有因边境争端的消息而疲软。英汉大词典〔salient〕The article presented the salient facts of the dispute clearly and concisely.这篇文章简明清楚地介绍了这场争端中的主要事实。剑桥高阶〔second〕During the dispute, many police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the prison service.在争端期间,很多警察从交通管理岗位上被抽调出来,派去监狱。剑桥高阶〔settle〕The two firms settled their disagreement out of court.这两家商行庭外解决了争端。英汉大词典〔settle〕They were determined to settle the dispute/argument before going home for the day.他们下定决心要在今天回家前解决分歧/争端。韦氏高阶〔smoulder〕The dispute is still smouldering, five years after the negotiations began.谈判开始到现在都5年了,争端的暗火仍在燃烧。剑桥高阶〔sort out〕India and Nepal have sorted out their trade and security dispute.印度和尼泊尔已经解决了贸易与安全方面的争端。柯林斯高阶〔sort〕All the outstanding issues have been sorted out.所有悬而未决的争端都已解决。英汉大词典〔spat〕Diplomatic spats over those tiny islands escalated to confrontation.围绕着那几个小岛的外交争端逐步升级成为对抗。英汉大词典〔stand〕As things stand, there is little chance of a quick settlement of the dispute.照目前的形势,尽快解决争端的可能微乎其微。牛津高阶〔start〕The riot started as a dispute between neighbours.骚乱始于邻里之间的争端。麦克米伦高阶〔step back〕You'd better step back and let them settle their own disputes.你最好不插手他们的事,让他们自己解决他们的争端吧。21世纪英汉〔strain〕The dispute severely strained relations between the two countries.这场争端使两国关系极其紧张。牛津搭配〔submit〕Libya has offered to submit the dispute to international arbitration.利比亚表示愿意将此争端提交国际仲裁。麦克米伦高阶〔tact〕Settling the dispute required great tact and diplomacy.解决这个争端需要十分老练和娴熟的外交手腕。牛津高阶〔term〕The dispute was resolved on amicable terms.争端在友好的气氛中得以解决。牛津搭配〔territorial〕It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others.它是唯一和其他国家没有领土争端的共和国。外研社新世纪〔territorial〕It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others.它是唯一和其他国家没有领土争端的共和国。柯林斯高阶〔threat〕The dispute poses a direct threat to peace.这一争端对和平构成直接威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔troublemaker〕One that stirs up trouble or strife.闹事者:挑起麻烦或争端的人美国传统〔war〕We need to resolve our conflicts without resorting to war.我们需要以不诉诸武力的方式解决我们的争端。韦氏高阶An impartial judge can settle our argument. 公正的仲裁人能解决我们的争端。译典通An outside adviser has been brought in to arbitrate the dispute between the management and the union.一位局外的调解者被请来为资方与工会之间的争端进行仲裁。剑桥国际He is an expert at troubleshooting. 他是位排解争端的能手。译典通The Union agreed to go to arbitration. 工会同意把争端交由仲裁人裁决。译典通The dispute did not result in an official strike.这一争端并未导致正式罢工。牛津商务The dispute has scared away potential investors. 这一争端吓走了潜在的投资者。译典通The dispute is now being handled by a conciliation and mediation service.这场争端现在正由调解和调停部门处理。剑桥国际The dispute was brought to a satisfactory termination. 争端得到圆满的解决。译典通The joint venture ended in a legal wrangle between the two companies.这个合资企业最后陷入了一场法律争端。剑桥国际The seeming intractability of the dispute will not deter us from trying to reach an agreement.争端看起来难以解决,但不会阻止我们努力达成协议。剑桥国际Their dispute resulted in war. 他们的争端导致了战争。译典通There has been a long-running dispute between growers and their distributors.种植者和他们的批发商之间有着长期的争端。剑桥国际War broke out between the two countries after a border dispute.边界争端导致两国爆发了战争。剑桥国际




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