

单词 公平
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIR〕Do you think it's fair that she gets paid more money than me? 她的工资比我高,你认为这公平吗?朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕Her job is to make sure that the money is distributed fairly. 她的工作就是要确保这笔钱得到公平分配。朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕The old system of student funding seemed much fairer. 以前的学生资助制度好像更加公平合理。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Opponents argued the sales-tax hike was unfair. 反对者认为提高销售税是不公平的。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕She is claiming it is a case of unfair dismissal. 她声称自己被解雇是不公平的。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕When the college invited him to speak, he was snubbed by students who felt his policies were unfair to minorities. 当那所大学邀请他去演讲时,他受到那些认为他的政策对少数民族不公平的学生的冷落。朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕The press has been accused of unfair coverage of the recent elections. 新闻界被指责对最近的选举进行了不公平的报道。朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕Why do I always have to do the laundry? It's not fair! 为什么老是我洗衣服?这不公平!朗文写作活用〔WRONG〕Rightly or wrongly, employees see ‘performance pay raises’ as unfair. 不管对还是不对,员工认为“按业绩加工资”是不公平的。朗文写作活用〔aboveboard〕The committee tried to be fair and aboveboard in its hiring.委员会在雇用问题上尽量做到公平公开。韦氏高阶〔accept〕I know it's not fair, but you'll just have to accept it.我知道这不公平,但你只能认了。麦克米伦高阶〔advantage〕The company has an unfair advantage over its competitors.这家公司与其竞争者相比有不公平的优势。牛津搭配〔award〕We thought the award for damages fair.我们认为给予损害赔偿金的判决是公平的。英汉大词典〔cliché〕I've learned that the cliché about life not being fair is true.我明白了“生活是不公平的”这句老话没错。外研社新世纪〔complain〕She complained at the unfairness of it all.她抗议所有这一切的不公平。牛津搭配〔deal〕We tried to ensure that everyone got a fair deal.我们曾尽力保证每个人都受到公平待遇。牛津高阶〔deal〕You have not dealt fairly with me.你对我不公平。牛津搭配〔deal〕You should deal fairly with them.你应该公平地对待他们。文馨英汉〔do (someone or something) an injustice〕I think you do the book an injustice when you call it “trash.” 我认为你称这本书为“垃圾”是不公平的。韦氏高阶〔effort〕The club has changed the rules in an effort to make them fairer.为了更公平一些,俱乐部调整了规则。牛津搭配〔equity〕Something that is just, impartial, and fair.公正的事物:公平、不偏袒、公正的事物美国传统〔exchange〕Four of my cassettes for your Madonna CD is a fair exchange .我用四盒磁带换你的麦当娜激光唱片很公平。朗文当代〔exchange〕I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange? 我请你吃午饭,你给我修计算机,这算是公平交易吧?牛津高阶〔fair-market value〕The price, as of a commodity or service, at which both buyers and sellers agree to do business.公平市价:买者和卖者在商品价格或服务费上达成交易美国传统〔fair-trade agreement〕A commercial agreement under which distributors sell products of a given class at no less than a minimum price set by the manufacturer.公平贸易协议:经销商以不低于制造商设置的价格出售某一给定类型的商品的商业协议美国传统〔fairness〕In all fairness to him, I should say that most of his story is true.公平地讲,应该说他所叙述的大部分是真实的。牛津搭配〔fairness〕In fairness to him, let me say that ...为了对他做到公平合理,请允许我说…。文馨英汉〔fairness〕There is much more to be said, in all fairness, on both sides of the issue.公平地说,问题的正反两面都还有很多要说的。柯林斯高阶〔fair〕He will get a fair trial.他会受到公平的审判。文馨英汉〔fair〕My boss expects a lot – but he's very fair.我的老板要求很高 — 但是他很公平。朗文当代〔fair〕Sometimes life isn't fair.有时生活是不公平的。韦氏高阶〔fair〕That's not fair.那不公平。文馨英汉〔fair〕Why does Eric get to go and I don't? It's not fair! 为什么埃里克能去而我却不能去?这不公平!朗文当代〔fight〕People are fighting against repression and injustice.民众在与压迫和不公平作斗争。朗文当代〔foul play〕Unfair or treacherous action, especially when involving violence.卑鄙的行径:不公平的或不忠实的行为,尤指涉及暴行时美国传统〔get〕It's not fair—I never get to go first.这不公平,我从来没有机会先走。牛津高阶〔gist〕The gist of her argument was that the law was unfair.她的论证要点就是那个法律不公平。韦氏高阶〔grade〕I don't think he graded our essays fairly.我认为他给我们的作文打分不公平。牛津搭配〔hearing〕She said that she had had a very fair hearing from the disciplinary tribunal.她说纪律法庭给了自己一次非常公平的申诉机会。牛津搭配〔injustice〕Calling them a bunch of capricious kids with half-formed ideas does them an injustice.把他们称为想法不成熟的任性孩子是不公平的。外研社新世纪〔joke〕I'm not afraid of a fair fight but this is beginning to get beyond a joke.“我不怕公平地打上一架,但是这玩笑有点儿开过头了。”柯林斯高阶〔joke〕I'm not afraid of a fair fight but this is beginning to get beyond a joke.我不怕公平竞争, 但是这有些过头了。外研社新世纪〔justice〕The principle of moral rightness; equity.公正:道义上公正的原则;公平合理美国传统〔just〕Be just to [with] all the people concerned.要设法对所有有关的人公平。文馨英汉〔lick〕He might be able to lick us all in a fair fight.如果是公平竞争的话, 他很可能会击败我们所有人。外研社新世纪〔look〕Look, that's not fair.嘿,那样不公平。牛津高阶〔lose〕I lost fair and square to him.我公平磊落地输给了他。英汉大词典〔make a point of〕She makes a point of treating her employees fairly. = She makes it a point to treat her employees fairly.她特别注意公平对待自己的雇员。韦氏高阶〔manifestly〕There may be unrecognised cases of manifest injustice of which we are unaware.也许还有一些我们不知道的明显不公平现象被忽视了。柯林斯高阶〔mete out〕We're trying to be fair in meting out rewards and punishments.我们力图奖惩公平。韦氏高阶〔monstrously〕It would be monstrously unfair.这极其不公平。外研社新世纪〔most〕She said she wanted most of all to be fair.她说她最想要的是公平。柯林斯高阶〔negotiate〕We negotiated a fair price/contract.我们通过谈判达成了公平的价格/合同。韦氏高阶〔offer〕He will offer Rachel a fair price for the land.他会给蕾切尔出一个公平的价格购买那块土地。外研社新世纪〔one-sided〕This was a very one-sided disarmament agreement.这是一份非常不公平的裁军协议。外研社新世纪〔oppressive〕I think these laws are oppressive.我认为这些法律是不公平的。韦氏高阶〔pick on〕It's unfair to pick on teachers for the problems in our schools when politicians are equally to blame.学校出了问题,只责怪老师是不公平的,政治家们也应受到批评。韦氏高阶〔play fair〕It wasn't really playing fair not to tell her the job was already filled.不告诉她这份工作已有人选了,对她来说是不公平的。剑桥高阶〔poach〕To take or appropriate something unfairly or illegally.非法侵占:不公平地或非法地拿取或挪用某物美国传统〔pricing〕Our mortgage pricing strategy is the fairest in the high street.我们的住房抵押定价策略在这条大街上是最公平合理的。外研社新世纪〔pride〕Jen prided herself on being fair and honest with all of her students.詹为自己能够公平坦诚地对待所有的学生而感到自豪。麦克米伦高阶〔rough〕He got a rough deal in the divorce settlement.这份离婚协议对他不公平。外研社新世纪〔rough〕They're used to rough justice around here.他们习惯了这里的不公平待遇。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕It was ruled that the women had been unfairly dismissed.已经裁定这些妇女被开除是不公平的。牛津高阶〔scold〕He never raised his voice or scolded me unfairly.他从不提高嗓门或不公平地责骂我。麦克米伦高阶〔shoot up〕The fair market value of the property shot up.这处房产的公平市价增长迅速。柯林斯高阶〔social〕There's repression and social injustice everywhere.到处都有压迫与社会不公平现象。外研社新世纪〔special〕I don't expect special treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.我并不指望得到特殊待遇——我只希望能受到公平对待。剑桥高阶〔stack〕The odds are stacked against civilians getting a fair trial.形势对想要打公平官司的老百姓不利。外研社新世纪〔stand〕There is no way you can stand back and allow such injustice to take place.你不能袖手旁观让这种不公平的事情发生。英汉大词典〔termination〕The law protects against unfair contract termination.这条法律禁止不公平地终止合同。韦氏高阶〔the slice/share of the cake〕Everyone should have a fair slice of the cake.每个人都应公平地分到一份。剑桥高阶〔think〕I think it only fair.我认为那是公平的美国传统〔treatment〕We want to ensure equal treatment for everyone.我们想要确保每个人受到公平对待。韦氏高阶〔unequally〕The victims were treated unequally.受害者遭受了不公平的待遇。柯林斯高阶〔unequal〕That's certainly the main reason given by men for unequal pay.那无疑是男性对不公平薪资给出的主要理由。外研社新世纪〔unevenly〕Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式资本主义社会内部, 资源的分配是非常不公平的。外研社新世纪〔unfair〕It is unfair that not everyone got the chance to vote.不公平的是,并非每个人都有投票的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔unfair〕It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything.让他承担一切费用似乎对他不公平。牛津高阶〔unfair〕It would be unfair not to let you have a choice.不让你有所选择是不公平的。牛津高阶〔unfaithful〕Not justly representing or reflecting the original; inaccurate.不如实的,不确切的:不公平地表现或反映原作的;不准确的美国传统〔unhelpful〕The criticism is both unfair and unhelpful.这种批评既不公平又无助益。外研社新世纪〔weighted against〕The ranking system is unfairly weighted in favor of the largest schools.这项排名制度有失公平地向规模最大的那些学校倾斜。韦氏高阶A fair value for crude oil would be around $32 a barrel.原油的公平价格约为每桶 32 美元。牛津商务Admittedly (=I must accept even if I do not want to), I could have tried harder--but I still don't think all this criticism is fair.我承认,我本可以更努力些----但我并不认为这些批评都是公平的。剑桥国际Common themes in her writing are sexism and the unequal treatment of blacks and whites.她的作品中常见的主题是性别歧视及黑人和白人不公平的待遇。剑桥国际He made us a reasonable offer for the goods.他报给我们的货价公平合理。牛津商务He offered to do all the washing up if I did all the cooking, which seemed like a fair (= reasonable) deal.如果我做饭他就主动刷碗碟,这看上去是公平合理的。剑桥国际He said the proceedings were unfair and that any punishment would be unjustified (= wrong and/or not deserved).他说,诉讼程序是不公平的, 任何惩罚都将是无根据的。剑桥国际He's done the job badly but, to be fair (= considering everything that has an effect on the situation), I gave him very little time to do it.他工作做得很糟糕,但说句公平话,我给他的时间太少了。剑桥国际I think, on balance (= having considered all the facts), I did treat you unfairly.我觉得总的来说我确实对你不公平。剑桥国际It is unfair that he gets very little in reward for his hard work. 他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。译典通It was a fair deal so both the buyer and the seller went away happy.这是个公平的交易,因而买卖双方都高兴地离去了。剑桥国际It's not fair that she's allowed to go and I'm not! 允许他去,却不允许我去,这是不公平的。剑桥国际It's not fair to blame them for their parents’misdeeds.因为他们父母的不端行为而责备他们是不公平的。剑桥国际The American flag stands for freedom and justice. 美国国旗代表自由及公平。译典通The aim of the changes is to create a level playing field for life assurance companies.改革的目的就是为寿险公司创造一个公平竞争的环境。牛津商务The judge asked the prosecution to disclose all their evidence, in fairness to the accused (= so that the person accused of the crime could have a fair trial).为了对被告做到公平合理,法官要求原告公布所有的证据。剑桥国际The tax is unfair in its differential effect on large and small businesses.税收对大企业和小企业的差异效应是不公平的。牛津商务Ultimately, their aim is for a society based on equity and social justice.从根本上说,他们的目标是为了一个建立在公平和社会正义基础上的社会。剑桥国际




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