

单词 公布
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Congressional〕a congressional report published on September 5th. 9月5日公布的国会报告柯林斯高阶〔NAME〕to publicly announce the name of someone 公布某人的名字朗文写作活用〔advertisable〕to advertise a reward公布一笔奖金21世纪英汉〔announcement〕the announcement of the company's annual results 该公司年报的公布朗文当代〔announce〕declared her intention to run for office; 公布她要竞选官员的意愿;美国传统〔budgeting〕other indirect tax changes announced in the Budget. 在政府预算中公布的其他间接税收变动柯林斯高阶〔delate〕delate an offence 公布罪状英汉大词典〔divulge〕divulge information 公布消息英汉大词典〔eve〕opinion polls published on the eve of the election 选举前夕公布的民意测验结果牛津搭配〔evil〕a desperate manoeuvre to put off the evil day when the accounts have to be disclosed当账目不得不被公布时为拖延时间而出的险招外研社新世纪〔figure〕according to official figures 根据官方公布的数字英汉大词典〔full〕be published at full 全文公布(或刊出) 英汉大词典〔gave〕to give something to the world向世界公布某事21世纪英汉〔invisible〕an invisible asset. 未公布的资产美国传统〔notice〕put us on notice for chronic lateness. 因经常迟到而将我们的名字公布在公告栏上美国传统〔posting〕the company's latest posting of profits 这家公司最新公布的赢利情况韦氏高阶〔post〕post a reward 公布报酬文馨英汉〔post〕post banns. 公布禁令美国传统〔practice〕the difference between foreign policy as presented to the public and foreign policy in actual practice. 公布于众的外交政策和实际外交政策的区别柯林斯高阶〔practice〕the difference between foreign policy as presented to the public and foreign policy in actual practice公布于众的外交政策和实际外交政策的区别外研社新世纪〔proclamation〕become legal upon proclamation 公布后即具法律效力英汉大词典〔proclamation〕the proclamation of martial law 戒严令的公布韦氏高阶〔programme〕a published programme of events.已公布的活动计划。牛津同义词〔promulgate〕promulgate a decree 公布法令英汉大词典〔publication〕a delay in the publication of the exam results 考试成绩的延期公布牛津高阶〔publication〕the publication of secret information.秘密消息的公布。牛津同义词〔publication〕the publication of the company's annual results 公司年度业绩的公布朗文当代〔publication〕the publication of traffic laws 交通法的公布英汉大词典〔publicity〕the publicity of her execution她死刑的公布外研社新世纪〔publish〕to publish secrets.公布秘密。牛津同义词〔put〕put up the banns (在教堂)公布结婚预告英汉大词典〔release〕release the Watergate tapes 公布水门事件录音带英汉大词典〔tba〕party with live band (TBA) 乐队现场伴奏的社交聚会(待公布)牛津高阶〔team〕the official team photograph官方公布的全队合影外研社新世纪〔tell〕notices telling of the proposed job cuts 公布拟裁员的通知牛津高阶〔throw〕threw open the nomination. 突然公布提名美国传统〔unfurl〕unfurl a new policy 公布新政策英汉大词典advertising vacancies in local jobcentres 当地就业服务中心公布的空缺牛津商务the publication of the company's annual results 公司年度业绩的公布牛津商务




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