

单词 任职
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPANY〕Davis joined the company as vice-president of sales nine months ago. 九个月前,戴维斯加盟那家公司,任职销售副总裁。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕In Mexico, the president holds office for a fixed term of six years. 在墨西哥,总统任职是固定的六年一届。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕During his term in office, he took bribes ranging from 22 million to 220 million yen. 他任职期间收受了2,200万到2亿2千万日元的贿赂。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕Hayward has expressed his willingness to continue in office. 海沃德已表示愿意继续任职。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕The company's policy is not to say anything about former employees other than to give their period of employment. 那家公司的政策是除了提供前雇员的任职日期之外,别的什么都不说。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕Congressmen are loath to limit the amount of time they can be in office. 国会议员不愿意规定任职期限。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕Valerie has been on the staff of the French Department at Reading University since 1992. 自1992年起,瓦莱丽就在雷丁大学法语系任职。朗文写作活用〔admin〕She has a job in admin.她在行政部门任职。韦氏高阶〔appoint〕He's been appointed to the State Supreme Court.他奉命到州最高法院任职。朗文当代〔associate〕He works for Jones and Associates, a consulting firm in Santa Fe.他在琼斯联合公司任职,这是位于圣菲的一家咨询公司。韦氏高阶〔bank〕He is banking at the Fifth National.他在第五国民银行任职。21世纪英汉〔bombshell〕His resignation after 13 years is a political bombshell.他任职13年后提出辞职, 实为爆炸性的政治事件。外研社新世纪〔canon〕There are 16 women priests serving in the diocese, one of whom is a canon at the cathedral.有16位女教士在主教辖区任职, 其中一位是主教座堂的法政牧师。外研社新世纪〔chancellorship〕Austria prospered under Kreisky's chancellorship.奥地利在克赖斯基任职期间繁荣发展。外研社新世纪〔committee〕He's on the finance committee.他在财政委员会任职。朗文当代〔confirm〕Clement was unanimously confirmed to serve on the District Court.克莱门特全票获准任职地方法院。牛津搭配〔consolidate〕She consolidated her power during her first year in office.她在任职的第一年内巩固了自己的权力美国传统〔constitute〕To appoint to an office, dignity, function, or task; designate.指派:指定…担任职位、官阶、委派…执行职责或任务;指派美国传统〔continuance〕We can no longer support the President's continuance in office.我们不能再支持总统继续任职。牛津高阶〔division〕She works in the marketing division.她在营销部任职。牛津搭配〔double dipping〕The practice of drawing two incomes from the government, usually by holding a government job and receiving a pension, as for prior military service.双重支薪:从政府中领取两份薪金的行为,通常是因为一方面在政府任职,另一方面因为先前的服役等领取退职金美国传统〔employ in〕She was employed in a bank.她在一家银行任职。21世纪英汉〔establish〕They established me in my own business.他们让我在我自己的公司中任职美国传统〔fluctuate〕His popularity has fluctuated during his term in office.任职期间,他受欢迎的程度时高时低。韦氏高阶〔follow〕He followed the Navy.他在海军任职。外研社新世纪〔gain〕The country made social and political gains under the new government.在新一届政府任职期间,这个国家在社会和政治方面都取得了进步美国传统〔government〕She works for the federal government.她任职于联邦政府。韦氏高阶〔headship〕A lot of changes have taken place during her headship.在她任职期间发生了很多变化。剑桥高阶〔held office〕President Franklin Roosevelt held office for 12 years. = Franklin Roosevelt held the office of president for 12 years.富兰克林·罗斯福总统任职12年。韦氏高阶〔historical〕There are no historical precedents for a President resigning in mid-term.总统于任职中期辞职在历史上没有先例。麦克米伦高阶〔history〕Bradley will go down in history as Los Angeles' longest serving mayor.布拉德利将作为洛杉矶市任职最长的市长被载入史册。外研社新世纪〔holdover〕One that is held over, especially an officeholder who is retained after an expired term of office.期满后续任者:在任期满后被留下来继续担任职务的人美国传统〔hold〕How long has he held office? 他任职有多久了?牛津高阶〔hold〕She has held her position for exactly a year.她任职刚好一年。外研社新世纪〔honoured〕I do not believe I can any longer serve with honour as a member of your government.我认为自己再也无法问心无愧地在你的政府中任职。柯林斯高阶〔inaugural〕A speech given by a person being formally inducted into office.就职演说:某人正式任职时的就职演说美国传统〔inaugurate〕To induct into office by a formal ceremony.就职:通过正式的就职典礼而就任职位美国传统〔incumbency〕Hundreds of new jobs were created during her incumbency.她任职期间新增了数百个就业岗位。韦氏高阶〔incumbency〕The term of an office or a benefice.任职或圣职期间美国传统〔involvement〕Being on the committee is one involvement I could do without.在委员会任职对我来说是一种不做也行的事儿。剑桥高阶〔job〕After a disastrous first month in office, many people are beginning to wonder if the new president is up to (= able to do) the job.由于任职的第一个月表现很糟,许多人开始怀疑新总统是否胜任。剑桥高阶〔magistrate〕Magistrates sitting in Andover imposed a three-year sentence.在安多弗任职的地方治安法官强制执行了 3 年刑期。牛津搭配〔midterm〕He was forced to quit Parliament in midterm.他被迫在任职中期退出议会。麦克米伦高阶〔mired〕He has been mired in controversy throughout his term in office.他在任职期间始终饱受争议。韦氏高阶〔office〕He has been in office for a decade.他任职已有十个年头。韦氏高阶〔office〕How long has he been in office? 他任职多久了?牛津高阶〔office〕She was celebrating ten years in office.她正在庆祝自己任职十周年。朗文当代〔on〕He was on the Council of Foreign Relations.他任职于外交关系委员会。柯林斯高阶〔period〕Public spending was cut during his period of office.他任职期间削减了公共开支。牛津搭配〔pleasure〕The President would remain in office at the pleasure of the Senate.总统将根据参议院的意见继续任职。英汉大词典〔position〕He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council.他辞去教学工作到艺术委员会任职。柯林斯高阶〔preclude〕A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms.一项宪法修正案使得任何总统的任职不得超过两届。柯林斯高阶〔preclude〕A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms.宪法修正案使任何总统都不能任职超过两届。外研社新世纪〔prefer〕Archaic To recommend for advancement or appointment; promote.【古语】 推荐:推荐提升或任职;提升美国传统〔primeminister〕She held office under two different prime ministers.她曾在两届不同首相的政府中任职。牛津搭配〔public life〕Public service or a term of public service by an appointed or elected official.被任命或被选任的官员的任职或一届任期美国传统〔require〕The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs.现在,法律要求家长在规划和评估学校项目的委员会中任职。柯林斯高阶〔resign〕It now seems clear that she will resign her directorship immediately.她很快就要辞去主任职务,这似乎是明摆着的事。麦克米伦高阶〔second〕They met while she was on secondment from the Foreign Office.两人是在她从外交部调来短期任职时认识的。牛津高阶〔senator〕We'll talk to two key senators on the Intelligence Committee.我们将与在情报委员会任职的两位参议院要员会谈。牛津搭配〔serve out〕The governor has declared his innocence and says he plans to serve out his term.州长声称自己是清白的, 还说打算待到任职期满。外研社新世纪〔serve out〕The governor has declared his innocence and says he plans to serve out his term.州长已宣称自己是清白的,并说他打算任职到期满。柯林斯高阶〔serve〕Ann serves on various local committees.安在当地的多个委员会里任职。朗文当代〔serve〕He served under Edward Heath in the 1970s.他曾于 20 世纪 70 年代在爱德华 · 希思手下任职。牛津高阶〔serve〕He served under President Reagan in the 1980s.20 世纪 80 年代他在里根总统手下任职。牛津搭配〔serve〕She has served on the committee for the last 15 years.15年来,她一直在该委员会任职。剑桥高阶〔service〕Employment in duties or work for another, especially for a government.雇佣:被别人雇佣而任职或工作,尤指被政府雇佣美国传统〔service〕More than half his long service in parliament has been as a cabinet minister.他长期在议会任职,其中大半时间担任内阁部长。柯林斯高阶〔service〕Work or duties performed for a superior.效劳:为上级工作或任职美国传统〔shape〕People of all shapes and sizes work for our company.形形色色的人在我们公司任职。牛津搭配〔sit〕She sat on a number of committees.她在几个委员会里任职。牛津高阶〔sit〕She sits on the board of directors.她在董事会里任职。韦氏高阶〔sit〕The party's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament.这个党派有 3 名议员会继续在议会任职。柯林斯高阶〔staffed〕The center is staffed with highly trained physicians.该中心有医术精湛的医生任职。外研社新世纪〔standing〕One member, of twelve years' standing on the committee, resigned in protest at the changes.一名在委员会中任职12年的委员辞职以示对变革的抗议。剑桥高阶〔stint〕His résumé includes a stint as a professor of physics.他的简历包括了当物理学教授的一段任职经历。牛津搭配〔stint〕She met her husband during her stint at the London office.她在伦敦办事处任职期间结识了她丈夫。牛津搭配〔successor〕His successor died after only 15 months in office.他的继任者仅任职15 个月就去世了。朗文当代〔tenure-track〕This is a tenure-track position.这是个可以获得终身任职的职位。韦氏高阶〔tenure〕After seven years I was finally granted tenure.七年后,我终于被授予了终身任职权。韦氏高阶〔time〕She used her time in the Senate to fight for the environment.在参议院任职期间,她为保护环境而不懈努力。韦氏高阶〔tour〕He served a tour of duty in Germany.他曾在德国任职一段时间。韦氏高阶〔tour〕He was transferred back to Washington short of tour.他(在国外的)任职期未满便被调回华盛顿。英汉大词典〔trappings〕The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power.那个家族好几代人都曾在政府任职, 他们显然喜爱权力所带来的一切。外研社新世纪〔trappings〕The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power.那个家族好几代人都曾在政府任职,显然对随权力而来的各种额外实惠情有独钟。柯林斯高阶〔tussle〕During his twelve years in Congress he has tussled with the chemical, drug and power companies on behalf of the ordinary person.在国会任职的12年里,他代表普通人与化工、医药、电力公司进行了激烈的斗争。剑桥高阶Average job tenure has remained stable in recent years.平均任职期近年来保持稳定。牛津商务During their time in government they have pulled through several crises.他们在政府任职时渡过了好几场危机。剑桥国际He is the longest surviving (= still working) national newspaper editor in the country.他是国内任职最长的全国性报纸编辑。剑桥国际He served two tours in Europe. 他在欧洲任职过两期。译典通He was offered the living in Norwood, where he knew he would remain for the rest of his life.他被派往诺伍德的教区任职,他知道他将在那儿度过余生。剑桥国际Newly-qualified staff start out at the bottom of a system of line management.刚刚取得任职资格的员工从线性管理制度的底层开始工作。牛津商务One of the directors has announced that he is resigning from the board and divesting from the company.一位董事宣布他将退出董事会,不在公司任职了。剑桥国际She has been disqualified from holding corporate office.她已被取消在公司任职的资格。牛津商务She has just celebrated 25 years' service with the company.她刚刚庆祝了自己在公司任职 25 周年。牛津商务The French ambassador left Moscow at the end of his tour of duty last week.法国大使上星期在他任职期结束后离开了莫斯科。剑桥国际The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。译典通The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office. 公开他曾坐牢一事断送了他谋求在政府机构任职的机会。译典通The positions on the boards and commissions are compensated at a daily rate.在董事会和委员会任职是按日付酬的。牛津商务Their finance director announced he was jumping ship to take a position in a rival firm.他们的财务总监宣布即将跳槽到竞争对手的公司里任职。牛津商务




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