

单词 任意
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔arbitrary〕an arbitrary constant 任意常数英汉大词典〔arbitrary〕an arbitrary constant一个任意常数外研社新世纪〔arbitrary〕an arbitrary decision.任意的决定。牛津同义词〔arbitrary〕an arbitrary serial number 任意的顺序编号英汉大词典〔arbitrary〕the arbitrary arrests of political opponents 对政敌的任意逮捕朗文当代〔at〕at one's disposal 随某人任意支配[使用]文馨英汉〔bendy〕a bendy toy whose limbs bend in every direction. 四肢可以任意弯曲的玩具柯林斯高阶〔bendy〕a bendy toy whose limbs bend in every direction四肢可以任意弯曲的玩具外研社新世纪〔capricious〕capricious and often brutal leaders. 任意妄为且残忍成性的领导人柯林斯高阶〔chance〕took a random guess. 任意猜想。美国传统〔connect〕connect on 10 of 11 free throws 11个任意球中击中10个英汉大词典〔constant〕an arbitrary constant 任意常数英汉大词典〔coordinate〕the x, y coordinates of any point on a line 一条线上任意一点的 x、y 坐标牛津高阶〔disadvantage〕is free to do as she wishes without detriment; 可任意做她想做的而无任何损害;美国传统〔flag〕a free kick near the corner flag (=flag on a football pitch) 角旗附近的任意球朗文当代〔free kick〕to take a free kick 发任意球牛津高阶〔hardhead〕pl. hardhead or hard.heads Any of several fishes having a bony head, especially the Atlantic croaker. 【复数】 hardhead 或 hard.heads 硬头鳟:尤指大西洋石首鱼等头上多骨的几种鱼中的任意一种美国传统〔hob〕play hob with historical fact 任意篡改历史事实英汉大词典〔obtrusive〕the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child. 一个被宠坏的孩子的任意行为美国传统〔play〕allow free play to one's emotions 任意发泄感情英汉大词典〔plink〕do plenty of plinking 进行大量的任意目标射击练习英汉大词典〔plink〕do plenty of plinking进行大量的任意目标的射击21世纪英汉〔random〕a random choice.任意的选择。牛津同义词〔random〕chose a card at random from the deck. 从一副牌中任意选出一张美国传统〔random〕randomly selected/distributed 随意挑选的/任意分配的麦克米伦高阶〔scorable〕a scorable free kick 可得分的任意球英汉大词典〔scorcher〕a scorcher of a free kick 一记精准的任意球牛津高阶〔sense〕a sense of order/duty 条理/责任意识韦氏高阶〔take〕to take a penalty/free kick/corner 主罚点球╱任意球;开角球牛津高阶〔voluntary〕a willful waste of time. 对时间任意的浪费。美国传统〔wanton〕senseless and wanton cruelty 无谓的任意肆虐英汉大词典〔will〕scientists who can adjust their experiments at will可以任意对实验进行调整的科学家外研社新世纪〔wind〕wind sb. to one's will 任意支使某人英汉大词典




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