

单词 人权
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕Human rights advocates say racial minorities continue to be persecuted. 人权拥护者称少数民族继续受迫害。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕She spoke bravely and defiantly in defence of human rights. 为了维护人权,她作了一番勇敢无畏的演说。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕During his years as a human rights campaigner he was arrested seven times. 他长年作为人权斗士,被逮捕了七次。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕The way they treat women there represents a gross violation of human rights. 他们那里对待妇女的行为是在公然侵犯人权。朗文写作活用〔PAST〕The US had serious concerns over the country's poor human rights record. 美国对于该国不良的人权纪录极其关注。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕Some motorcyclists saw the helmet law as an infringement on the rights of the individual. 有些摩托车驾驶者把头盔法视为对其人权的侵犯。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕The regime had been responsible for serious human rights abuses.该政权对严重侵犯人权的行为负有责任。麦克米伦高阶〔address〕He is due to address a conference on human rights next week.他下星期将在一个大会上发表关于人权的演说。柯林斯高阶〔aggrandizement〕Her sole aim is personal aggrandizement.她唯一的目的就是扩大个人权势。牛津高阶〔airing〕Human rights were given a detailed airing.对人权问题公开作了详细的讨论。英汉大词典〔amendment〕The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States are called the Bill of Rights.美国宪法的最初10个修正案叫《人权法案》。韦氏高阶〔antisocial〕Criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial.犯罪行为或侵害他人权利的举止是违反社会秩序的美国传统〔applicable〕Western notions of human rights are not necessarily applicable in other societies.西方的人权观念不一定在其他国家也行得通。麦克米伦高阶〔atonement〕He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.为了弥补自己当权时对人权的践踏,他以出家来谢罪。柯林斯高阶〔basic〕Free speech is a basic human right.言论自由是基本的人权。麦克米伦高阶〔call〕Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners.人权组织呼吁释放政治犯。朗文当代〔call〕The human rights group has called on the US to end the death penalty.人权组织要求美国终止死刑。麦克米伦高阶〔case〕This strengthens the case of those who argue that the UK should have a Bill of Rights.这为那些认为英国应当有“人权法案”的人提供了有力的证据。麦克米伦高阶〔cleanse〕It urged the party to cleanse its own ranks of those found guilty of human rights violations.它敦促该党清除那些被判侵犯人权罪的党员。柯林斯高阶〔criticize〕The regime has been harshly criticized for serious human rights violations.该政府因为严重侵犯人权而受到强烈指责。柯林斯高阶〔criticize〕Their record on human rights has been justifiably criticized.他们的人权状况受到了公正的批评。牛津搭配〔deadlocked〕The peace talks have been deadlocked over the issue of human rights since August.从八月起, 和平谈判就在人权问题上陷入僵局。外研社新世纪〔dean〕Neier is the dean of American human rights activism.奈尔是美国人权活动的资深专家。朗文当代〔deconstruct〕We should deconstruct the Western myth of human rights.我们应该对西方人权迷思进行解构。剑桥高阶〔defender〕She's a staunch/tireless defender of human rights.她是一个忠诚的/不屈不挠的人权卫士。韦氏高阶〔detail〕The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war.这份报告详述了战争期间所发生的践踏人权的情况。柯林斯高阶〔disinvest〕Several companies have disinvested from the country to protest its human rights policies.几家公司从这个国家撤资以反对其人权政策。韦氏高阶〔disregard〕Critics say he allowed the police and security forces to disregard human rights.批评人士称, 他放任警察和安全部队漠视人权。外研社新世纪〔enlighten〕Seminars could enlighten students on current human-rights issues.研讨会可以就当前的人权问题给学生一些启发。外研社新世纪〔evidence〕Campaigners now have compelling documentary evidence of the human rights abuses that they had been alleging for several years.人权运动者数年来一直声称存在践踏人权的现象,而现在他们已经掌握了令人信服的书面证据。剑桥高阶〔expedient〕Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so.如果在政治上对自己有利,各国政府经常忽视其他国家侵犯人权的行为。柯林斯高阶〔expression〕Freedom of expression (= freedom to say what you think) is a basic human right.言论自由是基本的人权。牛津搭配〔expression〕Freedom of expression is a basic human right.言论自由是基本的人权。剑桥高阶〔expression〕Freedom of expression(= freedom to say what you think)is a basic human right.言论自由是基本的人权。牛津高阶〔extend to〕The talks will extend to the church, human-rights groups, and other social organizations.会谈将涉及教会、人权团体和其他社会组织。外研社新世纪〔extend〕The talks will extend to the church, human rights groups and other social organizations.会谈将涉及教会、人权团体和其他社会组织。柯林斯高阶〔flagrantly〕It is a situation where basic human rights are being flagrantly abused.这种情形是对基本人权的公然践踏。外研社新世纪〔freedom〕The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights.联合国秘书长谈到保证个人自由和人权的必要性。柯林斯高阶〔fundamental〕A fundamental human right is being withheld from these people.这些人被剥夺了一项最基本的人权。柯林斯高阶〔give〕The Bill of Rights gives us freedom of speech.人权法案给予我们言论自由美国传统〔guarantee〕Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.现在,包括言论自由在内的基本人权已有了保障。牛津高阶〔human rights〕In the treaty both sides pledge to respect human rights.条约中, 双方均许诺会尊重人权。外研社新世纪〔human rights〕She's claiming that her detention by the police was a violation of her human rights.她声称警方对她的拘留侵犯了她的人权。剑桥高阶〔human rights〕We must continue to stand up for human rights.我们必须继续维护人权。麦克米伦高阶〔individual〕They promote a philosophy that sacrifices the rights of the individual for the public welfare.他们倡导为了公众利益可以牺牲个人权利这样一种思想。韦氏高阶〔inquisition〕An investigation that violates the privacy or rights of individuals.侵犯或践踏个人隐私权和人权的调查美国传统〔insensitive〕Women's and Latino organizations that say he is insensitive to civil rights.指责他漠视人权的女性组织与拉美裔组织柯林斯高阶〔instance〕Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.专家们以该国为例,说明侵犯人权有可能招致国际干预。牛津搭配〔intend〕The bomb was probably intended for a well-known human rights campaigner.那颗炸弹很可能是要炸一位著名的人权活动家。牛津搭配〔interventionist〕The UN needs to become more interventionist to prevent human rights abuses and suffering.联合国应该更多地进行干涉以阻止对人权的践踏和苦难的发生。柯林斯高阶〔intolerable〕Human rights abuses by any party are intolerable.任何党派践踏人权的行为都不能容忍。柯林斯高阶〔lay down〕He also laid down plans to increase workers' rights.他还对增加工人权利的方案作了书面记录。外研社新世纪〔look the other way〕We can't just look the other way while these violations of basic human rights continue to occur.这些违反基本人权的事件接连发生,我们决不能视而不见。韦氏高阶〔memorandum〕The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.代表团向下院呈交了有关公然侵犯基本人权的备忘录。柯林斯高阶〔momentum〕Interest in human rights issues has gained momentum.人们对人权问题越来越感兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔mourning〕Human rights groups declared what they called a day of mourning and protest.人权组织宣布了它们确定的哀悼和抗议的日子。柯林斯高阶〔mourning〕Human-rights groups declared what they called a day of mourning and protest.人权组织宣布把此日作为举哀和抗议的日子。外研社新世纪〔noise〕He was making all the right noises about multiparty democracy and human rights.他假意支持多党民主和人权问题。外研社新世纪〔obligation〕She believes that all people have a moral obligation to defend human rights.她认为所有人都有道义上的责任去捍卫人权。韦氏高阶〔otherwise〕Under the Bill of Rights, a person is presumed innocent until proved otherwise (= guilty).根据《人权法案》,任何人在被证明有罪之前都被视为是无罪的。剑桥高阶〔outcry〕International outcry over human-rights violations turned the country into a pariah state.国际社会对该国侵犯人权行为的强烈谴责使其成了一个被唾弃的国家。外研社新世纪〔outraged〕The decision provoked outrage from women and human rights groups.这一决定激起了妇女和人权组织的强烈愤慨。柯林斯高阶〔outrage〕The decision provoked outrage from women and human-rights groups.这个决定激起了妇女和人权组织的强烈愤慨。外研社新世纪〔passage〕It's been 200 years since the passage of the Bill of Rights.《人权法案》通过已经200年了。柯林斯高阶〔patterned〕New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers.纽约市宣布了以联邦纳税人权利法案为参照的10条方针政策。外研社新世纪〔patterned〕New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers.纽约市模仿联邦纳税人权利法案公布了10点政策。柯林斯高阶〔pluralism〕They are committed to human rights and pluralism.他们信奉人权和多元主义。剑桥高阶〔president-elect〕As president-elect, he touched on the human rights issue.他以当选总统的身份谈到了人权问题。英汉大词典〔progress〕Little progress has been made on human rights issues.人权问题方面几乎没有什么进展。朗文当代〔prominent〕The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.政府应该在促进人权方面发挥更重要的作用。剑桥高阶〔proposal〕The government outlined a new set of proposals on human rights.政府简要列出了一套新的人权提案。牛津搭配〔rapporteur〕UN human rights rapporteurs.联合国人权报告员柯林斯高阶〔religious〕Human rights abuses included discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities.不尊重人权包括歧视宗教和少数民族群体。麦克米伦高阶〔ruthless〕They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights.他们冷酷地蔑视基本人权。朗文当代〔scrutiny〕His role is again under scrutiny by human rights organizations.他的职责再一次受到人权组织的仔细审查。外研社新世纪〔sensible〕Ministry officials are sensible to human rights issues.部里的官员们很清楚人权问题。麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕She was accused of not taking a stand on feminism or civil rights.她被指责在女权主义或人权问题上没有立场。朗文当代〔stand〕The peace plan as it stands violates basic human rights.该和平计划本身违反了基本人权。柯林斯高阶〔stricture〕This satirical address was a thinly disguised stricture against the doctrine of the rights of man.这一充满讽刺意味的演说几乎是对人权主义不加掩饰的指责。柯林斯高阶〔subservient〕He believes that rights of individuals should be subservient to the rights of society as a whole.他认为个人权利应该服从于整个社会的权利。韦氏高阶〔sweep〕In times of war, governments often sweep human rights aside.战争时期,政府经常对人权置之不顾。柯林斯高阶〔systematically〕The army has systematically violated human rights.该部队蓄意侵犯人权。柯林斯高阶〔target〕The country is a target of criticism for its human rights record.该国因它在人权问题上的所作所为而成为批评的对象。朗文当代〔territory〕Doing human rights work is risky business. That comes with the territory.做人权工作是要冒风险的。这是难免的。柯林斯高阶〔ultimate〕Genocide is the ultimate abuse of human rights.种族灭绝是对人权的极端践踏。外研社新世纪〔veteran〕She's also a veteran campaigner for human rights.她还是一位经验丰富的人权活动家。剑桥高阶〔violation〕The group monitors human rights violations.这一团体负责监督侵犯人权的行为。韦氏高阶〔what〕What are you, a nationalist, a black power advocate, or what? 你是什么人? 民族主义者? 黑人权力倡导人? 还是别的什么? 英汉大词典A series of new laws has gradually whittled away basic human rights in the country.一系列新的法律已逐渐削弱了该国的基本人权。剑桥国际He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender/supporter of individual's rights.他作为一个个人权利的忠实捍卫者/坚定的支持者而获得了声誉。剑桥国际Human rights activists have accused the country's government of a systematic perpetration of violence against minority groups.人权活动家指控该国政府系统地对少数民族施行暴力。剑桥国际Human rights violations (= Acts against human rights) were overlooked in a country where even children were tortured.在一个连孩子都受到折磨的国家,侵犯人权的行为没人来管。剑桥国际In answer to a question on human rights, she declared that her country had a very good record on the issue.回答有关人权问题时,她宣称她的国家在这方面有着很好的记录。剑桥国际She believes that adequate health care is a basic human right.她认为充足的保健是一项基本的人权。剑桥国际She's a veteran campaigner for human rights.她是位人权斗争的老战士。剑桥国际The government has been heavily criticized by human-rights groups for its incarceration of political prisoners.政府因关押政治犯而遭到各人权团体的猛烈批评。剑桥国际The government should be playing a more prominent role/part in promoting human rights.政府应该在促进人权方面起更重要的作用。剑桥国际The unions want more worker power in the company.工会希望增加公司中的工人权力。剑桥国际These foreign governments say they're concerned for human rights in our country, but territorial aggrandizement is their real aim.这些外国政府说他们关心的是我们国家的人权,但领土扩张是他们的真实目的。剑桥国际We need to strike a fair balance between the rights of the individual and the safety of the public.我们需要在维护个人权利和保证公共安全之间找到平衡点。剑桥国际




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