

单词 人或动物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔avatar〕The incarnation of a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.降凡:指天神,尤指印度教毗湿奴神下凡为人或动物形象美国传统〔body〕The trunk or torso of a human being or an animal.躯干:人或动物的躯干或主体美国传统〔body〕These nouns denote the physical organism of a person or an animal.这些名词都表示人或动物的身体组织。美国传统〔breathe〕To allow (a person or animal) to rest or regain breath.允许(人或动物)小憩;歇口气美国传统〔castrate〕An individual who is incapable of reproduction as a result of removal, destruction, or inactivation of the gonads.无生殖能力的人或动物:由于生殖器的去除、毁坏或无活动能力而丧失生殖能力的个体美国传统〔crip〕Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a person or animal that is partially disabled or unable to use a limb or limbs.【无礼俚语】 残废:对部分残障或不能使用一个或全部四肢的人或动物的轻蔑语美国传统〔crutch〕The crotch of a person or animal.两腿分叉处:人或动物的两腿分叉处美国传统〔cuss〕An odd or perverse creature.家伙,畜生:古怪的或反常的人或动物美国传统〔delouse〕To rid (a person or an animal) of lice by physical or chemical means.除虱,灭虱:用物理或化学方法去掉(人或动物身上的)虱子美国传统〔diet〕The usual food and drink of a person or animal.饮食:人或动物的日常的饮食美国传统〔figural〕Of, relating to, consisting of, or forming a pictorial composition or design of human or animal figures.具有人或动物的形象的:属于、关于或形成人物或动物的组织或形象的,或由此构成的美国传统〔flank〕The section of flesh on the body of a person or an animal between the last rib and the hip; the side.肋肉:人或动物身上最下面的肋骨与臀部之间的肉块;腰部美国传统〔forester〕One that inhabits a forest.林中居民,林中禽兽:居住在林中的人或动物美国传统〔freak〕An abnormally formed organism, especially a person or animal regarded as a curiosity or monstrosity.畸形:不正常组成的有机体,尤指被看作为稀奇物或怪物的人或动物美国传统〔growler〕One, such as a dog, that growls.咆哮者:咆哮的人或动物,如狗美国传统〔hamstring〕To cut the hamstring of (an animal or a person) and thereby cripple.割断(人或动物)的腿腱使之变为残废美国传统〔haunch〕The hip, buttock, and upper thigh in human beings and animals.腿臀部:人或动物的髋部、臀部及大腿上部美国传统〔huddle〕A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals.群集,聚集:密密地挤成一团或一群,如人或动物美国传统〔jinni〕In Moslem legend, a spirit capable of assuming human or animal form and exercising supernatural influence over people.妖魔:在穆斯林传说中,能化成人或动物的形状并能神奇的左右人们意志的神灵美国传统〔manslayer〕One, such as a person or an animal, that kills a human being.杀人者:杀死人的人或动物美国传统〔pack〕A container made to be carried on the back of a person or an animal.背包:背在人或动物背上的可装东西的容器美国传统〔polydactyl〕A person or an animal having more than the normal number of digits.多指(或趾)畸形的人(或动物):有超过正常数目足趾或手指的人或动物美国传统〔puppet〕A small figure of a person or an animal, having a cloth body and hollow head, designed to be fitted over and manipulated by the hand.木偶:用布料制成身体及空脑袋的小型人或动物的形象,用于套在手上或用手来操纵美国传统〔scrag〕A bony or scrawny person or animal.骨瘦如柴的人或动物美国传统〔squeaker〕One that squeaks.发吱吱声者:发出短促刺耳声的人或动物美国传统〔standing〕The act of one that stands.站立:人或动物站立的动作美国传统〔stature〕The natural height of a human being or an animal in an upright position.身材:人或动物立正姿式时的自然高度美国传统〔sterilize〕To deprive (a person or an animal) of the ability to produce offspring, as by removing the reproductive organs.使绝育:消除(人或动物)生育子孙的能力,如切除生殖器官美国传统〔stick figure〕A picture of a human or animal figure showing the head as a circle and the rest of the body as a combination of straight lines.线条画:一种人或动物形象的画,用图圈表示头部,用线条组合表示身体剩下的部位美国传统〔surrogate〕A person or an animal that functions as a substitute for another, as in a social or family role.替代者:代替另一个行使职责的人或动物,如在社会或家庭中美国传统〔tail〕Informal The trail of a person or an animal in flight.【非正式用语】 踪迹:人或动物在逃跑时留下的踪迹美国传统〔torture〕To subject (a person or an animal) to torture.拷打:将(人或动物)置于酷刑之下美国传统〔trunk〕The body of a human being or an animal excluding the head and limbs.躯干:人或动物包括头与四肢的身体部分美国传统〔white〕A white breed, species, or variety of animal.白种人,白色动物:白种人、白人或动物中的白色种类美国传统




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