

单词 人或动物
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BODY〕the body of a dead person or animal 人或动物的尸体朗文写作活用〔BODY〕the body of a person or animal 人或动物的身体朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕to treat a person or animal in a cruel way 残忍地对待人或动物朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕to follow a person or animal quickly in order to catch them 迅速跟踪人或动物以抓获他[它]朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕to give food to a person or animal 给人或动物食物吃朗文写作活用〔TEST〕a person or animal that is used in a test 被用于做实验的人或动物朗文写作活用〔TEST〕to use a person or animal in a test 用人或动物做试验朗文写作活用〔reinforcement〕positive reinforcement 正强化(指对人或动物的某种行为给予肯定或奖励,使这种行为得以巩固和持续)英汉大词典〔rush〕a rush of people or animals.人或动物的猛冲。牛津同义词




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