

单词 人意
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FALL〕when someone accidentally falls from a standing position 某人意外从站立位置跌倒朗文写作活用〔WARN〕making you realize that something bad could happen 令人意识到不好的事会发生朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕concede is to admit something, such as the validity of an argument, often against one's will: concede 指确认论点的有效性等事,通常是指违背某人意愿的: 美国传统〔act〕act against sb.'s will 违反某人意愿英汉大词典〔adequate〕an adequate standard of work.差强人意的工作水平。牛津同义词〔congenial〕congenial company.与某人意气相投。牛津同义词〔consensus〕consensus politics (government, journalism) 代表多数人意见的政纲(政府,新闻业) 英汉大词典〔consensus〕consensus politics; consensus management. 代表多数人意见的政纲;代表民意的管理美国传统〔consult〕consult sb. on the makeup of the new Cabinet 就新内阁的组成征求某人意见英汉大词典〔delightful〕a delightful surprise 出人意表的乐事英汉大词典〔denouement〕an unexpected denouement. 出人意料的收场柯林斯高阶〔dramatic〕dramatic results/developments/news 出人意料的结果;突飞猛进的发展;令人吃惊的消息牛津高阶〔elect〕the power of the big company to ruin the individual as capriciously as it elects 大公司所具有的能随心所欲摧毁个人意志的力量英汉大词典〔empathetic〕a kind and empathetic friend 一位善良且善解人意的朋友剑桥高阶〔end off with〕an event that ends off with an unexpected fireworks display以出人意料的烟火表演告终的一次活动外研社新世纪〔finish〕a suspense film with a perfect surprise finish 结尾完全出人意料的悬疑片韦氏高阶〔goodish〕a goodish local white wine 差强人意的当地产白葡萄酒英汉大词典〔goodish〕a goodish wine 差强人意的酒文馨英汉〔improbable〕an improbable friendship between two women of very different backgrounds 两个背景迥异的女人间出人意料的友谊麦克米伦高阶〔intolerance〕his intolerance of any opinion other than his own他对他人意见的不容外研社新世纪〔intrude〕intruded opinion into a factual report. 将个人意见硬塞在真实的报道中美国传统〔key〕a startling change of key出人意料的变调外研社新世纪〔mediocre〕mediocre music. 不尽如人意的音乐柯林斯高阶〔nature〕the unsatisfactory nature of the meeting 这次会议的不尽如人意牛津搭配〔overtake〕all the changes that have overtaken Shetland recently 近来出人意料地发生在设得兰群岛的各种变化英汉大词典〔palatable〕a palatable solution to the problem. 这个问题的合乎人意的解决方法美国传统〔personal〕a personal opinion 个人意见英汉大词典〔private〕one's private opinion 个人意见英汉大词典〔reckless〕be reckless of sb.'s will 不顾及某人意愿英汉大词典〔sensitive〕a deeply sensitive, caring man 极为善解人意、关心他人的男子牛津搭配〔sensitive〕a sensitive and intelligent young man 一位善解人意、非常聪明的年轻人朗文当代〔skilful〕sensitive and skillful leadership 善解人意、手腕巧妙的领导才能朗文当代〔spring〕spring a new theory 出人意料地提出一种新理论英汉大词典〔surprisingly〕the Flemish Bloc, which did surprisingly well in the general election last year. 在去年大选中表现之佳出人意料的佛兰芒集团党柯林斯高阶〔twist〕horror movies with twist endings 结局出人意料的恐怖电影牛津搭配〔unsatisfying〕an extremely unsatisfying game/result/afternoon/ 令人极不满意的比赛/极不如人意的结果/极不顺意的下午麦克米伦高阶〔unsettle〕unsettle sb.'s opinions 使某人意见不定英汉大词典〔with〕differ with a person 与某人意见相左文馨英汉〔work〕work the conversation round to where one wants it 把谈话逐步引到本人意欲讨论的问题上来英汉大词典




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