

单词 business decision
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕The director feared that business decisions would affect the film's artistic quality. 导演担心,商业决策将会影响电影的艺术品质。朗文写作活用〔astutely〕He made a series of astute business decisions.他作出了一系列精明的商业决策。柯林斯高阶〔business〕It was purely a business decision.这纯属商业决策。牛津搭配〔debt〕A rash business decision left him $600 in debt.一次鲁莽的商务决策使他欠下 600 美元的债。朗文当代〔dynamics〕The dynamics of international trade have influenced our business decisions on this matter.国际贸易的动态影响了我们对此所作的商务决定美国传统〔intuition〕Most business decisions are guided by pure intuition.绝大多数商业决策纯粹都是根据直觉作出的。牛津搭配〔litigation〕The threat of litigation can be a deciding factor in some business decisions.遭到诉讼的可能性会成为有些经营决策的决定性因素。朗文当代〔play〕Personal feelings should not come into play when you are making business decisions.为公事作决策不应掺入个人感情。牛津高阶Selling the company was primarily a personal decision and secondarily a business decision.出售公司首先是个人决定,其次才是商业决策。牛津商务The executive committee has a final veto on/over business decisions.执行委员会对商业决策拥有最终否决权。牛津商务




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