

单词 举止优雅
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THIN〕Anastasia was willowy and graceful, with grey eyes and long, straight red hair. 阿纳斯塔西娅身材苗条、举止优雅,长着一双灰色的眼睛和一头红色的长直发。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕There were three bridesmaids at the wedding, and even the little one behaved beautifully. 婚礼上有三个女傧相,甚至连年纪最小的一个都举止优雅。朗文写作活用〔authenticity〕She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners.她散发出真正的魅力,而大多数人只是举止优雅。柯林斯高阶〔bear〕There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself.他的举止优雅尊贵。外研社新世纪〔beautifully〕He has beautiful manners.他举止优雅。柯林斯高阶〔carry〕She carries herself well.她举止优雅。英汉大词典〔civilized〕Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished.高尚的,有教养的:品味和举止优雅的;有文化的;有修养的美国传统〔elegant〕She moved with natural elegance.她举止优雅。麦克米伦高阶〔epitome〕She looked the epitome of elegance.她看上去是举止优雅的典范。朗文当代〔fine〕She talks and walks so fine, just like a great lady.她言行举止优雅,就好像贵妇一般。韦氏高阶〔genteel〕Refined in manner; well-bred and polite.优雅的:举止优雅的;受良好教育并有礼貌的美国传统〔gentility〕The quality of being well-mannered; refinement.优雅:举止优雅的品质;优雅美国传统〔gentlewoman〕A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior.淑女:有很高行为标准、举止优雅且体谅人的妇女美国传统〔graceful〕Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners.她父亲沉默寡言,举止优雅。朗文当代〔grace〕Ann moved with easy grace.安举止优雅从容。牛津搭配〔grace〕She moved with natural grace.她的举止优雅自然。麦克米伦高阶〔manner〕Her manner is elegant.她的举止优雅。文馨英汉〔midst〕We were sitting in the midst of an elegant and well-dressed audience.我们坐在一群举止优雅、衣着考究的观众中间。朗文当代〔model〕Daisy was a model of good manners.黛茜是举止优雅的典范。麦克米伦高阶〔parody〕She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.她成为了以前那个举止优雅的自己的怪诞模仿品。牛津搭配〔savoir-vivre〕He has the utmost grace of manner and the completest savoir-vivre.他举止优雅,极有教养。英汉大词典〔sleek〕Lord White is as sleek and elegant as any other multi millionaire businessman.怀特勋爵和其他千万富商一样,外表时髦,举止优雅。柯林斯高阶〔sophisticated〕She was a highly sophisticated and elegant woman.她老于世故,举止优雅。牛津搭配〔sophisticated〕She was elegant and sophisticated.她举止优雅,谈吐得体。麦克米伦高阶〔sophistication〕James Bond is known for his sophistication, his style and his sense of class.举止优雅、风度翩翩且派头十足是詹姆斯·邦德一贯的形象。外研社新世纪〔sophistication〕James Bond is known for his sophistication, his style and his sense of class.举止优雅、风度翩翩且派头十足是詹姆斯·邦德一贯的形象。柯林斯高阶〔stature〕He was a man of imposing stature who carried himself well.他身材伟岸,举止优雅。牛津搭配〔table manners〕The children all have beautiful table manners.孩子们进餐时全都举止优雅得体。麦克米伦高阶From a gangling boy he had grown into an elegant young man.他从一个笨手笨脚的瘦长男孩成长为一个举止优雅的青年。剑桥国际He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner. 他谈吐从容,举止优雅。译典通He is greying now but still elegant.他的头发现在在变白但仍举止优雅。剑桥国际He was famous for his elegance and wit.他以举止优雅、谈吐风趣而闻名。剑桥国际Rachel is an exquisitely behaved child (= she behaves very well).雷切尔是一个举止优雅的孩子。剑桥国际She carries herself very well. 她举止优雅。译典通




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